Recent content by Learntolandshort

  1. L

    STOL Tips seminar Phoenix Feb 11-12th

    My name is Patrick Romano I own a company called Backcountry Aviation. We do seminars on safe flying in the backcountry. We really are trying to keep a variety of planes and pilots showing up, and in the past we have had quite a few planes that are big wheeled taildraggers, and we want to keep...
  2. L

    STOL Tips backcountry flying seminar Austin,Texas DEC 10-11

    We built those this spring for a show on the discovery channel. We also built a long 4000" runway next to the lodge. And there is a 4000" public runway close to the lodge on the west side of big lake we can utilize. We haven't held a seminar there yet because our season was already booked...
  3. L

    STOL Tips backcountry flying seminar Austin,Texas DEC 10-11

    yes we did. It also has some videos of our training grounds in WY
  4. L

    STOL Tips backcountry flying seminar Austin,Texas DEC 10-11

    we do have a few fun private strips around the hill country. Many of our videos were filmed in the hill country of central Texas. additionally we are out of KBDU and it looks like you might be local. hit us up some time
  5. L

    STOL Tips backcountry flying seminar Austin,Texas DEC 10-11

    Backcountry Aviation is holding a STOL seminar in the Austin area Dec 10-11. These are 2 day courses that have about 4.5 hours of ground and 2 hours of flying. They are based on the STOL Tips Articles and Videos that we have put out over the years. We have a fantastic group of instructors and...
  6. L

    Balked landings/aborted approaches

    we don't advocate using the "hanging it on the prop" method, that kind of leaves you without options. There might be a time and place for that, but overall it is much safer to use a steep approach letting gravity do the heavy lifting. In fact our first video in the series describes our...
  7. L

    Balked landings/aborted approaches

    :yes: I would say that is accurate. Of course lots of the strips don't give you the opportunity to balk, but yes lots and lots of passes or at least a willingness to is what takes some of the risk out.
  8. L

    Balked landings/aborted approaches

    Thanks! there is a whole series of them here if you are interested:
  9. L

    Balked landings/aborted approaches

    STOL TIPS: Balked landings/aborted approaches Taking advantage of some new camera technology we were able to get some previously hard to get air to air shots for this new video on balked landings and aborted approaches. The video is here: and...
  10. L

    STOL tutorial with great scenery

    This is the third part of a series I have been doing on backcountry operations. A friend suggested that I post here as well as the usual STOL places. I hope you guys find it interesting. I have a write up as well if anyone is wants it.
  11. L

    Bush flying STOL Tips with some nice scenery

    I am new to this forum, but several people have mentioned people here may find these interesting, these are the first couple of quasi-tutorial videos in a series about various phases of backcountry flying. There are articles to go with these (if anyone is interested I can post those as well)...
  12. L

    Help with LAX "Mini Route"

    Agreed been confused by that!
  13. L

    3rd time's the charm?

    Poor guy!
  14. L

    Go Pro failures

    Have had many many go pros over the years some glitchy some not. Usually updating the firmware is all it takes. Nothing is more frustrating that doing a landing that you won't repeat finding out 2 of your cameras were frozen. We hang them off remote control helicopters to get shots too and...