Recent content by raider

  1. raider

    Stennis Jetaway Cafe

    Yes - KHSA in Kiln to be exact. Both dishes were awesome, worth the trip!
  2. raider

    Stennis Jetaway Cafe

    Food Flight thanks for watching Brent
  3. raider

    Food Flight on TV

    Hello - been a while since I posted here. Just to share, the show I've been working on got selected to air on a station down here at the Gulf Coast - here's the first episode. Thanks for checking it out! foodflight episode 1 Brent
  4. raider

    100 Ways to Die

    I will say that I believe so much sim time has helped with my instrument performance. Especially the older ones where most of the screen was filled with the panel.
  5. raider

    Red Bull Stratos

    nice! thanks for the link
  6. raider

    Declining Pilot Population

    from the recent comments I read, I think there is a glass ceiling for women pilots. not surprising - that's how it was with everything in society-- I'm sure there were similar reactions the day women started voting, started serving more in combat, etc. it's kind of like if the exclusive resort...
  7. raider

    Exploring the universe (why don't we try this?)

    go pros are shock proof, it can take it
  8. raider

    I've seen it in writing 5 times now....

    just read the first page, but it's should have not should of - i mean, come on.
  9. raider

    Boston pilot threatens to evacuate the aircraft in 60 seconds

    OPSEC OPSEC - duress words have been compromised, time to change em.
  10. raider

    I lost my bride this morning.

    I believe she's at peace and still very much with you. Take care
  11. raider

    BFR question

    never heard of the annual under 400
  12. raider

    Mid air

    looked intentional to me
  13. raider

    Landing Cordination

    dont go to idle, keep slight power in
  14. raider

    Novice here

    part 141 minimum is 35 hours
  15. raider

    400 hours.. But no PPL

    ok, so things are different there, you may all be stuck in your houses due to the weather, a neighbor slips, falls, and slices their abdomen - do you go over and practice general surgery? The AMA would probably understand. I can't see this as the only recourse to Alaskan villager's situations...