Chicago Eliminated

I would have thought it was hilarious if he chose Colt 45.
I would have thought it was hilarious if he chose Colt 45.
Sorry my bad Copenhagen Denmark ,not Sweden
I did'nt post this as a Rep. vs Dem thing.
Just that Chicago being a Olympic City means nothing in the big picture,only that his Chi town cronies won't get some huge benefits.
It must be tough getting up every morning, don't make your bed, have breakfast made for you, do a little work out, shower,have a little meeting with your advisors, they tell you what's going on, you make a decision, have lunch, walk the dog, take a shower, meet some important dignataries s, shake they're hand ( they are looking for a free handout, the Prez gives it to them as it's not his money) they have dinner and entertainment on us,tucks the kids in, goes to bed thinking boy this was a tough one:nonod:
Just get the heck to work like the rest of us.
I didn't vote for him but give him the benefit of the doubt as our new leader. So far he's going down the same path.
People are led by example, and the early example seems to be poor as are probably the last couple of Commander in Chief's also.
Who cares what kind of dog he has,what his wife wears, what school the kids go to. He's the one who said the Country was in the worst shape it's been in for decades Get to work Bub!.
After his 4 year stint he will be set for life, you and I will still be slogging it out trying to get by in a world where a few are in Camelot and the rest of us are peons paying for it. I'm sure 4 years of putting his nose to the grind stone is not too much to ask considering you and I are paying his way for the rest of his life. Maybe this is a good reason to only vote for old guy's:rolleyes:
Are we reverting back to the days that a King ruled over us.:princess: Taxation without"real" representation.
He promised "change" so let's see it,I think we all agree we want that.
If he shows any glitter of hope on real change,I might vote for him next time.
I don't mean to pick on just him, How about Nancy Pelosi coming down on the auto execs for their use of their jets, take a look at her use of her jet ,back and forth couple times a week. She wanted a job in Washington, she should move to Washington, you and I are paying the hundreds of thousands a month for her waste, and she claims we should all go green, The list goes on and on. C'Mon, Waiting for the system to "change" for the better is like waiting for a Detroit Lions team to go to the Super Bowl:mad2:(see I tied it back into sports):yesnod:
It would be interesting to get an audit on all Gub'ment officals and let the people vote on what to cut from the budget, I think we could all have a little more$$$$$ in our pocket for 100LL:D(or Jet A)
Hey, kinda like a GA stimulus package:yesnod:
The previous President spent nearly a third of his Presidency at either his ranch or at Camp David. How many days has the current President spent in a similar manner? If the current President spends a fraction of the time on "vacation" as his predecessor, wouldn't you characterize that as "doing it differently"?

The Ranch and Camp David are considered the White House when the President is there. He was working. He didn't waste his time and the taxpayers money on date night or the Vineyard plus a vacation after the Vineyard, plus Copenhagen with Oprah, plus making constant campaign speeches, plus golfing ALL THE TIME.
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The Ranch and Camp David are considered the White House when the President is there. He was working.
I know. I remember him posing for pictures, clearing brush. And that time, while working, he fell off that segway. I also remember having to fly way the hell around a TFR over Kennebunkport, when he went working up there. And that time the dreaded C-150 flew over DC, he was safely working nearby, on his mountain bike. Damn that guy worked a lot.

And speaking of the Olympics, here's the President in Beijing .... working:


You can't fault the man for staring.
I know. I remember him posing for pictures, clearing brush. And that time, while working, he fell off that segway. I also remember having to fly way the hell around a TFR over Kennebunkport, when he went working up there. And that time the dreaded C-150 flew over DC, he was safely working nearby, on his mountain bike. Damn that guy worked a lot.

And speaking of the Olympics, here's the President in Beijing .... working:


At least it was not a beer in his hand. Can you imagine if he had drank on the job?? :rolleyes: