Major rant happening here..... beware!

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Jul 17, 2014
Sanford NC
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So I feel the need to vent. I realize I am more fortunate than a lot of people when it comes to money and material things yet I can't help but feel constantly screwed. For example, I just sold my house. It sold much much quicker than I expected so now I am scrambling to find a place to move for a while. I was hoping to move closer to work and the airport but it does not appear to be an option. There are 5 new apartment complexes built in my area and all 5 impose income limits to live there. The only other apartments in the county are drug riddled, sex trafficking, theft sites. So because I made an effort in life to get an education and a good job I have to pay ridiculous rent prices 30 minutes away. And by the way, since I have done well for my self I get rapped on taxes especially being single with no kids. It will be even worse next year not having a mortgage to write off. It ****es me off even more to ride through the complexes and see new trucks and suvs parked out front that even I couldn't afford.
Have you looked at renting a single family home or a duplex vs an apartment?
My backup was to park a 5th wheel at a local campground. That dried up quickly when they said it was $800.00 a month for a stupid camp site!
Yes. Nothing decent available unless I am willing to pay hundreds more than my house payment was.
That is actually pretty normal. Remember you don't have maintenance and property tax and often it will include water/sewage and sometimes a gardener.
That is actually pretty normal. Remember you don't have maintenance and property tax and often it will include water/sewage and sometimes a gardener.

My property tax was included in my mortgage. I was on county water that was 19.00 a month. Never had any major maintenance expenses over my 5 years of ownership.
While $800/mo to park a trailer or some expensive rent sounds like a crappy deal, if they're the only options you immediately have, you may be stuck with something like that. Does the trailer park have any lease obligations, or can you do it month to month? If so, it's at least flexible and gives you the option to continue finding a better long-term solution.
ahh, I have watched family health insurance premiums, between that and daycare :eek:, being single and paying more tax seems like a bargain

Back to the immediate problem.
First world problems. I thought all you fat cats knew how to shelter all that income so the .gov wouldn't be able to get at it. :)
Tell me again what the problems with the other apartments are? The only thing I'm seeing they're missing is free cable and a pool.
Aren't rental prices more expensive than typical mortage payments everywhere?

They certainly are where i live. A lot more.
Gosh. Should have maybe planned ahead and written the sale contract to close the sale and transfer possession after you had a place to live.

Did you not figure out where you were going to live before listing your house for sale? That would kind of seem like the way to do it...
You make too much money Grum. You need to redistribute your wealth amongst those who need it more than you. :)
I really want to downsize, can sell my house for over 5x what I paid (hud repo 20 yrs ago) but where do I move? The house is paid for, so my only bills are the utilities, the HOA, the hangar and insurance. Even being pseudo-retired, no problems. But the house is too big and I hate renting. Besides, renting a 2 bdroomis over $1200 these days.
Grum, why'd you sell your house? Sounds like you've caused yourself a lot of problems. This is why I never rented once I left college, and have no desire to rent - owning has always worked out better for me.

Damn, hard to believe. I swear, VA and NC do everything in their powers to act like New York south. They're not so much southern states anymore as they are yankee states that somehow slipped below the Mason-Dixon.

The issue is that you have a number of New Yorkers who want to move where it's not so cold and property values are lower. Then they move, bring their "values" with them, and there you have it. I realize I'm a recovered New Yorker, but I never belonged there anyway - it was just where I was born. You have a lot of people who belong there culture wise.

One of my friends has lived in Buffalo NY his entire life, and is retiring later this year with the plan to move to a more southern state - and NC is on his mind. I've warned him that he's going to have a culture shock when he moves, but I don't think he quite understands what I mean, nor do I think he realizes how much of his personality is rooted in New York State, even though he's not a fan of living there at all.
What's the deal, some kind of "affordable housing" arrangement made with the local government for a tax break?
Damn, hard to believe. I swear, VA and NC do everything in their powers to act like New York south. They're not so much southern states anymore as they are yankee states that somehow slipped below the Mason-Dixon.

I don't recall anyone in NY turning money down because someone made too much of it.
I don't recall anyone in NY turning money down because someone made too much of it.

No, but there's all kinds of low income housing shenanigans, rent fixing, etc.
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It will be even worse next year not having a mortgage to write off. It ****es me off even more to ride through the complexes and see new trucks and suvs parked out front that even I couldn't afford.

Dunno what kind of itemized deductions you had, but I don't even qualify to take more than the standard deduction anymore (including mortgage) since Trump had it increased (of course I file married-joint).
Yeah renting sucks your either in the hood or your paying 1k plus. My trashy 1 bedroom roach motel was 850 a month. A good 1br is typically approaching 1000-1200 bucks. My mortgage on 190k is like 1100 with property tax. If you want a deal gotta find those duplex style apartments and hope their availability matches up.
Damn, hard to believe. I swear, VA and NC do everything in their powers to act like New York south. They're not so much southern states anymore as they are yankee states that somehow slipped below the Mason-Dixon.
I used to spend a lot of time in Charlotte for work. I found that city to have a magical combination of Northern hospitality and Southern efficiency.
I really want to downsize, can sell my house for over 5x what I paid (hud repo 20 yrs ago) but where do I move? The house is paid for, so my only bills are the utilities, the HOA, the hangar and insurance. Even being pseudo-retired, no problems. But the house is too big and I hate renting. Besides, renting a 2 bdroomis over $1200 these days.

Funny how that works. My mom has talked about "downsizing" her apartment a few times, but I've told her not to. Too much effort.
Buy a Piper Lance.... you can sleep in the back and then use the FBO shower anytime you want.
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