Recent content by lukezimmerman

  1. L

    Cherokee 6 cabin size question

    Does anyone know what's different about the "cabin size" of the original Cherokee 6 vs the 1969 and beyond variants? According to Wikipedia (never wrong?), starting in 1969 the plane had "increased cabin space" ... I can't find more info...
  2. L

    Getting to Cherokee NC via 24A

    Seems like half the time I've been to 24A, the SS fuel hasn't worked. So I suggest verifying ahead of trip, if possible. Also, the terrain around the airport doesn't look near as formidable once you're there ... people make it sound worse than it is. Very scenic area to fly.
  3. L

    How baby Cirrus (Cirri?) are made
  4. L

    Question for Avare users

    I see a "Fuel Price" download option in Avare, and have installed it. But where does one go to view the fuel price for any given airport? Does it cover the whole US?
  5. L

    Sad day for military airshow teams
  6. L

    For you aviation adventure junkies ...
  7. L

    background checks for EAA Young Eagles pilots?

    Just received this letter (see attachment) from EAA: "Dear Young Eagles volunteers: ... Beginning this month, EAA is introducing a Youth Protection Policy and Program that will involve all volunteers ... It will include online training and ... background check." Is this a solution in...
  8. L

    tablet/phone based flight instruments for backseat?

    I think I may have found my cheapskate solution, if it works at all ...
  9. L

    tablet/phone based flight instruments for backseat?

    No, I don't have a FF/GP subscription ... because I'm a cheapskate, that's why I was looking for a cheapskate solution. I like Avare and Flt Plan Go, because they're free. I have not seen that either app has implemented an instrument display. Did I miss something?
  10. L

    tablet/phone based flight instruments for backseat?

    Anyone have PIREPs for android apps that could provide some “flight instruments” for the backseater in a tandem aircraft (RV8), using the device’s INTERNAL sensors? Reliability/accuracy isn’t that big a deal, as long as it’s close … just something for backseater situational awareness while they...
  11. L

    NTSB reports: factual vs probable cause?

    There's a particular NTSB report I've been waiting on. The event happened almost 2 years ago. But it wasn't until very recently that the factual report came out, replacing the one paragraph preliminary report. Can I expect a probable cause report to come out next? Or do some investigations...
  12. L

    Crashing Drone Narrowly Misses Ski Racer
  13. L

    Kentucky State Park Airports

    Tim, My wife and I just tent camped at Rough River St Park last Friday night, and ate breakfast at the lodge restaurant Saturday morning. I would recommend it. Fun place. The walk from the airstrip to the lodge is an easy 1/4 mile stroll. I've flown into Kentucky Dam St Park too, and have...
  14. L

    recommendations for NH/VT sightseeing destinations? (via air)

    Anyone know of any B&Bs or cabins within walking distance of small airports in NH or VT?
  15. L

    Looking for SLC area flying buddy

    Later this month I'm planning to take a Citabria or Decathalon out of the Salt Lake area and spend a (weekend) day sightseeing a bit, maybe up into Wyoming. It's always more fun to have a companion, so if someone nearby is interested, PM me. Looking at 26 or 27 September, probably.