Airport ID requirements

When I went to get a new DL after I moved to WI they said they needed a utility bill for proof of residency. Bank I was trying to start an account with said the same. I had just moved so I had no bill, just a letter from the power company saying I had signed up for service which wasn't good enough for anybody. Was starting my job in another week and I really wanted to get all this done while I had time during business hours still but no dice.

I could have just opened up word, thrown together some letterhead and a fake bill with my name/addresss. It's just a printout on regular printer paper not an official document anyway- bet there's not even a law against forging one.

I didn't, the point is though that a power bill is just about the most useless proof of anything that I can think of.
My local airport thankfully doesn't not have IDs or a "real" FBO for that matter. :D We do have a fence that goes around 3/4 of the field. The funny part is that the fence is mostly located in a 3'+ deep lake/swamp. :mad2: We have auto gates but half the time they are stuck open.

The only thing that annoys me are our local small town cops. They come around every once in awhile to ID us and ask us questions to prove our identity. :confused:

I have yet to go to an airport, in a few years, that requires escort for transit aircraft. I was at SHV last week over looking a Navy RADAR trainer. While I was over looking it the pilots walk up and explain what it was. Even the airport police stopped by while I was out there and striked up a friendly conversation.

I think if anything a random guy walkng around a military jet would cause most airports to go crazy. :nonod: :dunno: