Firearms/knives/weapons on GA aircraft


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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So... currently hypothetical question. Suppose I have a friend who happens to work for the TSA who I have some friendly sparring with on facebook....

Suppose I take, or have a friend take a picture of me in flight with a firearm in one hand, a knife in my teeth, and sign saying "HI TSA". Are there any laws, rulings, FARs, etc that could get me in trouble if said picture went public? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, as far as I know I can carry these items legally so there shouldn't be an issue but it seems worth verifying this belief with people who know...
So... currently hypothetical question. Suppose I have a friend who happens to work for the TSA who I have some friendly sparring with on facebook....

Suppose I take, or have a friend take a picture of me in flight with a firearm in one hand, a knife in my teeth, and sign saying "HI TSA". Are there any laws, rulings, FARs, etc that could get me in trouble if said picture went public? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, as far as I know I can carry these items legally so there shouldn't be an issue but it seems worth verifying this belief with people who know...
Only if the public display of a firearm will be an issue!
May not be illegal, but it may put you on the radar. Is it worth it?
What radar? I mean if some spook has nothing better to do than investigate me the most exciting thing to find is a colorful browser history and a warped sense of humor.
What radar? I mean if some spook has nothing better to do than investigate me the most exciting thing to find is a colorful browser history and a warped sense of humor.

First rule of the Internet: Anything you post can be forwarded to others and used in ways you never intended. Always give that consideration first.

All it takes is some other TSA friend of your friend to be offended and forward it to someone thing you know some small town news crew gets it on a slow news day and tries to do a story on the potential threat of GA. Doesn't matter if there is any validity to it. The media doesn't care.

There are plenty of things that are perfectly legal, but maybe not the best thing to do.
Not a good idea to shake the TSA cage,they are on a mission to make transportation as difficult as possible,as it is.
Laws? No, the operator of the aircraft is responsible for setting the policy of onboard weapons.

Are you confident enough that everyone at the TSA knows the rules that you would do that? Even the high school dropouts?
I could see a large contingent of well armed black suited individuals riding around in blacked out anonymous SUVS meeting you at every airport you visit for the next year or so.
It is probably not worth poking a sleeping bear. These guys don't have a sense of humor and are looking for any excuse to go commando.
nobody enjoys 'shock value' more than eman1200, but the media and the general pusseh public would have a field day with this, and it wouldn't do a lick of good for GA. hopefully you haven't already done this and we can talk you out of it.
dew it.....I double dare you. :yes::yesnod: :rofl:
So... currently hypothetical question. Suppose I have a friend who happens to work for the TSA who I have some friendly sparring with on facebook....

Suppose I take, or have a friend take a picture of me in flight with a firearm in one hand, a knife in my teeth, and sign saying "HI TSA". Are there any laws, rulings, FARs, etc that could get me in trouble if said picture went public? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, as far as I know I can carry these items legally so there shouldn't be an issue but it seems worth verifying this belief with people who know...
I often carry things in the plane where it's legal, but seriously - why poke the bear? I'm for open carry in Texas, but I don't appreciate idiots who carry AKs into stores just because. Anything you do CAN be used against you.
If you don't mind turning into the poster boy for why GA needs more restrictions and regulations, go right ahead. A pic of a Rambo wannabe thumbing his nose at perceived laws can only be good for our cause, right?
If you are going to post pictures, make sure that it is a picture of you doing a pat-down on a member of TSA (in his uniform) spread-eagle against the side of your plane
Not a good idea to shake the TSA cage,they are on a mission to make transportation as difficult as possible,as it is.

So you're saying my FB post about mailing one of them a carton of douches for his public speech that Internet anonymity shouldn't be "allowed", because he has no idea how TCP/IP works, was a bad idea?

LOL. Whatever.

Google "internet license plate" if you'd like to see how your money is being wasted on the moron's salary.
Thinking about this, the gun is a bit too crass and I don't have any really intimidating knives just useful ones.

What if I switch it out for something far more ridiculous and therefore less intimidating/more funny? I've got a pickaxe.... there's also the icepick that I actually do carry in the airplane for an actual aviation purpose too.
Thinking about this, the gun is a bit too crass and I don't have any really intimidating knives just useful ones.

What if I switch it out for something far more ridiculous and therefore less intimidating/more funny? I've got a pickaxe.... there's also the icepick that I actually do carry in the airplane for an actual aviation purpose too.

How about a 4 oz bottle of lotion... In a 1 gallon sized Baggie.
Thinking about this, the gun is a bit too crass and I don't have any really intimidating knives just useful ones.

What if I switch it out for something far more ridiculous and therefore less intimidating/more funny? I've got a pickaxe.... there's also the icepick that I actually do carry in the airplane for an actual aviation purpose too.

last time I flew commercial they had a big sign of what wasn't allowed on the plane. there was a lacrosse stick on it. a freakin lacrosse stick. see if u can google a tsa sign for ideas.
About a year ago at KC International, I was putting my shoes back on when I heard, "bag check!"

The guy behind me had a bowling pin in his carry on. TSA guy didn't know what to do. Pax said he won it in a bowling tournament and was taking it home. TSA supervisor came over and looked through a three ring binder, but "bowling pin" wasn't mentioned. TSA guy finally said, "OK, just don't hit anybody with it."
No. No. No.

I have a friend who's a student working on his PPL at another local field. He is also a photographer and a lifelong plane nut. A few months back, he posted some pics of an Osprey that had lost an engine at my field and was waiting for parts.

I joked with him that I wish I had the time to take him on the field to get closer. He replied with: "oh, you have a badge". I snapped a picture of it. He then joked that he would just print badge up and go on the field.


It's an RFID badge which is not going to get him in the gate.

Well, one of his FB friends must know someone at our local Airport Police, because at 9:30am the next morning, I arrive on field to pick up my plane and go out for some solo and I parked outside and made a few phone calls. I noticed that as I was pulling up, a white, unmarked Crown Vic had pulled right up to the gate and parked next to it (on the inside).

Fast forward 15 minutes and I walk into the FBO and was greeted by name by a friendly Senior Officer from our Airport Police Department that removed my badge from my possession and required that I be escorted from now on to the field.

It took me a week to get back, a strongly worded letter, and a very threatening tone that "the TSA has been notified and that I may be financially liable for the reprinting and reissue of approximately 2,000 badges" due to my neglect.

I kindly reminded him that if my friend wanted on the field, he could fire up his plane and fly the 8nm over here and taxi right up to the osprey and not go through the trouble of committing a federal offense. That went over like a lead balloon of course....

Don't poke the bear. Especially if you're based at a Part 139 field.

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Thinking about this, the gun is a bit too crass and I don't have any really intimidating knives just useful ones.

What if I switch it out for something far more ridiculous and therefore less intimidating/more funny? I've got a pickaxe.... there's also the icepick that I actually do carry in the airplane for an actual aviation purpose too.
I'd go with a snow globe, deodorant and some pudding. Just look at the prohibited list and pick the most absurd, non-threatening items. :yesnod:
A couple of years ago one of my kids found a picture of me from my days in the Air Force (1971, SEA) and posted it on Facebook on Veterans Day. In the picture, I was stripped to the waist, covered in blood, (some mine, most not), with a crossbow and an AK strapped over my back, a model 1911 in my hand and some very dead bodies all around me. If I remember correctly, at the time the picture was taken I was checking to make sure they were all actually dead.
My kids Facebook account was closed. They are "banned for life". The local, county, and State Police and the FBI all wanted to chat. Then they came looking for me and made my life very miserable for months. I was "randomly" stopped by LEOs almost every time I got in my car. Everyone "knew" I was a crazed, homicidal maniac, just waiting to explode into violence. Eventually, everybody got bored, because I'm so boring, and they went away.

The Moral of the story: The government has limitless ways to make your life a living Hell. Don't encourage them.

:devil:Fooled them, again.:devil:
I don't think you guys who are cautioning me are wrong but man....

If we really have to be this afraid of the government coming down on us for a silly picture on facebook that's got to be some kind of red flag. That just really isn't something that should happen in a free society. My buzz is now killed. :(
I still want to know how the airport police knew I was coming to the field at the exact time I did or was it a complete coincidence.

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A couple of years ago one of my kids found a picture of me from my days in the Air Force (1971, SEA) and posted it on Facebook on Veterans Day. In the picture, I was stripped to the waist, covered in blood, (some mine, most not), with a crossbow and an AK strapped over my back, a model 1911 in my hand and some very dead bodies all around me. If I remember correctly, at the time the picture was taken I was checking to make sure they were all actually dead.
My kids Facebook account was closed. They are "banned for life". The local, county, and State Police and the FBI all wanted to chat. Then they came looking for me and made my life very miserable for months. I was "randomly" stopped by LEOs almost every time I got in my car. Everyone "knew" I was a crazed, homicidal maniac, just waiting to explode into violence. Eventually, everybody got bored, because I'm so boring, and they went away.

The Moral of the story: The government has limitless ways to make your life a living Hell. Don't encourage them.

:devil:Fooled them, again.:devil:

Wow - Just wow. Hell of a 'thank you' for a vet.......
Best idea, kill your fb account.
Best idea, kill your fb account.

Unfortunately, for my line of work, a FB page is almost a requirement. But I don't have to like it, and I am VERY careful about what I post. Church and flying, predominantly. I don't hide the fact that I'm a veteran (twice), but I don't post many pictures from that time in my life. My kids didn't even know I was a fighter pilot in SEA until all this blew up. I just didn't talk about it. They had never seen me in uniform, not even a picture, until I enlisted again in 2012, and put on my wings and ribbons from that long ago adventure.

I am just totally baffled by the over the top, hateful, paranoid reaction my daughter received when she posted a picture of me from a war I was involved in 43 years earlier. And left speechless by the fact the same authorities that put me in that situation 43 years ago, felt in necessary to come into my house searching for the crossbow and firearms I carried while in combat.
The world is (fast) becoming a terribly weird and stupid place.
That's insane. (BTW, what's "SEA")?
I don't think you guys who are cautioning me are wrong but man....

If we really have to be this afraid of the government coming down on us for a silly picture on facebook that's got to be some kind of red flag. That just really isn't something that should happen in a free society. My buzz is now killed. :(

At the age of seventy, I have to tell you, I recognized by the time I was in college that our governments were quite capable of doing irrational, unconstitutional things, and didn't hesitate to exercise that capability when it suited them.

This is not a new phenomenon.
At the age of seventy, I have to tell you, I recognized by the time I was in college that our governments were quite capable of doing irrational, unconstitutional things, and didn't hesitate to exercise that capability when it suited them.

This is not a new phenomenon.

Amen, brother, amen.
I am just totally baffled by the over the top, hateful, paranoid reaction my daughter received when she posted a picture of me from a war I was involved in 43 years earlier. And left speechless by the fact the same authorities that put me in that situation 43 years ago, felt in necessary to come into my house searching for the crossbow and firearms I carried while in combat.
The world is (fast) becoming a terribly weird and stupid place.

Hopefully you successfully told them to pound sand.
A couple of years ago one of my kids found a picture of me from my days in the Air Force (1971, SEA) and posted it on Facebook on Veterans Day. In the picture, I was stripped to the waist, covered in blood, (some mine, most not), with a crossbow and an AK strapped over my back, a model 1911 in my hand and some very dead bodies all around me. If I remember correctly, at the time the picture was taken I was checking to make sure they were all actually dead.
My kids Facebook account was closed. They are "banned for life". The local, county, and State Police and the FBI all wanted to chat. Then they came looking for me and made my life very miserable for months. I was "randomly" stopped by LEOs almost every time I got in my car. Everyone "knew" I was a crazed, homicidal maniac, just waiting to explode into violence. Eventually, everybody got bored, because I'm so boring, and they went away.

The Moral of the story: The government has limitless ways to make your life a living Hell. Don't encourage them.

:devil:Fooled them, again.:devil:
I dunno - if you were bored, had some legal juice, you might have turned that around, embarassed a few goofs; with a decent public relations outfit, a few ambush interviews, a LEO or Feebie has a slip of the tongue, you look golden. Sympathetic judge in civil court, the worm can turn. . .
Social media sites moved well past so called politically correctness. They want no negative media attention so anything offending anyone is quickly dealt with. Remember the kid who shot up a church and killed 9. It was his FB pic that rolled over the Confederate battle flag.
I'm sure if any of us got involved in a controversy, our words and pics here and elsewhere on the Internet would be used to barbecue us in the court of public opinion. Free space may be the concept but free isn't without its own punishment.
FB is actively censoring any negative immigration talk in Europe. Not free, not your friend.
FB is actively censoring any negative immigration talk in Europe. Not free, not your friend.

Really? If there is evidence of this, I think the media would have a field day.

Where did you hear this?
Really? If there is evidence of this, I think the media would have a field day.

Where did you hear this?

You think? I think the media is on the exact same page. Now if it were the other way around (e.g., Facebook was censoring pro-immigration point of views) then yeah, it would be page 1 news.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Admits Plans To Censor Anti-Migrant Posts
Plenty more out there, they are so arrogant about manipulating the public they don't even bother to close the curtain anymore.