One of the by products of all this is that a lot of people are afraid to post. I consider myself to have a pretty thick skin, but often I decide it just isn't worth it. Especially for anything the slightest bit controversial.

If I think of any good solutions I'll send them PM.
I'm guilty of making nit-picking posts; not sure whether I did any of that on a thread started by Aunt Peggy. I've also managed to be directly insulting sometimes, which I later regret. Insulting posts tend to accomplish the opposite of the intended point of posting at all.

I believe it is possible to disagree with someone and not insult them, but it takes extra effort when composing a reply, so sometimes doesn't happen. (That's my own excuse.)

I like to think that nit-picking sometimes serves a legitimate purpose (such as alerting readers to some less obvious corner cases that can cause problems) but often serves the less legitimate purpose of alerting the world how clever the poster is. I like to think I nit-pick for the first reason, but know that sometimes the second reason is the reality.

By the way, I believe there may be another "solution" the moderators may be over-looking: don't be so quick to lock threads. My own humble opinion is that you've not allowed the fires to die properly of their own accord, so they reappear in new threads.
Hanging on my bathroom wall...

"Don't take anything personally.

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering."

It's stolen from a book by one of those mystical self-help guru types. I only mention that because most of the rest of his book is garbage... in my opinion. But his little list of commitments to make to yourself is dead on. That is one of them.

It has some moral problems if you're a leader or instructor of others. Beyond that, generally it's a good platitude to remind oneself that one's life is one's own, and you DO have a choice as to whether or not you ALLOW others to ruin it.

You can be a victim or you can choose not to be. People will always have their opinions. Bottom line.

As far as running message boards goes... It's a thankless job. BTDT.

IMHO, it's not the MC's job to make sure no one is offended. The MC sets rules and has volunteers to enforce them. Anything beyond that is a problem in the recipient's head. No MC will ever have a comprehensive list of rules for every possible scenario.

That list of rules thing someone posted above is how we've handled the perceived problems on other boards I have been involved with. Message breaks rule #6. Deleted. Published rules, no surprises. People make mistakes.

Going to go watch the thunderstorm now. Cool stuff. Managing humans/babysitting, boring. :)
Since others are giving opinions, so will I. Because I am not a pilot (yet), I seldom wade into these controveries. Speaking stricktly from the perspective of having little to no knowledge of a given subject thats being batted around, I find it a little confusing. I cant tell who really knows their heiney from a hole in the ground. So I dont find these type threads to have any real value. But thats just for me, others with more experience may be finding nuggets of value in them. I have learned that if I have a question that may be even the least bit out of the norm, dont post it. I have read enough on here to know who is really willing to help and ill send a PM. No way am I gonna open myself up for the abuse some get here. I read Red and Purple also. Each has their blowhards and helpful folks. You just have to seperate the wheat from the chaff.
Since others are giving opinions, so will I. Because I am not a pilot (yet), I seldom wade into these controveries. Speaking stricktly from the perspective of having little to no knowledge of a given subject thats being batted around, I find it a little confusing. I cant tell who really knows their heiney from a hole in the ground. So I dont find these type threads to have any real value. But thats just for me, others with more experience may be finding nuggets of value in them. I have learned that if I have a question that may be even the least bit out of the norm, dont post it. I have read enough on here to know who is really willing to help and ill send a PM. No way am I gonna open myself up for the abuse some get here. I read Red and Purple also. Each has their blowhards and helpful folks. You just have to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

Mike thank you for your thoughts your post illustrates exactly why the MC is trying to take this bull by the horns. You should be able to post questions without it turning into a spitting match.
I got a solution, since I don't really care if you agree/disagree or call me names or whatever. Anytime anyone feels compelled to "get ugly" with someone, PayPal me $1.00 and I'll get online and you can set me straight?

I have one suggestion that always ignites a firestorm of anonymous protest, but ALWAYS works to keep the conversation cordial: Do not allow anonymous posters.

Use real names...or nothing at all.
I have one suggestion that always ignites a firestorm of anonymous protest, but ALWAYS works to keep the conversation cordial: Do not allow anonymous posters.

Use real names...or nothing at all.

Oliver Closeoff, nice to meet you.
I have one suggestion that always ignites a firestorm of anonymous protest, but ALWAYS works to keep the conversation cordial: Do not allow anonymous posters.

Use real names...or nothing at all.


I've been using my real name (you think I'd make up a last name like that!?) online since about 1988, when I first started using Usenet. I've either been fortunate or not confrontational enough to ever have anyone use that information to come punch my nose or worse. On the other hand, a review of this thread shows that online arguments on unmoderated Usenet forums have lead to some nasty offline problems.

Still, I don't think using real names would make much difference for some personality types.
I have one suggestion that always ignites a firestorm of anonymous protest, but ALWAYS works to keep the conversation cordial: Do not allow anonymous posters.

Use real names...or nothing at all.

Anybody can invent a "real" name if so needed. Besides, some of the worst offenders purport to use their real names anyway.
I just heard horses whinny in the distance... :lol:

Ah, I think I heard that coming from Usenet. Yes, yes, I did. :D

I have one suggestion that always ignites a firestorm of anonymous protest, but ALWAYS works to keep the conversation cordial: Do not allow anonymous posters.

Use real names...or nothing at all.

We could have a long discussion about that as there are pros and cons.

We made a decision long ago to permit "anonymous" posting in only a couple of very limited forums to encourage discussion of "Never Again" and certain "Medical" topics. Folks are cautioned that no one is ever truly anonymous on the internet, but the Anon feature allows a little more privacy.

As far as the main part of the board, it's really tough to vet and ensure that the names given are "real names". How do you vet it or prove it in a fairly open board? Even Facebook is replete with false names given.

But I'm not going to argue this here as I can see both sides. I will note that a couple of the long-time "banned" posters here used real names. There are no guarantees.
As far as the main part of the board, it's really tough to vet and ensure that the names given are "real names". How do you vet it or prove it in a fairly open board?

Don't make it fairly open; e.g.:
"To register to use PoA, please enter your credit card information in these fields...."

Minimal charge of, say, $10/year.

OK - pilots are notoriously cheap, so maybe that is too much. :wink2:
Don't make it fairly open; e.g.:
"To register to use PoA, please enter your credit card information in these fields...."

Minimal charge of, say, $10/year.

OK - pilots are notoriously cheap, so maybe that is too much. :wink2:

Wife already thinks I'm addicted. If she hears about a fee....
Why are my ideas on post #2 off base?

I read the locked thread in question and realise the issue was the insults. BUT, if the thread were forced to stay on topic then new threads would have been forced to be created to discuss 'how fast an annual can be accomplished'. Then when those threads get nasty THEY get locked and Aunt Peggys thread stays open.

The way I see it the rules are in place and just need a little enforcement. Remind folks to stay on topic or start a new thread. If things get nasty issue a warning and then a week or two time out. The message would spread quick.

Of course, that may change the tone of the place. I don't know if it's a big enough deal in everyone's eyes to warrant that. But maybe it is. How much the tone would change? I don't know. Id guess a little but a bunch would be for the better in many peoples eyes.
Anybody can invent a "real" name if so needed.

On another forum it took me quite a while to figure out that "Lizzie Borden" was probably not the real name of the poster! :redface:
I have one suggestion that always ignites a firestorm of anonymous protest, but ALWAYS works to keep the conversation cordial: Do not allow anonymous posters.

Use real names...or nothing at all.

Absolutly AGREE!!,.... It seems that people that hide behind the anonymity of a fictitious name, tend to be the most brazen and ugly during internet conversations.
You guys will never in your life meet so many people named "Amanda Hugnkis" when those policies are enforced. There are two forums that force names, on both my name is nothing even close to my real one. I probably would have used my real name but "Challenge Accepted" when you try to make me :)

The worst example of this I've seen was when a poster on the red board deliberately got a thread locked. His motivation was that he disagreed with the person who started the thread. It really bugged me that the enforcement system resulted in punishing the victim as well as the attacker. I found myself wishing that they could have just suspended the attacker(s) and left the thread open.
Taking things personally on the internet is pretty inane, since we rarely see/visit/personalize with each other.

It also leads to shorter lifespan I'm betting.

My method is to steer the discussion back to the topic until I get a post or two wich covers the matter. After that, the op-ed is strictly for entertainment.

So - how about those OKC Thunder guys? They almost came back and put MIA on the ropes last night. :p:cheers:

Actually, the reason I stuck with POA (rather than other pilot forums) was because I could tell these people did meet one another. And I started flying across the country to meet them in person too. I flew to Michigan last year and PHL this year. So I like the "personal" aspect of this site.
We are trying very hard to help preserve the front porch atmosphere that POA is known for.

??? This place has had the front porch of an asylum since day one. What we have here now is reasonably peaceful compared to the early days if you recall lol.

As for RAP (and Usenet nee ARPAnet in general), I remember around 93 when I came across The R.A.x groups, they were pretty reasonable, a few people and zero 'management'. Around 99-2000 it went goofy.

No matter what social setting you look in, you will always have these issues, it's the nature of the impersonal communications of the internet. We are not really meant to communicate in this manner, we miss too much information.
Always challenges.

Read Nate's post, above. It is some seriously wise commentary.

Remember, always, that if someone who does not know you purports to insult you, it bears no meaning.

All that said, we are working on some initiatives to improve the tone.

I use my real name, and I like that policy, but respect those who opt not to do so, as long as their behavior is not the reason.

This is me, not the MC, speaking.
I think anonymity has real value, particularly as used here. And I think real names (although I use mine) have less value. People who will attack other people will not abide by rules regarding naming.
At regular intervals take a "biggest jerk" pole. The top three vote getters are "voted off the island" for a week...or a month...or whatever.

That'd be entertaining!

Maybe quite counter productive but entertaining nonetheless. :)
I think anonymity has real value, particularly as used here. And I think real names (although I use mine) have less value. People who will attack other people will not abide by rules regarding naming.

True, the problem is 99% of that value is negative, it has never once produced a civilized board.
At regular intervals take a "biggest jerk" pole. The top three vote getters are "voted off the island" for a week...or a month...or whatever.

That'd be entertaining!

Maybe quite counter productive but entertaining nonetheless. :)

Naw, then, you'd have people like me who are up to the challenge, no matter what it is. I was the kid who screamed "I LOSE" one second after the teacher/babysitter said "Now, we're going to play the quiet game"
At regular intervals take a "biggest jerk" pole. The top three vote getters are "voted off the island" for a week...or a month...or whatever.

That'd be entertaining!

Maybe quite counter productive but entertaining nonetheless. :)

Somehow I don't think I'd do very well in that system...despite my having never called anyone a name and having started some pretty engaging threads.
Somehow I don't think I'd do very well in that system...despite my having never called anyone a name and having started some pretty engaging threads.

Nah, you won't get booted, you're too much fun to abuse...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Somehow I don't think I'd do very well in that system...despite my having never called anyone a name and having started some pretty engaging threads.

You'd do better than you think, probably.

I'd probably do worse than I think.
I dunno... I think folks can tell the difference between pot-stirrers and ****-stirrers.

Malice/intent matters. To me, anyway.