I hate women... what went wrong (pics)?

Let me guess ,big watch,aviator sunglasses,leather jacket and walk with a swagger. Can't see why the hook up went bad. Invite her out for a flight.
Oh please. 20-year-old guys have been bird dogging girls since the beginning of time. And yeah, there are a bunch of college girls who are easy pickings. Always have been. What the old farts are telling you is that the ones worth having are the ones that insist on a little respect. You don't have to marry them. Or even have "a relationship," just treat them like something a little more valuable than a sack of meat.
Oh please. 20-year-old guys have been bird dogging girls since the beginning of time. And yeah, there are a bunch of college girls who are easy pickings. Always have been. What the old farts are telling you is that the ones worth having are the ones that insist on a little respect. You don't have to marry them. Or even have "a relationship," just treat them like something a little more valuable than a sack of meat.

Well said, Ken!

-Went to bar
-Saw girl from class
-She has been hitting on me in class for the past 2 months so I knew she liked me
-Never hit back on her
-Last night, I was drunk at bar and I started hitting on her for the first time
-In bar, jokingly flirted and called her a 'slut'
-Left the bar, and received the following texts

I don't understand women...
wtf went wrong...?

I need serious advice.

Going to be the most awkward class ever on Monday.

Let me fill you in on the part of the conversation that you totally missed:

Sac: Who you texting to, Aya?

Aya: Oh some guy I ran in to at the bar from my class.

Sac: What does he want?

Aya: He just wants to get in my pants just like everyone else.

Sac: Hand me that pillow, will you. So what are you going to do?

Aya: Play with him a little, you know, toy with him. Lead him on.

Sac: Okay baby, put the phone down for now, I'm ready to go again.

Aya: Damn Sac, that's like the third time this night!

Sac: I hope he likes the taste of my shlonk.
I hope you are prepared for your daughters to be single for a while. All guys my age (20) have the same intentions as me. Anyone who claims otherwise is ugly/loser. Not trying to start a flame war, it's the truth.

Keep telling yourself that Will. I'll be showing this thread to my daughters, I'd have more respect for you if you told the girl you were going to screw her and not talk to her again, rationalize it all you want, you're still acting like a dick and it will catch up to you, I guarantee it.
Let me fill you in on the part of the conversation that you totally missed:

Sac: Who you texting to, Aya?

Aya: Oh some guy I ran in to at the bar from my class.

Sac: What does he want?

Aya: He just wants to get in my pants just like everyone else.

Sac: Hand me that pillow, will you. So what are you going to do?

Aya: Play with him a little, you know, toy with him. Lead him on.

Sac: Okay baby, put the phone down for now, I'm ready to go again.

Aya: Damn Sac, that's like the third time this night!

Sac: I hope he likes the taste of my shlonk.

Now that's funny!
So many old farts in this thread don't know what it's like to be 20 in 2013.

And that surprises you? None of us is a 20 yr old female either so how are we going to know why she turned you down?

You want to know what's wrong with young women today, then submit your question to Cosmo. Questions about the emotions and attractions of 20 yr old girls should be left to women. Besides, most of us on here are professional pilots. We don't have problems with our sex life.
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I won't date her and she doesn't even know I'm a pilot.

So yea I'm not worried about the convo.

My goal is to have sex, then ignore/never talk to her again.

I'm just trying to increase my numbers/experience.

Someday you'll grow up and realize how immature you're being.
I hope you are prepared for your daughters to be single for a while. All guys my age (20) have the same intentions as me. Anyone who claims otherwise is ugly/loser. Not trying to start a flame war, it's the truth.

So many old farts in this thread don't know what it's like to be 20 in 2013.


Wow. You were a big tough guy underage drinking in a bar, hoping to dip your wick somewhere. Yea, none of us can relate because, you know, it's 2013.

What a loser.

I'll bet you were shocked - Shocked! - when you first contracted herpes from the quality women that you try to screw.

But your right, there is a difference between 2013 and 1983. Back then, STDs - called VDs back then - could pretty much be cured with penicillin.
It seems like the title of this thread was complete in the first three words!

Wow. You were a big tough guy underage drinking in a bar, hoping to dip your wick somewhere. Yea, none of us can relate because, you know, it's 2013.

What a loser.

I'll bet you were shocked - Shocked! - when you first contracted herpes from the quality women that you try to screw.

But your right, there is a difference between 2013 and 1983. Back then, STDs - called VDs back then - could pretty much be cured with penicillin.
It's even worse than that. Some of the bugs out there are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Very scary.

Gonorrhea has progressively developed resistance to the antibiotic drugs prescribed to treat it. http://www.cdc.gov/StD/Gonorrhea/arg/default.htm

Macrolide-resistant strains of Treponema pallidum are now prevalent in several developed countries. http://aac.asm.org/content/54/2/583.long

This first report of clinically significant multidrug-resistant C. trachomatis causing relapsing or persistent infection may portend an emerging problem to clinicians and public health officials. http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/181/4/1421.long
My 19 year old son is proof that not all guys are like you.

My 18 year old son is proof as well! My 20 year old son, not so much! :rolleyes2: I found out him and a buddy were trying to see how many waitresses they could hook up with! He's past that stage now, but I think for a while when he was 16-17 he would jump any girl that let him.:mad2: Luckily, no kids and no diseases, that we know of! :eek:
Lots of girls out there that don't sleep with every guy they meet or date! We have a 21 year old girl that is like our 4th child, she's beautiful, 5'6 115 lbs, blonde and a virgin. It's her choice and she's waiting until she gets married, she's had a couple of boyfriends and she's just not interested in sex right now. :D
My 18 year old son is proof as well! My 20 year old son, not so much! :rolleyes2: I found out him and a buddy were trying to see how many waitresses they could hook up with! He's past that stage now, but I think for a while when he was 16-17 he would jump any girl that let him.:mad2: Luckily, no kids and no diseases, that we know of! :eek:
Lots of girls out there that don't sleep with every guy they meet or date! We have a 21 year old girl that is like our 4th child, she's beautiful, 5'6 115 lbs, blonde and a virgin. It's her choice and she's waiting until she gets married, she's had a couple of boyfriends and she's just not interested in sex right now. :D

As the owner of a dealership would you buy a car before taking it for a test drive? What about if it was the only car you would have the rest of your life?

There are not many virgin weddings anymore. People aren't getting married as young as they used to. Now it's mostly the ultra-religious that do the virgin wedding thing.
I hope you are prepared for your daughters to be single for a while. All guys my age (20) have the same intentions as me. Anyone who claims otherwise is ugly/loser. Not trying to start a flame war, it's the truth.

So now I'm confused. How does having sex with a guy who plans to never date her or talk to her again keep a woman from remaining single? :rofl:
As the owner of a dealership would you buy a car before taking it for a test drive? What about if it was the only car you would have the rest of your life?

There are not many virgin weddings anymore. People aren't getting married as young as they used to. Now it's mostly the ultra-religious that do the virgin wedding thing.

I think that we have replaced God with sex to some extent in our culture.
-Went to bar
-Saw girl from class
-She has been hitting on me in class for the past 2 months so I knew she liked me
-Never hit back on her
-Last night, I was drunk at bar and I started hitting on her for the first time
-In bar, jokingly flirted and called her a 'slut'
-Left the bar, and received the following texts

I don't understand women...
wtf went wrong...?

I need serious advice.

Going to be the most awkward class ever on Monday.

After careful study I have to say that you are what went wrong. The problem seems to be that you are a "douche" as I believe my good friends the Americans would say :D
Let me guess ,big watch,aviator sunglasses,leather jacket and walk with a swagger. Can't see why the hook up went bad. Invite her out for a flight.

Dork bars. You forgot the dork bars. :rofl:
My life would have been SO much better if I had learned that when I was young!

Glad you agree. My life has been blessed because I seem to have been a magnet for nice girls and had trouble trying to fiddle with the bad ones.

I am one of those old farts with a long term marriage and am very happy. Like Roger Staubach said when asked about sex comparing him to Broadway Joe, he has as much sex as Joe but has it with his wife. Joe had a reputation for having lots of different girls.
I won't date her and she doesn't even know I'm a pilot.

So yea I'm not worried about the convo.

My goal is to have sex, then ignore/never talk to her again.

I'm just trying to increase my numbers/experience.
I have daughters, too smart for you.
-Went to bar
-Saw girl from class
-She has been hitting on me in class for the past 2 months so I knew she liked me
-Never hit back on her
-Last night, I was drunk at bar and I started hitting on her for the first time
-In bar, jokingly flirted and called her a 'slut'
-Left the bar, and received the following texts

Calling a girl a "slut" and hoping to get lucky with her, is like hoping the government will become logical....;)
This is exactly what I'm gonna do. I think you're right too. What do I do in class next week? She sits next to me every day MWF. How would I not talk to her then?

be nice to her but act uninterested (in hooking up). No need to avoid her but you gotta act like there are plenty of fish in the sea. She will go nuts once she thinks she screwed up.
she sounded like a c00k tease. I met my fair share in my younger days. It's pretty common. They're looking for the attention and validation/rush of knowing a guy has sexual interest in them, but do not wish to lower their sexual market value by publicizing their promiscuity. I'd say you're wasting your time, Move on.
I'm thinking the same thing. My college age daughter and her friends would totally screw with the mind of someone like this.

You mean like the chick who was playing him ?
haha she was into you. you blew that one, and it wasn't the slut bit. Bet you get the lets just be friends speech next time you see her.
Let me fill you in on the part of the conversation that you totally missed:

Sac: Who you texting to, Aya?

Aya: Oh some guy I ran in to at the bar from my class.

Sac: What does he want?

Aya: He just wants to get in my pants just like everyone else.

Sac: Hand me that pillow, will you. So what are you going to do?

Aya: Play with him a little, you know, toy with him. Lead him on.

Sac: Okay baby, put the phone down for now, I'm ready to go again.

Aya: Damn Sac, that's like the third time this night!

Sac: I hope he likes the taste of my shlonk.


But to the OP: Seriously? Do you expect to get any sympathy? You're doing just what gives us college guys a bad name that many of us have to disspel. I get you wanting to hook up with this girl, but don't be such a douche about it. And, if you failed, get over it. You obviously didn't care enough about her in the first place for this to last any more than a night, so why are you complaining about it to all of us?
I guess I must be a boring old man or a loser though.
What OP hasn't yet had to learn the hard way is that a woman who will give it up that easily has little self-respect. A woman with little self-respect won't respect YOU either. Get ready for games, and BS.

Worse, the other thing I don't think OP has learned- just how crazy a woman is usually is proportional to how many partners she's had. You don't want to be with a crazy woman... you might think it's going to be fun and it might be for about an hour... but you DO NOT WANT THIS.

As far as trying to increase numbers/experience... really? What you're doing is devaluing your own reputation among the ladies. I guarantee that high numbers will work against you when you meet one worth keeping. And experience is ridiculous. After you've done it enough to have a little *ahem* self-control it's gotta be a new learning experience with every girl.

Not trying to bust your chops, just trying to dispel some of the myths out there. People said/thought the same crap when I was your age. It was wrong then and it's wrong now.
It's good that you hate women, since it appears you're going to be left to your own devices for a while. Don't worry, though. There are women out there who are just as messed up as you, and one will eventually find you.
It's good that you hate women, since it appears you're going to be left to your own devices for a while. Don't worry, though. There are women out there who are just as messed up as you, and one will eventually find you.

Where is Greg, saying to just move on, she's got the OP's replacement picked out already? Maybe I missed it. This is the first thread I've seen where Greg's philosophy actually applies.
I guess I'm an ugly loser. (Who still got laid Friday night - it sounds like you didn't)

So many old farts in this thread don't know what it's like to be 20 in 2013.
Here's a kernel of wisdom from someone who's done the whole thing- once a young single officer: The women are the ones who do the choosing. You just think you do. You'll realize that sometime.....though from your comportment I think it'll be.....a while.
Explain this:

"Let's meet up..)"
"Come over to my place "
"Where do you live"?
"Whoa are you really trying to get me to come over?????? wtf???"

wtf is this girl logic?

Dude, you used the words girl and logic not only in the same sentence, but next to each other. You have to be careful, Black Holes are created that way....