Search results

  1. K

    Radio for Flight School

    Hello Everyone. Does anyone have a tabletop radio that they want to get rid of? I would really like to get a radio hooked up for the flight school I trained at. It would be nice to get one setup with an outdoor speaker to hear the CTAF on the observation deck. I don't have much money to...
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    First Time Oshkosh

    Hello everyone. This will be my first year going to Oshkosh and I have one very important question. Where can I get a beer?
  3. K

    Happy 4th

    Just wanted to say happy 4th of July to everyone!
  4. K

    Flight Following Shoreline Trip?

    I had a quick question for you guys. I do not fly cross-country often, and don't really use flight following very much. I fly in the Chicago area, and love taking people on shoreline flights. Can I request flight following to get help Navigating through ORD and MDW airspace? If so, would I...
  5. K

    Aviation IT

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here it goes. I always wanted to be a pilot and fly for a living, but unfortunately that did not work out. I work in the IT industry, and I can't stand not being around airplanes or airplane talk. Every day it is getting harder to...
  6. K

    Strong Low Thermals

    Hi Guys, I have a question for you weather guys out there. I flew on Saturday around noon and there were some strong thermals around 200ft AGL. It made the approach very uncomfortable and was really tossing the plane around. If I would have known the conditions were going to be like that, I...
  7. K

    Night flight 4th of July

    Hey everyone. I was thinking of doing a night flight on the forth of July to see the fireworks from the sky. Has anyone done this before?
  8. K

    Stadium TFR

    I saw someone post about stadium TFRs being shown on foreflight and it reminded me about a question I had. Every time I go to a baseball game I know there is an active TFR, but I always see GA aircraft flying clearly in the TFR. Is it just because they are not enforced? Anyone have anymore...
  9. K

    Pilots that quit

    I was just curious. Does anyone know of any data that shows the amount of pilots that quit during their training? I know I had my moments of doubt and frustration throughout my training. Also second question. Did any of you have that moment where you said to your self, maybe I can't do this?
  10. K

    Third Class Meidcal Exemption

    Well I received this info from the AOPA today. I think this is good news. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
  11. K

    Flying in a TFR

    This Thursday there will be a TFR in Illinois for a VIP. It extends out to the airport that I train at. The TFR states that no flight training is allowed. If I solo and stay in the pattern, is that considered flight training?
  12. K

    Fail your medical, loose your sport

    I was talking to some people, and something came up that I had to post on here to see if someone could clarify. The question I have is, if you fail your 3rd class medical, do you loose your sport pilot license? People told me this is true, but I couldn't find any info on it.
  13. K

    Old Piper PA-28

    So a co-worker's father passes away. He owned a PA-28 that was hangered. It had not been flown for almost 20 years, and inspections stopped 20 years ago as well. They had someone look at the logs and it showed everything was well kept until it he stopped flying it 20 years ago. The guy bought...
  14. K

    Audio Book for long drive

    Hi guys, I will have 10 hours driving in a car this weekend and thought I could put it to good use listening to some flying material. Anyone have any advise on a good audio book I can pick up related to flight training or aviation?
  15. K

    I Need Help! Do I buy?

    Hi Everyone, I really need some advice. I fly about twice a month sometimes three times, and I rent an aircraft. The rental is 115 an hour wet. I have been looking into purchasing a 152. Since I have never owned an aircraft before, I really have no idea what the costs will be. I guess I just...
  16. K

    My last solo hours!

    Well I finished my solo hours, and ready for my checkride! I had a lot of fun through my training, and I am pretty proud so I thought I would post a video of my approach and landing. Hope all you aviators enjoy the video.
  17. K

    Possible Flight 370 Landed?

    I just read this story by the wall street journal. Link to article Is it possible that the plane may have landed somewhere. Any 777 pilots out there have any thoughts on this? Here are some quotes from the story.
  18. K

    Eye Sight

    Eyesight Hello everyone, I am new to flying, and I was just going to get my sport pilots license. I have about 20 hours, and realized that I want to start a career in flying. I have been reading through all the medical requirements for a first class medical. The only thing I see that could...