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  1. ddevillers

    Need a color printer suggestion

    I can attest to the Kodak deal going! They print photos borderless and excellent quality, and they are not expensive!
  2. ddevillers

    Need a color printer suggestion

    I recommend any of the Kodak printers. The supplies are inexpensive and last a long time. The ink is archival quality and waterproof. We bought a multifunction wifi enabled one (the ESP5250) for about $100 and it is great!
  3. ddevillers


    This is indeed a loss. Bob is one of those guys who would give all and ask for nothing more than for you to be intelligent and thoughtful. A very pratical answer was always the best. RIP Bob...
  4. ddevillers

    Transportation Slip-up Agency

  5. ddevillers

    Transportation Slip-up Agency

    I don't think I want to live in Israel.
  6. ddevillers

    More incursions...

    Need to have the AOPA and EAA sanction it...
  7. ddevillers

    More incursions...

    They tried that...ever hear of the DC airports that are under the FRIZ (or whatever they are caling that DC ADIZ area [country in a country])
  8. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    If the poor souls in those flights on 9/11 had guns at least they would have had a chance. Come to think of it, if those murderers knew folks were carrying they probably wouldn't even think about being able to take over a flight...
  9. ddevillers

    TSA- They Eased-Up!

    Here you go: Isn’t it nice to be able to drive anywhere you want to, whenever you want to? Isn’t this one of the freedoms we have come to expect here in the USA? Sure, you need to be responsible, have enough gas in the tank, possess a license, and be physically able. But you can do it without...
  10. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    Don't worry, it is a divide and conquer will be included eventually
  11. ddevillers

    Homeland Security Inquires

    Why respond with anything?
  12. ddevillers

    perhaps a throttle on TSA?

    Everyone seems to forget that the entire premis for any different security measures is flawed....
  13. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    Still nonsense...the main problem is the basic premise behind the dept of 'homeland' defense. Nasty unAmerican department needs to be abolished...
  14. ddevillers

    TSA- They Eased-Up!

    And you are happy...why?
  15. ddevillers

    TSA- They Eased-Up!

    Still entirely incorrect. The entire premise that any additional security measures are required is flat wrong.
  16. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    No Kidding? :yikes:
  17. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    I tried to get the ACLU interested, and all they really wanted was for me to join up...
  18. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    How do you know it is a terriorist? Maybe because they have a uniform they are not one? or is it the badge that tells you they are not one? Nonsense all....
  19. ddevillers

    More TSA nonsense

    This is crazy...each little bit leads to more taken away. :yikes:
  20. ddevillers

    GA flying and the Law

    Here is what I am saying: Isn’t it nice to be able to drive anywhere you want to, whenever you want to? Isn’t this one of the freedoms we have come to expect here in the USA? Sure, you need to be responsible, have enough gas in the tank, possess a license, and be physically able. But you can...