Facebook morons

Well you had to go and use the T-word..... Themis.

Lol, autocorrect choosing words I don’t even know! I guess it’s not as bad as the day I told my female boss I was watching Blackhawks and it autocorrected me...
An echo chamber is creating an environment where the only thing I hear are things that make me comfortable, whether they are right or wrong. It’s more like here if you could squelch all the ideas that make you crazy, like anyone who flies high wing, nose draggers, Bo/non Bo owners. I have no idea which category eman would fall into on that last one.

In short, you insulate yourself against any new idea and create a group that reinforces everything you think you know.

I know what an echo chamber is, I just don’t think it applies in this context as he indicated that he was silencing ALL political/religious diatribe, not just those which conflicted with his own preferences. So, it’s not an echo chamber if there’s no echo at all.
I know what an echo chamber is, I just don’t think it applies in this context as he indicated that he was silencing ALL political/religious diatribe, not just those which conflicted with his own preferences. So, it’s not an echo chamber if there’s no echo at all.

A choice is always a preference. Unreligion is a religious choice.
A choice is always a preference. Unreligion is a religious choice.

If we're going to adopt that philosophical definition in regard to "echo chambers", then everything is an echo chamber so there's no reason to call something an echo chamber. Unless of course you simply never filter anything out, ever, and it's no longer an echo chamber but a room full of noise coming from every discernible direction. However, if you scroll on past a post without reading or responding, you've created an echo chamber in your own mind. You see where this nonsense is going . . . let's just agree, for semantics, that unless a person is surrounding themselves with people/information that only bolsters their current views while blocking out anything that contradicts those views, it's not really an "echo chamber" in the practical sense.
let's just agree, for semantics, that unless a person is surrounding themselves with people/information that only bolsters their current views while blocking out anything that contradicts those views, it's not really an "echo chamber" in the practical sense.

Oh, let's not agree that the definition of something ISN'T the definition of it.

With that suggestion, I'm out.
Oh, let's not agree that the definition of something ISN'T the definition of it.

With that suggestion, I'm out.
The definition is: "An environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered."

So you're saying Facebook is an echo chamber for me, but by definition it isn't. I would have to be only looking at political or religious beliefs that agree with mine for it to be "echoing" my beliefs, correct? I'm blocking all posts about those subjects, so by any definition it can't be an echo chamber.