Stratux weak WiFi


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Oct 16, 2019
Atlanta / KRYY
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Vintage Snazzy (so my adult children say)
A club member loaned me his Stratux he wasn't using any more to see if it would work with my I Fly and Android tablet.

Got it to work, but funny thing is that unless it's right next to the tablet, the WiFi signal is very weak just a few feet away. Too weak to put it on the rear passenger window, so I had to put right under the tablet on the front window.

What is the WiFi / connectivity range of other Stratux users?
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My experience is that it works from several feet away- across a small room, perhaps 10 feet. I haven't tried a larger distance because the planes I fly are small. The Stratux is typically on the glare shield and the tablet is within arm's reach in a C-172 when I use it. I suppose you tried it at home too? I'm probably wrong, but I'm thinking RF interference. I suppose you checked that the tablet connects to other WiFi without problems too.
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Same problem at home on the desk.
Not at problem here. I have built a dozen of these for myself and friends over the years. I keep one on my desk at home and I am able to receive traffic to my ipad when I am sitting outside at least 30 feet away.

Are you getting a steady red led showing good power ?
Yes, steady red light. I've tried it powered by the battery alone and with a 2.4 amp USB outlet alone. I've tried it with I Pad, I Phone, and the Android tablet. All with same results.

It works great in the air, showing traffic, etc. It just has a very weak WiFi signal for some reason.
Do you have up to date firmware? Google "raspberry pi weak wifi" and you'll see a lot of folks have that issue and resolved it with a firmware flash.
Is is as simple as plugging the Stratux into your PC via UCB cable and looking for a device?

Where does one go to get the latest firmware?

It is running a 3b Raspberry, and firmware currently installed is 1.4r5
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Here is the video showing how to update the software image:

The latest version is
I read pireps on these devices that are good and some that aren't so good. After screwing around with a couple of them I choose to look elsewhere for a more reliable solution.
I choose to look elsewhere for a more reliable solution.

If I could get an alternative for $300 or even $400 I would. But a Stratus 3 (I can’t use a 2s) costs $750. If I can get this to work, I can buy a new Stratux for $400 or maybe buy the one the club member is letting me use for $200.
If I could get an alternative for $300 or even $400 I would. But a Stratus 3 (I can’t use a 2s) costs $750. If I can get this to work, I can buy a new Stratux for $400 or maybe buy the one the club member is letting me use for $200.
There are GDL39s on ebay for $300ish...
There are GDL39s on ebay for $300ish...
Unfortunately just as with the Stratus 2, it doesn't use the "common language" GDL 90 protocol open ADS-B. It won't talk to my tablet and I Fly.
Dynon DRX uses GDL 90 and can be found 300ish used if you can find one.
Flashed a new micro card with the latest firmware, and no change. If I place the tablet right on top of the Stratux it goes up to "Fair". Looks like its only putting out a signal on 2.4 mg. The PI board has the date of 2015 - so maybe it's just getting old. It will work for now, and for letting me use it for a while giving it back with the updated firmware is fair "rental" I suppose.
You should be able to look on the circuit board and determine what pi you have.
I suspect it is a raspberry pi 3 b. Those were very popular and worked very well.
My unit at home is that same has only 2.4 ghz wifi...all models after this one had dual band wifi.
It is indeed a 3b.
One last thing to check is the wifi channel it's using. There may be a way to force it to a different one that might work better with what you are trying to connect. I'm at the edge of my tech skill, but there are several pi conversant folks on POA that might have a suggestion.
It’s using the 2.4 ghz channel, and there is no option for 5.0 - fairly sure it doesn’t have one.
It’s using the 2.4 ghz channel, and there is no option for 5.0 - fairly sure it doesn’t have one.
The specific channel within 2.4 ghz - there are 12 different ones.
The specific channel within 2.4 ghz - there are 12 different ones.
Not aware of that - not sure how to turn any on or off. Any Stratux gurus?
Anyone up for jail breaking a Stratus 2 to make it transmit on the open protocol? :)
This has me wondering if my Stratux is having this issue, since it is four plus years old and I have not used it in a while...

I can understand if one of the SDR radio modules would go bad, since they are Chinesium, but the on-board Wifi should be good. None of my other Pi's have had a Wifi problem.

Let's see...
Is there an internal antennae or something that might be loose / off?
The Wifi antenna is on the board and is a mere circuit trace. It is tiny and not designed for long range.

There is a tiny provision for an external antenna, but for connecting within 20 feet or so, it is not necessary.

I would say replacing the Pi 3B with a Pi 3B+ would be the easy fix. No other change would be required with the latest software image. You would gain 5Ghz AC Wifi, too!

Unfortunately, there is a global shortage of Raspberry Pi's, but I'm sure there are some older 3B+ versions around somewhere.
A quick look shows a new 3b board costs $200. This for a Stratux I don’t even own.

I remember the frog in the hot water story. Just spend a little more money. And a little more. Almost there. Is this water getting too hot? Nah…..
Jus Velcro that sucka to the back of your iPad. Use $200 for fuel.
A quick look shows a new 3b board costs $200. This for a Stratux I don’t even own.

I remember the frog in the hot water story. Just spend a little more money. And a little more. Almost there. Is this water getting too hot? Nah…..

Exactly the situation I had with mine. I got cooked a bit before I decided to get out of the pot.
Open the box and see if has a USB wifi chip or is the wifi built into the Pi (later models). The build in wifi seems to work better. If it has the USB chip, get a new wifi chip and replace. These were about $12 or so. Use the same brand or check the Stratux site for recommended modules.
If I shove a new wi fi thing in an open USB port is it smart enough to just start working even if I have wi fi as part of the mother board?
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There are a couple of itty bitty connection leads to the board. Shouldn't affect wifi but who knows? About as simple a device as ever was constructed, so can't hurt to open up the case and check the security of everything.

Once upon a time the DIY kit with all components was less than $200, so it made sense to get one just to monkey around with. I can't find the DIY kit on Amazon anymore, just the pre-made ones for almost twice that cost.

The market for portable ADS-B receivers has shrunk by several entrants since the last time I shopped 2 years ago. There really are very few platform-agnostic devices left. IFly recommends the iLevil Astro.
One more thing...I am not sure what software version you are is easy to update the software....the European version works very well. If your unit is working as designed, the wifi is very adequate. Mail it to me and I will check it out for pay postage.
If I shove a new wi fi thing in an open USB port is it smart enough to just start working even if I have wi fi as part of the mother board?
You mean to say that you're removing the old USB-WiFi dongle and replacing it with a new USB-WiFi dongle, right? Whether that works depends on the make/model of the USB-WiFi dongle.
One more thing...I am not sure what software version you are is easy to update the software....the European version works very well.
I'm running the latest US version - 6 I believe. No change from before.

If your unit is working as designed, the wifi is very adequate. Mail it to me and I will check it out for pay postage.

Very nice of you - this is a great place. No need right now, I can get it to work as it is - just mount it right next to the tablet.

You mean to say that you're removing the old USB-WiFi dongle and replacing it with a new USB-WiFi dongle, right? Whether that works depends on the make/model of the USB-WiFi dongle.

Opened it up, and it looks like the WiFi is part of the mother board - no separate WiFi in the empty USB port.

The market for portable ADS-B receivers has shrunk by several entrants since the last time I shopped 2 years ago. There really are very few platform-agnostic devices left. IFly recommends the iLevil Astro.

I would guess more and more planes are getting ADSB In with their transponders, and the need for a separate portable unit is decreasing.
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Ok...good luck. Just for giggles, you might try the wifi reception on a different computer just to verify the weakness lies with Stratux and not your mobile device. Have fun :)
Yeah. Did that too. Didn’t change

BTW - I can’t get the AHRS to show on either I Fly or FFlight since I updated the firmware. I put the old card with old firmware back in to get it to work.
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A quick look shows a new 3b board costs $200. This for a Stratux I don’t even own.


I built mine with a Pi 4 for $35, not sure that would fit in your existing enclosure. Of course, you can't actually buy one right now...