I finally saw the episode


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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Of course it took me to one of the last episodes of the Andy Griffith Show on NetFlix but I finally watched the one where Aunt Bee soloed. For those interested the tail number was N5955B and was a 1956 Cessna 182A and is still flying out of Santa Ana California. With a Continental 470, I wonder if she got her high performance endorsement.

I'd read about it here but had never seen it for myself. Just thought I'd share.
I never knew this. You've piqued my interest to watch it for myself. Aunt Bee always reminded me of my great grandmother. They don't make shows like those anymore.

EDIT: Found the episode on Dailymotion for anybody interested. Andy was quite the downer.

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I never knew this. You've piqued my interest to watch it for myself. Aunt Bee always reminded me of my great grandmother. They don't make shows like those anymore.

EDIT: Found the episode on Dailymotion for anybody interested. Andy was quite the downer.

Every story needs a antagonist.

Funny, my memory of that episode is that it was B&W, not color.
That is seriously the only episode of the Andy Griffith show that ever stuck in my memory.
I loved that episode because Aunt Bee was much like me the first time I took lessons and shocked my family. "I want to learn to fly an airplane dammit and I don't care if I'm a female and nobody else in my family ever had an interest in aviation and there is no damn good practical reason for me to do it and you think it's dangerous and I might even have to struggle a bit with my own self confidence but I'm going to fly an airplane all by myself at least once in my life and you can't stop me."
That is seriously the only episode of the Andy Griffith show that ever stuck in my memory.

Oh, c'mon. You remember, that one where Barney acted like an expert on something? Or the one where Andy played his guitar on the porch? How 'bout the one where Aunt Bee interferes in someone's life? Or the one where Opie gets in trouble? Or the one where Andy confronts a bad guy without using a gun.
$5 for an intro flight? Wow! :)

Fun watching that again. I know roughly where that airstrip was (no longer there, I don't think.). Those smoke stacks are at the west end of the San Fernando Valley.
Every story needs a antagonist.

Funny, my memory of that episode is that it was B&W, not color.

Maybe you were like many of people at that time, the TVs were black and white.

I was born in 1970 and we did not have a color TV until 1976. Dad wanted to buy it to see all of the Bicentennial festivities.
Oh, c'mon. You remember, that one where Barney acted like an expert on something? Or the one where Andy played his guitar on the porch? How 'bout the one where Aunt Bee interferes in someone's life? Or the one where Opie gets in trouble? Or the one where Andy confronts a bad guy without using a gun.

Nope. Just for the record, I only watched reruns well after the fact.
Every story needs a antagonist.

Funny, my memory of that episode is that it was B&W, not color.

If it was like my house you watched it on a B&W TV. When I was a kid only the "rich" kids had color TV. We didn't have a TV at all until I was in the third grade.
Maybe you were like many of people at that time, the TVs were black and white.

I was born in 1970 and we did not have a color TV until 1976. Dad wanted to buy it to see all of the Bicentennial festivities.

Ha I was writing my post when yours posted. I don't think my parents got a color TV until I left for college.
Love the gloves Aunt Bea wore and how she carried her purse.

I thought that I read an article years ago that Aunt Bea owned that plane in the show. Anyone know anything about that..?

I don't think my parents got a color TV until I left for college.

My parents got their first color Tv in 1983. I got my first color Tv in 1978.

I just watched this episode. No Barney! That ain't right. I think someone put out a fake episode.

[Probably that Ron Howard guy... he's good at post production work]
Nope. Just for the record, I only watched reruns well after the fact.

Heh. I was attempting to be funny. Every. Single. Episode is a variation on half a dozen themes. Maybe the reason the Aunt Bee flies episode is so memorable is that it doesn't follow the pattern.
If it was like my house you watched it on a B&W TV. When I was a kid only the "rich" kids had color TV. We didn't have a TV at all until I was in the third grade.

Aw, you poor, underprivileged kid. (sarc) Until I was about twelve we did not even have TV. (1940 model here) I had to go to the neighbor's house to watch what was mostly test patterns during the day and prime time began with the six PM news. Color hadn't become common yet. Darned few stations were broadcasting color and I suspect even fewer viewers had color sets back then. The programming then was of much better quality than that of today. Those folks who created the programs used the creativity they learned when broadcasting on radio. How many kids today have ever listened on radio to an episode of The Lone Ranger with only voices and sound effects in the background? Those folks were excellent in prodding one's imagination to the point the listener almost felt part of the action. That ability to stir imagination carried over into early TV.

Programs of the day were not only entertaining but at times informative. Milton Berle and Ed Sullivan were not to be missed. IIRC, Sullivan was aired live. Berle was comedy. Sullivan featured the good acts of the day and even introduced The Beatles to American television with a warning to the kids in the audience to behave themselves.

My, how times have changed. Today, my TV sits in the living room unplugged because I consider it has nothing worthwhile to offer other than garbage.

Just my two-cents worth. Yep! I'm old, grumpy, and proud of it. :D
If it was like my house you watched it on a B&W TV. When I was a kid only the "rich" kids had color TV. We didn't have a TV at all until I was in the third grade.
The way things are going these days, the third grade is about the time families get rid of the TV (and switch to iDevices).
Aw, you poor, underprivileged kid. (sarc) Until I was about twelve we did not even have TV. (1940 model here) I had to go to the neighbor's house to watch what was mostly test patterns during the day and prime time began with the six PM news. Color hadn't become common yet. Darned few stations were broadcasting color and I suspect even fewer viewers had color sets back then. The programming then was of much better quality than that of today. Those folks who created the programs used the creativity they learned when broadcasting on radio. How many kids today have ever listened on radio to an episode of The Lone Ranger with only voices and sound effects in the background? Those folks were excellent in prodding one's imagination to the point the listener almost felt part of the action. That ability to stir imagination carried over into early TV.

Programs of the day were not only entertaining but at times informative. Milton Berle and Ed Sullivan were not to be missed. IIRC, Sullivan was aired live. Berle was comedy. Sullivan featured the good acts of the day and even introduced The Beatles to American television with a warning to the kids in the audience to behave themselves.

My, how times have changed. Today, my TV sits in the living room unplugged because I consider it has nothing worthwhile to offer other than garbage.

Just my two-cents worth. Yep! I'm old, grumpy, and proud of it. :D

Agree completely! Before we got a TV we kids would go over to the neighbor's house every Saturday morning to watch the cartoons. I think that's what prodded my parents into getting one. I too have recently stopped watching TV altogether. I watch everything on Netflix sans commercials and on my own schedule. I've stopped watching news altogether, and I won't restart until it stops being the round the clock hate Trump show. Although I did put the weather channel on the past couple days, being in the path of Harvey and all.
The way things are going these days, the third grade is about the time families get rid of the TV (and switch to iDevices).

I know right? Our TVs have basically become Netflix projection screens.

I think it's the wave of the future. People are demanding complete time control over their entertainment and individual control. I picture nursing homes with each patient watching their own iPad and no longer needing to congregate in the rec room to all watch the same show.
The airport in the episode is Whiteman Airport in SoCal. I didn't know that is where Mayberry was at. I thought it was here in NC.

It is. Mayberry is fictional but based on Mt. Airy which I think is Andy Griffith's home town. They go to the capital city of Raleigh in a few episodes so it's definitely supposed to be NC.
I know right? Our TVs have basically become Netflix projection screens.

I think it's the wave of the future. People are demanding complete time control over their entertainment and individual control. I picture nursing homes with each patient watching their own iPad and no longer needing to congregate in the rec room to all watch the same show.

It is. Mayberry is fictional but based on Mt. Airy which I think is Andy Griffith's home town. They go to the capital city of Raleigh in a few episodes so it's definitely supposed to be NC.

Yeah I actually do know that. I was being a bit facetious. I drove through Mt Airy once when visiting Pilot Mountain State Park. Didn't do any Mayberry sight seeing though.
Agree completely! Before we got a TV we kids would go over to the neighbor's house every Saturday morning to watch the cartoons. I think that's what prodded my parents into getting one. I too have recently stopped watching TV altogether. I watch everything on Netflix sans commercials and on my own schedule. I've stopped watching news altogether, and I won't restart until it stops being the round the clock hate Trump show. Although I did put the weather channel on the past couple days, being in the path of Harvey and all.


I hope you are on dry land though that may be difficult to find in southeast Texas. Midland/Odessa is guaranteed dry except when there are heavy rains.

I agree with you completely on the hatred spewed by the media. It needs to stop.
Heh. I was attempting to be funny. Every. Single. Episode is a variation on half a dozen themes. Maybe the reason the Aunt Bee flies episode is so memorable is that it doesn't follow the pattern.

Pretty much. That is my assessment. I thought it was entertaining when I was a kid, but then again the other choices were Gilligan's Island and Gomer Pyle. And the Roadrunner.

They Coyote really should have invested in a Prime membership.
One of my wife's favorite episodes (mine as well). She watches Andy Griffith practically every day, lol. I thought Aunt Bee would inspire her to take a lesson or at least a Discovery flight, but no luck. I did get her to take the controls a few times while flying with me, but no longer than a few minutes.
Yeah, I'm sure that Aunt Bee flew it before the endorsement was required in 1997.
The endorsement has been required since at least 1978...just in a different form. Prior to 1997, a "high performance" endorsement covered both the over 200 hp and the complex airplane requirements.
The endorsement has been required since at least 1978...just in a different form. Prior to 1997, a "high performance" endorsement covered both the over 200 hp and the complex airplane requirements.

Ahh I do believe you are correct. I stand corrected.
I picture nursing homes with each patient watching their own iPad and no longer needing to congregate in the rec room to all watch the same show.

HOT DA**!!! Something to look forward to when I become even more decrepit!!

I can watch Sheriff Andy morph into Lawyer Ben Matlock with a diversion into "What it was, was Football" as I drool into my chicken soup!


I hope you are on dry land though that may be difficult to find in southeast Texas. Midland/Odessa is guaranteed dry except when there are heavy rains.

So far we've dodged the bullet. We are due south of San Antonio and it seems most of the intense rain is staying east of us. If it wobbles this way we could have significant flash flooding and they are saying it's going to hang around several more days.
Anybody else remember the tinted plastic film that some people used to make B&W TV screens look like "color" ... ?

I remember the ads for them, never saw one in use.

Trivia: What was the first color TV show?