Aerobatics in a Warrior

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Final Approach
Mar 4, 2016
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Only posting because I haven't seen it posted here anywhere else.

I'd be equally mad if someone used my airplane and broke the trust, potentially putting my family at risk.
Could hardly listen to her and the theatrics. I get it, they performed aerobatics in your PA28 that obviously wasn't rated for it. Person was outed due to photographic evidence and they were likely held financially responsible for the subsequent inspections and then dismissed from the flying club. Long story short: she got the wing spar/eddy current AD done likely at no cost to her. It's also a lesson in leasebacks.
Theatrics aside, this potential is a major reason for me dropping club membership and becoming an aircraft owner. Also a major reason why I would never lease back an owned aircraft...
Could hardly listen to her and the theatrics. I get it, they performed aerobatics in your PA28 that obviously wasn't rated for it. Person was outed due to photographic evidence and they were likely held financially responsible for the subsequent inspections and then dismissed from the flying club. Long story short: she got the wing spar/eddy current AD done likely at no cost to her. It's also a lesson in leasebacks.

Frankly an under reaction, if anyone ever endangered me and my kids like that... but also why I’m not letting others fly my plane generally...

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Didn't watch the video, but if you keep everything under 2G what damage and endangerment is there?
yeah, the quivering bottom lip was a bit over the top. I'd be pretty ****ed off though.
Frankly an under reaction, if anyone ever endangered me and my kids like that... but also why I’m not letting others fly my plane generally...

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I'm not referring to the endangerment of someone's family members. I'm referring to her "being in tears" because they were removing the wings and being betrayed, "almost throwing up" when seeing the pictures, the closed eyes and dramatic pauses, "everyone banded together to help me", yada yada. I'd be rightly ****ed if someone did so with my aircraft, but her delivery of the story seems like the drama was taken to extreme. For me, it just takes away from the story/video, which is just my opinion.
I'm not referring to the endangerment of someone's family members. I'm referring to her "being in tears" because they were removing the wings and being betrayed, "almost throwing up" when seeing the pictures, the closed eyes and dramatic pauses, "everyone banded together to help me", yada yada. I'd be rightly ****ed if someone did so with my aircraft, but her delivery of the story seems like the drama was taken to extreme. For me, it just takes away from the story/video, which is just my opinion.

I tossed a molotov cocktail on the youtube comments addressing that. LOL
I'm not referring to the endangerment of someone's family members. I'm referring to her "being in tears" because they were removing the wings and being betrayed, "almost throwing up" when seeing the pictures, the closed eyes and dramatic pauses, "everyone banded together to help me", yada yada. I'd be rightly ****ed if someone did so with my aircraft, but her delivery of the story seems like the drama was taken to extreme. For me, it just takes away from the story/video, which is just my opinion.
She just might be able to do a good rant thread :)
I’m ok with all the angst. It’s her plane. Pretty stupid to lease it if you feel that way about your plane though. I’ll bet worse things than that have been done to it.

I’d be pretty ****ed off to see my plane was upside down and I wasn’t in it at the time. Lol but no, I’d not want to do it in a normal category aircraft.
If we bought used, none of us know if our planes have been upside down, under water, or if they were owned by a CIA front company to smuggle drugs, guns, hostages, etc.

That said, I would not put mine in a club or let anyone else fly it other than very close friends and my mechanic.
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If someone did that to my airplane I'd be borderline hysterical as well. And I'd probably give him/her the soap in a sock treatment like what Pvt Pyle got.
Yeah, her rant was a bit much. Anybody who's that emotional about their airplane shouldn't be leasing it to a flying club. Yes, acro in a normal category airplane is a bad idea, mainly because if you screw up you can easily overstress or overspeed the plane, but that doesn't warrant a teardown solely because it's been upside down, a properly executed aileron or barrel roll is a very benign maneuver, not nearly as hard on the plane as many student landings. But hey, she got the wing spar AD done for free, no?

Several factual errors too, when she was talking about bank angles and the definition of aerobatics.
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Judgements and theatrics aside, what's the regulatory requirement as far as the aircraft goes here? Then the more contentious question... what's the prudent course of action? Is all that inspecting needed? Is it not enough? Just right?
Yeah, her rant was a bit much. Anybody who's that emotional about their airplane shouldn't be leasing it to a flying club. Yes, acro in a normal category airplane is a bad idea, mainly because if you screw up you can easily overstress or overspeed the plane, but that doesn't warrant a teardown solely because it's been upside down, a properly executed aileron or barrel roll is a very benign maneuver, not nearly as hard on the plane as many student landings. But hey, she got the wing spar AD done for free, no?

Several factual errors too, when she was talking about bank angles and the definition of aerobatics.
I think she said FlightAware recorded a ground speed in excess of 200 knots. I’d say that’s reason to believe the maneuvers may not have been “benign”. But, in general, I still agree with you.
A properly trained aerobatic pilot could probably do those manuvers without overstressing the airframe, but chances are a properly trained pilot would know better. That leaves a untrained pilot who watched some YouTube videos trying to do aerobatics. Chances are, it won't end well.
A properly trained aerobatic pilot could probably do those manuvers without overstressing the airframe, but chances are a properly trained pilot would know better. That leaves a untrained pilot who watched some YouTube videos trying to do aerobatics. Chances are, it won't end well.

I believe the kid in question was a 19 year old new pilot with something like 70 hours under his belt.
Both Christy and Dan are like nails on a chalkboard with their presentation sometimes, but this was good information and a pretty egregious example of behavior.
I think she said FlightAware recorded a ground speed in excess of 200 knots. I’d say that’s reason to believe the maneuvers may not have been “benign”. But, in general, I still agree with you.

Is GPS speed that accurate over the small distances that you'd cover during a botched pullout? I doubt it could have been doing 200 mph for long enough to get a valid speed number... I've analyzed GPS data from a handheld GPS from my own flying, and even during constant speed cruising, the calculated groundspeed between two closes fixes can be way off, while the calculated speed from two fixes farther apart is quite accurate.

What's Vne in a P28?

I believe the kid in question was a 19 year old new pilot with something like 70 hours under his belt.

Hardly surprising. I know I did a lot of stupid things in rented planes when I was that age, probably fortunate for me there wasn't social media back then to brag about it on.
I feel bad for Christi. Watching their videos over the past couple years, it's obvious how much that plane means to her. Obviously there are risks leasing your plane to a club, but i wouldn't have expected something that stupid.

I had originally planned to put my plane into my club, but seeing this throws even more cold water on that idea. Granted antics like this are less likely, but I'm definitely afraid of someone scud running it into a mountain.... which is what happened to the club's last pa32....

What's Vne in a P28?
160 :hairraise:
A properly trained aerobatic pilot could probably do those manuvers without overstressing the airframe, but chances are a properly trained pilot would know better. That leaves a untrained pilot who watched some YouTube videos trying to do aerobatics. Chances are, it won't end well.

I believe the kid in question was a 19 year old new pilot with something like 70 hours under his belt.

That is exactly the problem. A well trained and experienced aerobatic pilot could do it with ease without overstressing the airplane. Well trained and experienced pilots aren't the ones that normally get caught and/or hurt doing aerobatics in light training airplanes.

The fact that someone would take such liberties with something that isn't theirs, and further more do it blatantly and with photographic evidence, is beyond me. I sincerely hope that person's certificates are revoked permanently. They have no business in an airplane.
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