Compensation for 99% of private pilots 99% of the time.


Final Approach
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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Do not fly passengers places for money.
Do not fly cargo places for money.
Do not advertise for any flights.
Never pay less than your pro-rated share for flight expenses.
Only take cash, do not post about it on the internet or talk about it in general, instruct any other involved parties to do the same.

Nobody actually cares if your buddy throws you a little gas money now and then for taking him on a $100 hamburger run, ferrying his airplane somewhere for him, etc. The whole purpose of the FAA regulations on the subject is to prevent pilots without a commercial licence to conduct operations for profit.

That said because of the many permutations people have found over the years to get around the spirit of the rules, they have ruled in such a strict manner that almost everything you do compensation wise could be considered illegal.

If you're not making this a for-profit or regular thing the FAA won't go looking for you unless someone makes them take official notice. Someone like a giant weenie on an internet forum or a ***** commercial operator for example might report something.

So, just go fly with your buddy, pick up his airplane, enjoy dinner and a beer on him, and shut up about it.

I am not an aviation lawyer and do not play one on tv either. I take no responsibility for my advice or anything anyone else does.
what about muling drugs across state lines in my plane for favors from the local cartel? Is that considered compensation for flying?
what about muling drugs across state lines in my plane for favors from the local cartel? Is that considered compensation for flying?

Totally legal :D
If you're not making this a for-profit or regular thing the FAA won't go looking for you unless someone makes them take official notice. Someone like a giant weenie on an internet forum or a ***** commercial operator for example might report something.

So, just go fly with your buddy, pick up his airplane, enjoy dinner and a beer on him, and shut up about it.

Nailed it! :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:
If you are a hooker and a pilot and turn the auto pilot on and then go at it and charge the pax for your services, would that be legal if the flight portion was not a part of the deal but for another common purpose you both shared prior?
If you are a hooker and a pilot and turn the auto pilot on and then go at it and charge the pax for your services, would that be legal if the flight portion was not a part of the deal but for another common purpose you both shared prior?

The pilot's union will have two beefs about this:

1. Displacement of a pilot's job by automation. This is not a new issue. The resolution has been to continue to pay the pilots their hourly wage during the time the autopilot is engaged. That begs the question though - what happens when airliners go pilotless?

2. Overlapping labor classifications. A salaried pilot may perform hourly prostitution without raising labor issues, however, an hourly prostitute may not perform a salaried pilot's job without requiring a reassignment to non-exempt status under FLSA, assuming that aviation is the primary role. The ruling on this could potentially be precedent setting.

In addition, territorial laws would be applicable. Over international waters, and over most Nevada counties, prostitution in itself would not raise a legal issue.
what about muling drugs across state lines in my plane for favors from the local cartel? Is that considered compensation for flying?

Sexual favors? Legal. Other favors, not legal.
If you are a hooker and a pilot and turn the auto pilot on and then go at it and charge the pax for your services, would that be legal if the flight portion was not a part of the deal but for another common purpose you both shared prior?

Describe the hooker in details. You know, for science and stuff...
Guys, stop asking these questions. The FAA will ban sex next.
If you're not making this a for-profit or regular thing the FAA won't go looking for you unless someone makes them take official notice. Someone like a giant weenie on an internet forum or a ***** commercial operator for example might report something.

If you are a hooker and a pilot and turn the auto pilot on and then go at it and charge the pax for your services, would that be legal if the flight portion was not a part of the deal but for another common purpose you both shared prior?

Prostitution and soliciting prostitution comes with a bigger penalty than flying a charter without a 135 cert.:rofl:
what about muling drugs across state lines in my plane for favors from the local cartel? Is that considered compensation for flying?

not if you do at least your pro rated share of the drugs. oh, and of course share the rest with your PoA buds :yes:
1. Displacement of a pilot's job by automation. This is not a new issue. The resolution has been to continue to pay the pilots their hourly wage during the time the autopilot is engaged. That begs the question though - what happens when airliners go pilotless?

Ba ha ha, ever see what happens when you get into turbulence with a A/P?

So if you're a engineer and you're using autocad or a calculator do you take a pay cut because it does some of your work for you? :rolleyes2:
Ba ha ha, ever see what happens when you get into turbulence with a A/P?

So if you're a engineer and you're using autocad or a calculator do you take a pay cut because it does some of your work for you? :rolleyes2:

I would argue that learning and using the system replaces the work saved and adds some. In the old days you would have entire teams working 40 hours a week producing the drawings that today have been displaced by one or two guys working 80-100 hours a week.
Prostitution and soliciting prostitution comes with a bigger penalty than flying a charter without a 135 cert.:rofl:

Yeah cause we need to keep our laws off their bodies.:rofl:
Just sell someone a very special pencil for a few hundred dollars. A few days later, just happen to take them flying for free. Tadaaaaaa.

Or like the first dude says, just do it, don't post here. No one really cares about the little crap.
I guess I could go back to muling drugs on commercial airlines. I've got a 95% chance of sneaking it past TSA anyway. :lol:

Better than that since all the sniffer dogs are now bomb dogs, not drug dogs.;) Besides, if you know how to pack, the drug dogs won't smell it either.
So, I wonder why we are allowing this to happen? Why are we allowing the FAA to create these ridiculous regulations and rules?

How about we stop "hiding" what we should be able to do without interference, and put these FAA and FSDO people back in the place they BELONG!
So, I wonder why we are allowing this to happen? Why are we allowing the FAA to create these ridiculous regulations and rules?

Because administrative law is all powerful and unstoppable.
I have no prob paying my fair share for enjoying the experience of aircraft operations. Kicking in for gas is the only gentlemanly thing to do in my book, and 100% legal. I have yet to have someone offer to kick in gas $ for my plane, but I'm not going to ask either. I would not turn down a prorated expense sharing person though.
The whole purpose of the FAA regulations on the subject is to prevent pilots without a commercial licence to conduct operations for profit.
You misapprehend the purpose of those regulations, which by act of Congress is the protection of the public. And the issue is any compensation, not just profit. The regulations were written so there won't be any quibbling over whether or not someone made a profit, only whether someone paid for it.

That said because of the many permutations people have found over the years to get around the spirit of the rules, they have ruled in such a strict manner that almost everything you do compensation wise could be considered illegal.

If you're not making this a for-profit or regular thing the FAA won't go looking for you unless someone makes them take official notice. Someone like a giant weenie on an internet forum or a ***** commercial operator for example might report something.
I think that's reasonably accurate.

So, just go fly with your buddy, pick up his airplane, enjoy dinner and a beer on him, and shut up about it.
And be 99% sure nobody will ever care.
Ba ha ha, ever see what happens when you get into turbulence with a A/P?

So if you're a engineer and you're using autocad or a calculator do you take a pay cut because it does some of your work for you? :rolleyes2:

Calculator? Heck, if it's a computation that is more complicated than adding or multiplying a couple numbers, it's going in an Excel spreadsheet.
If you are a hooker and a pilot and turn the auto pilot on and then go at it and charge the pax for your services, would that be legal if the flight portion was not a part of the deal but for another common purpose you both shared prior?

Call girl! They're only hookers when they're dead in your trunk.
