I'm baaaaack!


Cleared for Takeoff
Feb 23, 2005
Viola, ID
Display Name

Display name:
Judy Parrish
I thought POA had gone away, but a friend posted a link to a video here. Not only has POA not gone away, it remembered me. Had to change my email address in my profile, though, since it had been 12 years since I last logged on. I don't remember why I left. I found in the chat that few may remember the first iteration of POA. It died, if memory serves, because it was taken over by trolls. I rejoined in 2005, but then dropped out again in 2009 for reasons I don't remember, although I did find an old post saying I hadn't been on much because I was already following two other forums and it was a bit much. But one of those died and in the meantime, I semi-retired, so I thought I'd pick up here again and seeing how things are. I don't remember a lot of names from before (although probably would if reminded), but I do remember Merf. I don't remember his last name. He was from Beaumont, TX, if memory serves, and was a hoot. Anyone recognize the name?

My signature is the same, and I still have Sherbet. She got a new engine last year. Still a great airplane.

My avatar photo is really old. I now look about like Sherbet does in that photo. Sherbet, on the other hand, got a new paint job, as you can see from the photo. Wait! What happened to the photo I uploaded? Trying again.


pic by Greg W cropped.jpg
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Well, good for you. Welcome back. But, we had conversated on this in chat...
Welcome back! Glad to have you!
I thought POA had gone away, but a friend posted a link to a video here. Not only has POA not gone away, it remembered me. Had to change my email address in my profile, though, since it had been 12 years since I last logged on. I don't remember why I left. I found in the chat that few may remember the first iteration of POA. It died, if memory serves, because it was taken over by trolls. I rejoined in 2005, but then dropped out again in 2009 for reasons I don't remember, although I did find an old post saying I hadn't been on much because I was already following two other forums and it was a bit much. But one of those died and in the meantime, I semi-retired, so I thought I'd pick up here again and seeing how things are. I don't remember a lot of names from before (although probably would if reminded), but I do remember Merf. I don't remember his last name. He was from Beaumont, TX, if memory serves, and was a hoot. Anyone recognize the name?

My signature is the same, and I still have Sherbet. She got a new engine last year. Still a great airplane.

My avatar photo is really old. I now look about like Sherbet does in that photo. Sherbet, on the other hand, got a new paint job, as you can see from the photo. Wait! What happened to the photo I uploaded? Trying again.


View attachment 101008
Welcome back. I'm a newbie relatively speaking. Yer plane does kinda look like Sherbert. Yeah, sherbeRt.:D Just kiddin of course, but we do dabble in how things should be spelled from time to time around here nowadys.:)
I thought POA had gone away, but a friend posted a link to a video here. Not only has POA not gone away, it remembered me. Had to change my email address in my profile, though, since it had been 12 years since I last logged on. I don't remember why I left. I found in the chat that few may remember the first iteration of POA. It died, if memory serves, because it was taken over by trolls. I rejoined in 2005, but then dropped out again in 2009 for reasons I don't remember, although I did find an old post saying I hadn't been on much because I was already following two other forums and it was a bit much. But one of those died and in the meantime, I semi-retired, so I thought I'd pick up here again and seeing how things are. I don't remember a lot of names from before (although probably would if reminded), but I do remember Merf. I don't remember his last name. He was from Beaumont, TX, if memory serves, and was a hoot. Anyone recognize the name?

My signature is the same, and I still have Sherbet. She got a new engine last year. Still a great airplane.

My avatar photo is really old. I now look about like Sherbet does in that photo. Sherbet, on the other hand, got a new paint job, as you can see from the photo. Wait! What happened to the photo I uploaded? Trying again.


View attachment 101008

There are still a number of us who visit POA, in addition to other places. Good to have you back here, as well.
Welcome back, Judy!

Remember the in-utero "youngest attendee" at the Pullman/Idaho fly-in? This is him in the left seat (Capt. Mike on the right).

Howdy!!!! Let us know if you ever are passing through DFW area…. We’re know known to take pilots out for food/beverages to hear their stories.
My avatar photo is really old. I now look about like Sherbet does in that photo. Sherbet, on the other hand, got a new paint job, as you can see from the photo. Wait! What happened to the photo I uploaded? Trying again.


So tell us about Sherbet. Since we are all plane people and all.
Oh my gosh, that has to be the prettiest 172 (edit: 182!) I’ve ever seen. Wow!

welcome back!
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I'm starting to recognize some names!

It's not a 172. It's a 1958 182A; 1958 was the last year for the A model, as most 1958s are B models. I bought it in 2002. The paint was awful, very sunburned and basically missing from all the upper surfaces, but it was a sweet-flying airplane with only 220 hrs on the engine, and the skin wasn't corroded. I had an annual done (it was due anyway) as the pre-buy, and it passed with flying colors. I have over 1500 hours in that airplane now. It's taken me across the US several times (both east-west and north-south) and to Alaska and back. In 2006 I had it repainted and last year I replaced the engine.

I only ever wanted a straight-tail C182. Why? The landing gear is high, so it keeps the prop farther off the ground. So despite being a tri-gear, it's a great backcountry airplane. The early 182 also has a much lighter airframe, but the same engine as the newer one, so you get a lot more bang for the buck in terms of power. The useful load is less, so there's that, but 99% of my missions are with just me or me and my husband, so the useful load has rarely been an issue for me. I have slightly oversized tires on it, which is why you don't see the wheel fairings, although I do have them. The only disadvantage is that the early C182 is already nose heavy, which was a surprise when I bought it. I am not petite, and if I have anyone over 200 lbs in the pax seat, I have to have ballast in the back. That's been alleviated somewhat as I've gradually replaced older instruments with newer, lighter ones, and the new engine is slightly lighter than the old one, too. It's fully IFR capable.

Here's another cool thing: When I went to buy an airplane, it was the only one I looked at. I was living in Tucson at the time, and bought a new online subscription to Trade-A-Plane, and did the narrowest search possible, i.e., straight-tail 182 in Arizona. The search turned up this one in Deer Valley, which is just north of Phoenix. I looked at it and it was great airplane and exactly what I wanted, so why keep looking? :D Another thing: I was at a fly-in in San Antonio the next year. A guy came up to me and said, "That was my dad's airplane." I knew the owner had gotten it from the father when the father passed away, but I didn't know any more than that. The guy told me his father was learning to fly in it and was about to take his check ride (or first solo--I forget now) when a drunk driver struck and killed him. The guy's sister and her husband already had a Bo and didn't want the airplane, and the guy hadn't decided yet to learn to fly, so they sold it. I guess it had sat for awhile, and he told me he was super glad to see someone flying it.

Anything else you want to know?


P.S. "Sherbet" is the correct spelling.
Sherbet is an amazing name for that plane. <3
I was thinking it might have a double-meaning: the paint resembling something from an ice cream shop and also "sure bet".
I was thinking it might have a double-meaning: the paint resembling something from an ice cream shop and also "sure bet".
Honestly never thought about that.

A friend named my airplane. It stuck.
I'm starting to recognize some names!

It's not a 172. It's a 1958 182A; 1958 was the last year for the A model, as most 1958s are B models. I bought it in 2002. The paint was awful, very sunburned and basically missing from all the upper surfaces, but it was a sweet-flying airplane with only 220 hrs on the engine, and the skin wasn't corroded. I had an annual done (it was due anyway) as the pre-buy, and it passed with flying colors. I have over 1500 hours in that airplane now. It's taken me across the US several times (both east-west and north-south) and to Alaska and back. In 2006 I had it repainted and last year I replaced the engine.

I only ever wanted a straight-tail C182. Why? The landing gear is high, so it keeps the prop farther off the ground. So despite being a tri-gear, it's a great backcountry airplane. The early 182 also has a much lighter airframe, but the same engine as the newer one, so you get a lot more bang for the buck in terms of power. The useful load is less, so there's that, but 99% of my missions are with just me or me and my husband, so the useful load has rarely been an issue for me. I have slightly oversized tires on it, which is why you don't see the wheel fairings, although I do have them. The only disadvantage is that the early C182 is already nose heavy, which was a surprise when I bought it. I am not petite, and if I have anyone over 200 lbs in the pax seat, I have to have ballast in the back. That's been alleviated somewhat as I've gradually replaced older instruments with newer, lighter ones, and the new engine is slightly lighter than the old one, too. It's fully IFR capable.

Here's another cool thing: When I went to buy an airplane, it was the only one I looked at. I was living in Tucson at the time, and bought a new online subscription to Trade-A-Plane, and did the narrowest search possible, i.e., straight-tail 182 in Arizona. The search turned up this one in Deer Valley, which is just north of Phoenix. I looked at it and it was great airplane and exactly what I wanted, so why keep looking? :D Another thing: I was at a fly-in in San Antonio the next year. A guy came up to me and said, "That was my dad's airplane." I knew the owner had gotten it from the father when the father passed away, but I didn't know any more than that. The guy told me his father was learning to fly in it and was about to take his check ride (or first solo--I forget now) when a drunk driver struck and killed him. The guy's sister and her husband already had a Bo and didn't want the airplane, and the guy hadn't decided yet to learn to fly, so they sold it. I guess it had sat for awhile, and he told me he was super glad to see someone flying it.

Anything else you want to know?


P.S. "Sherbet" is the correct spelling.

How do you pronounce that? When I grew up, there was always an 'r' in it.
How do you pronounce that? When I grew up, there was always an 'r' in it.

A common mispronunciation. The mispronunciation led to the variation on the spelling. I think I used to pronounce it sherbert when I was young, too, but learned different later.
When I went to buy an airplane, it was the only one I looked at. I was living in Tucson at the time, and bought a new online subscription to Trade-A-Plane, and did the narrowest search possible, i.e., straight-tail 182 in Arizona. The search turned up this one in Deer Valley, which is just north of Phoenix. I looked at it and it was great airplane and exactly what I wanted, so why keep looking? :D
KUDOS... The flat spot on my forehead is from the walls I smack my face into when my wife says "it's just what I wanted, but I can't buy the first (house, dryer, dishwasher, car, refrigerator...) whatever... that I looked at." :)
A common mispronunciation. The mispronunciation led to the variation on the spelling. I think I used to pronounce it sherbert when I was young, too, but learned different later.

It was only about a year ago I learned that 'espresso' did not have an 'x' in it. But, that is how I have always heard it pronounced.
It was only about a year ago I learned that 'espresso' did not have an 'x' in it. But, that is how I have always heard it pronounced.

Everybody shut up, woo!
Everyone listen up!
Hey, hey, hey, uh
Hey, hey, hey
If you can't write in the proper way
If you don't know how to conjugate
Maybe you flunked that class
And maybe now you find
That people mock you online
Okay, now here's the deal
I'll try to educate ya
Gonna familiarize
You with the nomenclature
You'll learn the definitions
Of nouns and prepositions
Literacy's your mission
And that's why I think it's a
Good time
To learn some grammar
Now, did I stammer
Work on that grammar
You should know when
It's "less" or it's "fewer"
Like people who were
Never raised in a sewer
I hate these word crimes
Like I could care less
That means you do care
At least a little
Don't be a moron
You'd better slow down
And use the right pronoun
Show the world you're no clown
Everybody wise up!
Say you got an "I", "T"
Followed by apostrophe, "s"
Now what does that mean?
You would not use "it's" in this case
As a possessive
It's a contraction
What's a contraction?
Well, it's the shortening of a word, or a group of words
By the omission of a sound or letter
Okay, now here's some notes
Syntax you're always mangling
No "x" in "espresso"
Your participle's danglin'
But I don't want your drama
If you really wanna
Leave out that Oxford comma
Just keep in mind
That "be", "see", "are", "you"
Are words, not letters
Get it together
Use your spellchecker
You should never
Write words using numbers
Unless you're seven
Or your name is Prince
I hate these word crimes
You really need a
Full time proofreader
You dumb mouth-breather
Well, you should hire
Some cunning linguist
To help you distinguish
What is proper English
One thing I ask of you
Time to learn your homophones is past due
Learn to diagram a sentence too
Always say "to whom"
Don't ever say "to who"
And listen up when I tell you this
I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis
You finished second grade
I hope you can tell
If you're doing good or doing well
About better figure out the difference
Irony is not coincidence
And I thought that you'd gotten it through your skull
What's figurative and what's literal
Oh but, just now, you said
You literally couldn't get out of bed
That really makes me want to literally
Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head
I read your e-mail
It's quite apparent
Your grammar's errant
You're incoherent
Saw your blog post
It's really fantastic
That was sarcastic (Oh, psych!)
'Cause you write like a spastic
I hate these Word Crimes
Your prose is dopey
Think you should only
Write in emoji
Oh, you're a lost cause
Go back to pre-school
Get out of the gene pool
Try your best to not drool
Never mind I give up
Really now I give up
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Go away!

"Word Crimes" (2014) Al Yankovic, Cliff Harris, Pharrell Williams, Robin Thicke
You should have axed someone how it was spelled!

I have a spelling checker, It came with my pea see. It plane lee marks four my revue Miss steaks aye can knot sea. Eye ran this poem threw it, Your sure reel glad two no. Its vary polished in it's weigh. My checker tolled me sew. A checker is a bless sing, It freeze yew lodes of thyme. It helps me right awl stiles two reed, And aides me when eye rime. Each frays come posed up on my screen Eye trussed too bee a joule. The checker pours o'er every word To cheque sum spelling rule. Bee fore a veiling checker's Hour spelling mite decline, And if we're lacks oar have a laps, We wood bee maid too wine. Butt now bee cause my spelling Is checked with such grate flare, Their are know fault's with in my cite, Of nun eye am a wear. Now spelling does knot phase me, It does knot bring a tier. My pay purrs awl due glad den With wrapped word's fare as hear. To rite with care is quite a feet Of witch won should bee proud, And wee mussed dew the best wee can, Sew flaw's are knot aloud. Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays Such soft wear four pea seas, And why eye brake in two averse Buy righting want too pleas.

The Spell-Checker Poem Candidate for a Pullet Surprise by Mark Eckman and Jerrold H. Zar
Everybody shut up, woo!
Everyone listen up!
Hey, hey, hey, uh
Hey, hey, hey
If you can't write in the proper way
If you don't know how to conjugate
Maybe you flunked that class
And maybe now you find
That people mock you online
Okay, now here's the deal
I'll try to educate ya
Gonna familiarize
You with the nomenclature
You'll learn the definitions
Of nouns and prepositions
Literacy's your mission
And that's why I think it's a
Good time
To learn some grammar
Now, did I stammer
Work on that grammar
You should know when
It's "less" or it's "fewer"
Like people who were
Never raised in a sewer
I hate these word crimes
Like I could care less
That means you do care
At least a little
Don't be a moron
You'd better slow down
And use the right pronoun
Show the world you're no clown
Everybody wise up!
Say you got an "I", "T"
Followed by apostrophe, "s"
Now what does that mean?
You would not use "it's" in this case
As a possessive
It's a contraction
What's a contraction?
Well, it's the shortening of a word, or a group of words
By the omission of a sound or letter
Okay, now here's some notes
Syntax you're always mangling
No "x" in "espresso"
Your participle's danglin'
But I don't want your drama
If you really wanna
Leave out that Oxford comma
Just keep in mind
That "be", "see", "are", "you"
Are words, not letters
Get it together
Use your spellchecker
You should never
Write words using numbers
Unless you're seven
Or your name is Prince
I hate these word crimes
You really need a
Full time proofreader
You dumb mouth-breather
Well, you should hire
Some cunning linguist
To help you distinguish
What is proper English
One thing I ask of you
Time to learn your homophones is past due
Learn to diagram a sentence too
Always say "to whom"
Don't ever say "to who"
And listen up when I tell you this
I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis
You finished second grade
I hope you can tell
If you're doing good or doing well
About better figure out the difference
Irony is not coincidence
And I thought that you'd gotten it through your skull
What's figurative and what's literal
Oh but, just now, you said
You literally couldn't get out of bed
That really makes me want to literally
Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head
I read your e-mail
It's quite apparent
Your grammar's errant
You're incoherent
Saw your blog post
It's really fantastic
That was sarcastic (Oh, psych!)
'Cause you write like a spastic
I hate these Word Crimes
Your prose is dopey
Think you should only
Write in emoji
Oh, you're a lost cause
Go back to pre-school
Get out of the gene pool
Try your best to not drool
Never mind I give up
Really now I give up
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Go away!

"Word Crimes" (2014) Al Yankovic, Cliff Harris, Pharrell Williams, Robin Thicke

By the way, has anybody told you that you bear a stunning resemblance to Lydia Litvyak?
One of my heroes growing up. :)
Looked like an angel, fought like a devil. That young lady was incandescent. Seldom in history have we seen her equal.

Thanks to you I did some research, and now have hope she made it out alive after being captured from her shoot down. Stalin executed repatriated POWs and she knew that. There is some evidence she made it to Switzerland and started a new life. Would be 95 now.