Body Found On Detroit Runway

My money is on 'drunk guy took a shortcut across the airport and died of exposure'.
Move on .....nothing to see here.
My money is on 'drunk guy took a shortcut across the airport and died of exposure'.
Possible, but it has not been "exposure death" weather...not that you can't freeze to death at 45 degrees.
Story says the airport has cargo traffic. Wouldn't be the first time someone tried to stow away in a wheel well and came to a horrible end.
If said body was in fact stow away in a cargo plane, had the cargo plane installed an AOA indicator, said body would likely not have fallen out of wheel well. Just sayin!
I love how nearly every thread these days has an AOA indicator reference!
Lord help anybody who wants to legitimately search the term "AOA".
I love how nearly every thread these days has an AOA indicator reference!
Lord help anybody who wants to legitimately search the term "AOA".

Well all they have to do is come here and get all the AOA edumacation they'd want, and more!
Just one dead body? Gee, those Detroit dudes are getting lazy.
Detriot is not nearly as bad as they say it is, I live here, if you think that there aren't far more dangerous cities in America, you are wrong.
Bizarre for the rest of the world...maybe. Detroit bizarre? Not even close.
Right In a way, but compared to saint Louis, Birmingham, Memphis, Detroit isn't that bad, I live here. Some seriously strange **** does happen here though... but it's not as violent as they say it is, the media inflates that because Detroit is an easy target. I'm not trying to be rude to you guys, but I live here, I have all my life, it's got a lot of good things going for it and it gets better and better every year.
Right In a way, but compared to saint Louis, Birmingham, Memphis, Detroit isn't that bad, I live here. Some seriously strange **** does happen here though... but it's not as violent as they say it is, the media inflates that because Detroit is an easy target. I'm not trying to be rude to you guys, but I live here, I have all my life, it's got a lot of good things going for it and it gets better and better every year.
I've lived, and worked here all my life too...and I agree that Detroit is an easy target and problems are often over inflated...but I also think you are "under inflating" a bit...saying things are FAR more dangerous in other cities, for example. Just my opinion.
Detriot is not nearly as bad as they say it is, I live here, if you think that there aren't far more dangerous cities in America, you are wrong.

Hey, I live close by. I don't go into Detroit, Flint or Saginaw without two friends (Smith and Wesson). The latter two are trying hard to catch up. Yes, there are cities that are much worse but it pays to be cautious.
Hey, I live close by. I don't go into Detroit, Flint or Saginaw without two friends (Smith and Wesson). The latter two are trying hard to catch up. Yes, there are cities that are much worse but it pays to be cautious.
This is a good attitude. If you know the streets of Detroit, it can be a decent place to live. But absolutely use cation, especially if you are white, not being racist but it can turn bad for you quickly
I've lived, and worked here all my life too...and I agree that Detroit is an easy target and problems are often over inflated...but I also think you are "under inflating" a bit...saying things are FAR more dangerous in other cities, for example. Just my opinion.
Maybe so, I'm also in a good area. And I do get defensive about Detroit, I have seen bad things happen. It's not as bad as they say, but if you take a wrong turn, it could go poorly...
You make a wrong turn in Baltimore and your a gonner, unless your driving say, a half track or humvee with a gunner. "You gotta know the territory. " Favorite trick currently is to bump into you at a stop light. You get out to converse. They then shoot or beat you up and steal your car, depending on their mood.
This is what happens when you white and live in Detroit homie. Let's be real here everyone on this site is part of the 1%...I thought everyone on here lived in Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, etc

You make a wrong turn in Baltimore and your a gonner, unless your driving say, a half track or humvee with a gunner. "You gotta know the territory. " Favorite trick currently is to bump into you at a stop light. You get out to converse. They then shoot or beat you up and steal your car, depending on their mood.

Wow really? That's nuts...
Story says the airport has cargo traffic. Wouldn't be the first time someone tried to stow away in a wheel well and came to a horrible end.

The body is described as a 61 year old from Detroit. I know folks want to get a way from Detroit, but not that badly. Also, the body was right at the end of the runway, that would be awfully late for a gear extension body drop.
Hey, I live close by. I don't go into Detroit, Flint or Saginaw without two friends (Smith and Wesson). The latter two are trying hard to catch up. Yes, there are cities that are much worse but it pays to be cautious.
I drive through Detroit nearly every day, but I've never met your friends so I can't say how much help they would be.

Back in the olden days (mid 70's), I used to work the south side of Chicago - one day I was in the car with my supervisor and we had to check something on the street in front of the Robert Taylor Homes. He's driving and we pass the spot we were supposed to check: Me, "You just missed it", him, "I know". He drives around the block and passes it again. After the third pass, I have to ask... "I'm circling until there is no one around before we stop." Oh, OK.
I didn't bother to suggest that we catch lunch at the McDonald's right across the street where I occasionally used to meet with sales people.
Possible, but it has not been "exposure death" weather...not that you can't freeze to death at 45 degrees.

You can freeze to death in 45 degree weather if the right combination of clothing and medical/physiological impairment come together.
I should point out, I'm an interracial white, my father is black
This is what happens when you white and live in Detroit homie. Let's be real here everyone on this site is part of the 1%...I thought everyone on here lived in Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, etc

I'm white and live in detriot, younjust have to be smart enough to know where not to go. I don't live in a bad area, and I know how to get around without driving through the bad areas. So it is quite a differnt story, but overall I find your post here very ignorant.
The body is described as a 61 year old from Detroit. I know folks want to get a way from Detroit, but not that badly. Also, the body was right at the end of the runway, that would be awfully late for a gear extension body drop.
But not too late to drop from the wheel well when the doors open for gear up on takeoff. Unless you know that it happened on landing?
Anyway, I guess i get to worked up when people talk bad about detriot. I was raised here and have a good idea where not to go, and who not to talk to. I also live in one of if not the safest area in the city, short of grosse Ille which is a private island. So I'm well versed, it does have bad areas, but it gets a worse reputation then it deserves.
If you have to be overly concerned or knowledgeable about where not to go and who not to talk to in a city, it is a crappy city.

I think that can be said of a lot of major cities. They all have areas in which you don't want to go unless you're looking for trouble. Flint and Saginaw are not major cities by any stretch of the imagination but there are places the cops will tell you to avoid if you like your hide intact.
Was the body on the runway or in it? I think Hoffa is still missing...
I may have turned this into an unwanted hostile area, and I will relent from here on out to prevent further altercation.
No....but don't be sugar coating your city. It's the worst for gun violence in the country. Nothing racial bout it....and you brought race into this.
Anyway, I guess i get to worked up when people talk bad about detriot. I was raised here and have a good idea where not to go, and who not to talk to. I also live in one of if not the safest area in the city, short of grosse Ille which is a private island. So I'm well versed, it does have bad areas, but it gets a worse reputation then it deserves.
look up the stats....they don't lie.