I hate women... what went wrong (pics)?

I won't date her and she doesn't even know I'm a pilot.

So yea I'm not worried about the convo.

My goal is to have sex, then ignore/never talk to her again.

I'm just trying to increase my numbers/experience.

Dude, if you are just trying to add numbers go after the 18-24 year olds with low self esteem and daddy issues. They are easy to find at your local gentlemans club.....
Dude, if you are just trying to add numbers go after the 18-24 year olds with low self esteem and daddy issues. They are easy to find at your local gentlemans club.....

:confused: Most of those girls are just after your money, you won't get laid. If you want some hit it and git it sex, backpage.com is your best source.
I won't date her and she doesn't even know I'm a pilot.

So yea I'm not worried about the convo.

My goal is to have sex, then ignore/never talk to her again.

I'm just trying to increase my numbers/experience.

Do you understand this is probably the wrong forum to discuss your non-aviation plans?
Do you understand this is probably the wrong forum to discuss your non-aviation plans?

Non-aviation? Well, if her name starts with an "N" then he can log the hours to add to his total experience.

Does EdFred have a flowchart for something like this?
First of all, the title of your post tells the story. Misogyny is a serious turn off to most women. You answered your own question; what went wrong is that you hate women. This thread is riddled with supporting evidence.

Secondly, women use alcohol and other means as a convenient alibi to justify their sluttiness after the fact, so outing her intentions prematurely probably dried up the old peach, if you get my drift.

Thirdly, Your screen name is familiar because for a while I thought you were the "A Pilot's Story" filmmaker Will. Because of that, I've read several of your posts on POA. With all due respect, you can be a bit of a tool at times, so I'm betting you've probably talked yourself out of more "strange" than you're even aware. The upside is that you're a twentysomething acting like an adolescent as opposed to a fortysomething acting like an adolescent so there's hope for you.
Here's a kernel of wisdom from someone who's done the whole thing- once a young single officer: The women are the ones who do the choosing. You just think you do. You'll realize that sometime.....though from your comportment I think it'll be.....a while.

Going to the bars with that attitude is the perfect way to get friendzoned. I take the alpha approach and I do the choosing.
First of all, the title of your post tells the story. Misogyny is a serious turn off to most women. You answered your own question; what went wrong is that you hate women. This thread is riddled with supporting evidence.

Secondly, women use alcohol and other means as a convenient alibi to justify their sluttiness after the fact, so outing her intentions prematurely probably dried up the old peach, if you get my drift.

Thirdly, Your screen name is familiar because for a while I thought you were the "A Pilot's Story" filmmaker Will. Because of that, I've read several of your posts on POA. With all due respect, you can be a bit of a tool at times, so I'm betting you've probably talked yourself out of more "strange" than you're even aware. The upside is that you're a twentysomething acting like an adolescent as opposed to a fortysomething acting like an adolescent so there's hope for you.

Please elaborate on this.
Going to the bars with that attitude is the perfect way to get friendzoned. I take the alpha approach and I do the choosing.

So how is that working out for you ?

It's sunday morning 2:26am and you are surfing the web :lol: .
Regardless of the time of day, I think a real alpha male would not be on here whining about why he hates women, and asking a bunch of strangers what he did wrong! :rofl:
Regardless of the time of day, I think a real alpha male would not be on here whining about why he hates women, and asking a bunch of strangers what he did wrong! :rofl:


Just look up the word "insecure" in the dictionary and there will be a color picture of the OP...;):D
for the record, I don't hate women. I think they could all talk a little less, but I don't hate em for it.
My youngest son would have left the bar with the girl all over him - no texting necessary. And he wouldn't have called her a derogatory name.
When his oldest brother (who couldn't) asked him how it was he could walk into a party and leave an hour later with the best looking girl there (and a couple more phone numbers in his pocket), he said, "make em laugh, that's all ya gotta do"
As the owner of a dealership would you buy a car before taking it for a test drive? What about if it was the only car you would have the rest of your life?

There are not many virgin weddings anymore. People aren't getting married as young as they used to. Now it's mostly the ultra-religious that do the virgin wedding thing.

I understand your point and I think there is a difference between pre-marital sex (if that is even a term anymore) and banging everything in sight.:D
I'm not a naive parent that thinks "my kid wouldn't do that" I'm pretty tuned into what they do, probably not all of it of course, but I have a pretty good idea. ;)
Just be careful, STD's aren't a joke and babies are for life!!:yikes:
A friend of my oldest son hooked up with a random girl on Spring Break when he was 16, his son is now 6. :yikes: And like it or not, as he prepares to get married to his high school sweetheart, they have to deal with the child that he seldom sees and the child support and other issues with a woman he barely knows.:mad2: But, he added to his experience that night!;)
-Went to bar
-Saw girl from class
-She has been hitting on me in class for the past 2 months so I knew she liked me
-Never hit back on her
-Last night, I was drunk at bar and I started hitting on her for the first time
-In bar, jokingly flirted and called her a 'slut'
-Left the bar, and received the following texts


I don't understand women...
wtf went wrong...?

I need serious advice.

Going to be the most awkward class ever on Monday.

Advice: move away from the Jersey shore.....
Sex without love is an empty feeling. As far as empty feelings go, it's one of the best.
Woody Allen
DST ended so he got to repeat the 1am-2am surfing session.

Well not only that, I think he should pause to consider why it is that the girl is awake at 1am-2am in the first place. I guarantee you it isn't just to text to his insecure ass. She's probably busy stuffing more bratwurst than Johnsonville.
Going to the bars with that attitude is the perfect way to get friendzoned. I take the alpha approach and I do the choosing.

The friend zone is not real - she's either attracted to you or she's not. I bitched and moaned about the friendzone until I realized she just wasnt attracted to me and that made it easier.
Well not only that, I think he should pause to consider why it is that the girl is awake at 1am-2am in the first place. I guarantee you it isn't just to text to his insecure ass. She's probably busy stuffing more bratwurst than Johnsonville.

Meh, 1-2am really isn't all that incredibly late. At least not for someone between the ages of 18 and 25.
Meh, 1-2am really isn't all that incredibly late. At least not for someone between the ages of 18 and 25.

I think the thing is that he was posting here on POA, where the old farts hang out and he's not likely to score, at 1 am (at least it was 1 am mountain time).
Keep telling yourself that Will. I'll be showing this thread to my daughters, I'd have more respect for you if you told the girl you were going to screw her and not talk to her again, rationalize it all you want, you're still acting like a dick and it will catch up to you, I guarantee it.

He will have daughters someday. Heh. Karma is a *****.
Can I just apologize for my generation real fast and say that while I am 23, I am also not a total douchenozzel.

I know that I disagree with 90% of you politically and we can have that discussion in the spin zone. However, I still respect you guys and I also definitely respect women for more than this.
My youngest son would have left the bar with the girl all over him - no texting necessary. And he wouldn't have called her a derogatory name.
When his oldest brother (who couldn't) asked him how it was he could walk into a party and leave an hour later with the best looking girl there (and a couple more phone numbers in his pocket), he said, "make em laugh, that's all ya gotta do"

Oh, I think he knows how to make 'em laugh. Problem is, they're laughing at him, not with him.:lol:
this thread would make a good Red Green skit.
He will have daughters someday. Heh. Karma is a *****.

As my daughter gets older, I've been reviewing my past. I never did all that great with the women when I was much younger (being a geek two years younger than my classmates will do that), but when I was successful, it was always by being the nice guy who made them laugh.

Hopefully that was all good karma and I won't have it too bad when my daughter starts dating. If not, I've got 12 acres of woods up north and a backhoe.
Can I just apologize for my generation real fast and say that while I am 23, I am also not a total douchenozzel.

I know that I disagree with 90% of you politically and we can have that discussion in the spin zone. However, I still respect you guys and I also definitely respect women for more than this.
All I can say is that I place much more importance on how someone treats those around them on a personal level than on what side of some arbitrary, moving, and relatively meaningless conceptual fence they choose to stand.
So many old farts in this thread don't know what it's like to be 20 in 2013.

sounds like you don't know how to be 20 in 2013 either. I can honestly say it's been a while since I "listened" to someone as selfish as you are.

You've got a lot of growing up to do. Better get started. You're running out of time...

I showed this thread to my 16 year old daughter. Her response - "What a jerk!". lmao