Are you willing to relocate globally for 200k-300k per year Captain position?

Are you willing to relocate?

  • Yes, give it a try

    Votes: 30 62.5%
  • No, prefer within my country

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • No idea

    Votes: 7 14.6%

  • Total voters

Casey Mao

Filing Flight Plan
Jun 12, 2018
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My company have some projects with Chinese Airlines looking for Captains with abundant payment. I'm curious how many of Captains are willing to relocate to China for such positions.
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Even the regionals are paying more than that now.

(The extra zero you added sounds MUCH more like what I would expect.)
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Not interested. But, then, I'm too old to be considered, so it's a moot point. :p
Captain Eman is not willing to move to China for 2-3hundy
Not really any different than the guys who take 2 year contract positions flying in Afghanistan. Lots of people head overseas for the money and a jumpstart on their career.

I'd probably do it for a few years to put away some cash. And hey, you'll get a ton of IMC as the pollution is so bad that almost every approach is to minimums going into the major cities.
Depends where, china, or the mideast, no.

Not really any different than the guys who take 2 year contract positions flying in Afghanistan. Lots of people head overseas for the money and a jumpstart on their career.

I'd probably do it for a few years to put away some cash. And hey, you'll get a ton of IMC as the pollution is so bad that almost every approach is to minimums going into the major cities.

Not in china, they are super cheap and only typically want people already typed and with time on type.

Thing is if you're already typed with command time on a Airbus or Boeing you probably already make close to what they are offering in the US, and you dont have to worry about all the pollution or saying "free Tibet" and being thrown in prison, or worse the bodies exhibit.
If I was in my late 20s or early 30s and the starting pay was 300K/yr, I might do it for a couple years.

I craved adventure back in those years.
Live in another country for a few years for 200-300k per year? Sure, as long as we're not talking about a war zone.
I would, but I'm not currently a captain at a US airline. Close on hours, but no ATP.
I think my total hours under 70 might be a snag. I'm great if the weather is clear. LOL!
Might be interesting, but I don't qualify. No ATP, and just coming up on 1,100 hrs.

I'll just stick with IT Management. Close enough to retiring that a career change doesn't make sense, especially one with strong seniority rules.
Do they pay in USD or Yuan’s? LOL. That’s a very important piece of information here......
Nope. I could make over 200K doing helo contract overseas. Since I can’t stand those locations and really don’t care about working any harder than I do, I’ll take half that pay to work a fraction of what they do and live in the good ole US of A.
US dollars, or Hong Kong dollars? (Yes, they still use HK dollars there)
Or another dollar?
Nope. I could make over 200K doing helo contract overseas. Since I can’t stand those locations and really don’t care about working any harder than I do, I’ll take half that pay to work a fraction of what they do and live in the good ole US of A.


I’d also add though, I find nothing wrong with those that seek high pay in undesirable conditions. A lot of pilots have large families that come with large financial requirements. Some want to develope a huge nest egg and retire in wealth in their 60s. I went “lazy early” and went with a easy, lower paying, yet rewarding job now vs working my butt off overseas in order to live the good life in my 60s. To each his own.
I’d also add though, I find nothing wrong with those that seek high pay in undesirable conditions. A lot of pilots have large families that come with large financial requirements. Some want to develope a huge nest egg and retire in wealth in their 60s. I went “lazy early” and went with a easy, lower paying, yet rewarding job now vs working my butt off overseas in order to live the good life in my 60s. To each his own.

Same here.

I always thought working the prime of your life away so you can live it large as a senior citizen doesn't really make sense.

Say what? You could be a hero!

WOW..!!!! One US dollar will get you 13971.30 Rupiahs at todays exchange rate.

Just imagine having all my pockets full of money to impress the girls.....
I still have some 10000 & smaller denomination Rupiah notes from a port visit to Bali. I think the exchange rate was about 10000 to 1 at the time.

I bought a few DVDs at 5000 R apiece while I was there. I have fun telling folks a particular disk cost me 5000.
I have never sought large amounts of money. And while I love to travel, China or Asia in general has never held much interest to me. I like the USA.
I have never sought large amounts of money. And while I love to travel, China or Asia in general has never held much interest to me. I like the USA.

There are some REALLY cool things to see in that part of the world. There are also some s***holes that made me appreciate the US that much more.
I'd take the job if it was in one of the nice parts of Asia. I love the Asian cultures and food but I can see myself clashing hard with the regime in China.
Say what? You could be a hero!


Remember his interview on NBC, yeah me ether because he vanished?

If I'm going to be a hero Id rather have the cool shades and smoking girl ;)

I would think this would be Sac's dream job.

Well, a gig with Vietnam Airlines would be more my speed. I have a few friends that fly for them. However, these days experienced Western pilots are being phased out by local 'cruits trained from the ground up on the simulator, going directly in to the right seat of an Airbus without ever having flown a real airplane prior. And hand flying isn't a thing for them.
Well, a gig with Vietnam Airlines would be more my speed. I have a few friends that fly for them. However, these days experienced Western pilots are being phased out by local 'cruits trained from the ground up on the simulator, going directly in to the right seat of an Airbus without ever having flown a real airplane prior. And hand flying isn't a thing for them.

My biggest concern would be if Charly has learned how to surf yet