eman is not very smart, but he does deserve ice cream


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
scored 83% on the instrument written. not very happy but fk it, I passed. so now I'm having ice cream. not 'scoring >90% ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles ice cream', just ice cream. goal was 98%, so I guess I suck, but you all knew that already.
Congratulations, 83% is great! That means you know what you don't know. Those poor saps that scored 100% don't know what they don't know.
All you needed was a 70,so overall ,you really do deserve ice cream with chocolate syrup. Congrats.
scored 83% on the instrument written. not very happy but fk it, I passed. so now I'm having ice cream. not 'scoring >90% ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles ice cream', just ice cream. goal was 98%, so I guess I suck, but you all knew that already.

Ok. But you're only eating 83% of the ice cream, right? ;)

Congrats! Need to get that done myself.
Good to see you have the IR written done. Get the rest done now. Need more people that won't have to cancel on lunch just because there's a cloud out there somewhere. ;)
What do they call the guy who finished last in his class at med school? Doctor!

You passed, congrats, eat ice cream, then get the flying knocked out.
No go out and shoot some wrong way downwind against the flow of traffic practice approaches. You’ve earned it.

odd, I didn't see any questions on the test about that.

It's ADVANCED flying, best left for guys that score 85% or better. A secret screen pops-up explaining this and making sure you only give IFR way points when inbound to land so as to confuse the VFR guys as to your location.:confused:;)
scored 83% on the instrument written. not very happy but fk it, I passed. so now I'm having ice cream. not 'scoring >90% ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles ice cream', just ice cream. goal was 98%, so I guess I suck, but you all knew that already.

Drowning yer sorrows in ice cream eh? Ya gotta learn how to do that from the pros.

Congrats. When I pass the written it will be a good excuse to make some ice cream. Mine is far, far better than anything you can buy.
Actual instrument flying doesn't necessarily correlate well with what's on the written, so enjoy your ice cream. But fly carefully...
WTG, eman. A respectable score and now the stress of the test is behind you.

I'm still pretty bummed with my score. my practice final scores were:

96, 90, 90, 94, 92, 90, 88, 90, 90, 94, 92, 96, 98

and my 'endorsement qualifying' score was 94. then I took a few more random 60 question quizzes and scored: 93, 88, 91, 91

so I only dipped down into the high 80's twice. I was really hoping for 90+ but as most people said, everything over a 70 is passing. and every single score between 82 and 84 deserves ice cream, so there's that.

I was gonna post more about this in the student pilot thread, but I'll mention it here as well. the Gold Method study software is pretty good stuff, I definitely recommend it. I don't have much else to compare it to, but it's easy to use and takes you from "dumbass" to 83% pretty quickly. if you are thinking about using it, tell Russ eman sent you. it won't get you anything, but it'll make me feel special.
Tis a government test. Score don't matter. Only thing that matters is the passing grade. That's why its graded pass/fail.
Thanks, eman! Appreciate the plug. Another POAer passes the test with GoldMethod!
(Commercial is coming soon...)
eman, have fun and don't get fatally stupid.
That's what my favorite instructor told me when I passed my Instrument ride, many, many years ago.
Except the eman part. He wasn't talking to you.

Now go pass your Instrument ride.
And eat more ice cream.
Just remember...A students teach and B students wind up working for C students.

No need to be an over achiever!

...as a mentor once said, "My banker never asked what my GPA was"

I'm still pretty bummed with my score. my practice final scores were:

96, 90, 90, 94, 92, 90, 88, 90, 90, 94, 92, 96, 98

and my 'endorsement qualifying' score was 94. then I took a few more random 60 question quizzes and scored: 93, 88, 91, 91

so I only dipped down into the high 80's twice. I was really hoping for 90+ but as most people said, everything over a 70 is passing. and every single score between 82 and 84 deserves ice cream, so there's that.

I was gonna post more about this in the student pilot thread, but I'll mention it here as well. the Gold Method study software is pretty good stuff, I definitely recommend it. I don't have much else to compare it to, but it's easy to use and takes you from "dumbass" to 83% pretty quickly. if you are thinking about using it, tell Russ eman sent you. it won't get you anything, but it'll make me feel special.

Way I look at it, the FAA ain't very good at grading tests. Try some of this. The use like Tequila or Brandy or whatever. Tell em to hold the scoop, bring me the bottle, make a night of it then go out tomorrow and fly. Have you started training yet?
