I got reported to the FAA (not a ******* Satire)


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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So there I was (Its my birthday and I am full of Dogfish Head 120 so bare with the lack of continuity)
I started a new job on Wed and on day 1 I was all "awe yeah whose you're IT Director?"

3/4 through the day, I get a phone call and the # is not one I know but it is local so I answer.

A dude says "This is Ad*m H*nderson (that could be any name) from the North Texas FSDO"
My first thought is that @EdFred is jacking with me.

I go "sure dude! what's up?"

He says "I can't talk to you. I need to send you an email, you need to respond that you have received and understand it and then you can call me back and we can talk"

I am so stoked that EdFred is going to email me a photo of his junk.

BUT..... I check my email and I see this message from A*dam Hende*son @ FAA.Gov


2 attachments.

First was this:


The second attachment was a Bible of information but this was what mattered:.


"I may be receiving compensation for acting as a flight instructor"


I have NEVER even taken anyone's pro-rata share of fuel for a flight.

I called the guy back expecting him to tell me someone claimed I was making instructional videos and maybe getting paid from youtube ads or something.

Sit down now...

He says this:

"a member of an aviation related facebook group took a screenshot of a comment you made and sent it to the FAA so we need to investigate"

I asked "what was the comment?"

Someone posted on a Texas pilots facebook group asking "can someone recommend a local CFI to teach me to fly?"

I responded:

"I can teach you but I am not a CFI so it won't be legal which is why I have a cash only, under the table policy but I'm good :) "

Someone sent that to the FAA and now I have to take my logbooks, cert, medical, etc to the local FSDO and some explain that I am not receiving money for flight instruction.

I don't care so much about having to go through the motions but I can't believe the FAA takes seriously a FB comment and I think whomever reported me is a pathetic spineless p*ssy.

Why do they want my logbooks? What currency requirements are there for facebook posts?
I could see if they saw a video of me flying through a cloud or something but this is NOT aviation related at all.

I will go to the FSDO next week and I will play nice but this is ********
We need form a posse as soon as we find out the douche who actually did that.

In the meantime you need to figure out if the person you're dealing with has a sense of humor or not. If he does show him your youtube channel and he ought to catch on really quick. If he has no sense of humor blame it on your evil twin.
Unbelievable. Why does the FAA not understand sarcasm? Seems like they should need someone who actually received instruction from you.

And if Ad*m Hende*son is reading this, I knew 100% that was not YouTube flight instruction, just satire. I also do not break the speed limit, no matter how much I tell people I found the governor on my truck.
At least secretly video the meeting so you can make a satire of the faa later. Lemonade & all that.
Promise this won’t stop you in any way?
I know this is the FAA, but under normal circumstances, I don't see how any reasonable person couldn't see that you were making a joke. Just emphasize that. But I know the FAA can be unreasonable.

I guess they want the logbooks to see if you have actually logged any time as an instructor or something, as stupid as that would be.
What regulation in Part 61 that authorizes a flight instructor to accept money? Keep in mind a light sport instructor does not have a commercial.
I think you should ask if you have any rights to know who is bringing these allegations against you. See if you can find out who the humorless, “sad sack of an excuse for a human being” is who reported you for your post.

There is nothing you can do at this point other than to do exactly what you’re doing - demonstrate that it was posted as sarcasm, that you have a YouTube channel of sarcastic videos, that you’ve been recognized for your sarcasm, and clearly the post was made in jest, but clearly someone misunderstood, and any further posts of the like will be followed by a disclaimer.

Sorry to read of the hassles, Bryan.
JFC! How the hell can the FAA be so stupid? 5 minutes of an internet search would have made the situation obvious. I would be unbelievably ****ed and i would let the bastards know it!
Fraud waste and abuse in full display by the civil servants at the FAA. Aint' there some DPE shenanigans, part 134.5 operation, or gargantuan backlog of IACRA applications they should be tending to for that GS-13 paycheck we bestow upon them? UFB.
So there I was (Its my birthday and I am full of Dogfish Head 120 so bare with the lack of continuity)
I started a new job on Wed and on day 1 I was all "awe yeah whose you're IT Director?"

3/4 through the day, I get a phone call and the # is not one I know but it is local so I answer.

A dude says "This is Ad*m H*nderson (that could be any name) from the North Texas FSDO"
My first thought is that @EdFred is jacking with me.

I go "sure dude! what's up?"

He says "I can't talk to you. I need to send you an email, you need to respond that you have received and understand it and then you can call me back and we can talk"

I am so stoked that EdFred is going to email me a photo of his junk.

BUT..... I check my email and I see this message from A*dam Hende*son @ FAA.Gov


2 attachments.

First was this:

View attachment 68293

The second attachment was a Bible of information but this was what mattered:.

View attachment 68294

"I may be receiving compensation for acting as a flight instructor"


I have NEVER even taken anyone's pro-rata share of fuel for a flight.

I called the guy back expecting him to tell me someone claimed I was making instructional videos and maybe getting paid from youtube ads or something.

Sit down now...

He says this:

"a member of an aviation related facebook group took a screenshot of a comment you made and sent it to the FAA so we need to investigate"

I asked "what was the comment?"

Someone posted on a Texas pilots facebook group asking "can someone recommend a local CFI to teach me to fly?"

I responded:

"I can teach you but I am not a CFI so it won't be legal which is why I have a cash only, under the table policy but I'm good :) "

Someone sent that to the FAA and now I have to take my logbooks, cert, medical, etc to the local FSDO and some explain that I am not receiving money for flight instruction.

I don't care so much about having to go through the motions but I can't believe the FAA takes seriously a FB comment and I think whomever reported me is a pathetic spineless p*ssy.

Why do they want my logbooks? What currency requirements are there for facebook posts?
I could see if they saw a video of me flying through a cloud or something but this is NOT aviation related at all.

I will go to the FSDO next week and I will play nice but this is ********

Bribe them. Offer an hour of free instruction.
Or there was no complaint...and you have some fed upset over your videos (matter of time, hate to say I’ve been expecting it, but I have). Your post is a good place to start their investigation..and even if that post was meaingless that doesn’t mean the investigation will be meaningless. This **** happens..welcome to painting a target on your back.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be discussing this on the internet, nor would I blindly go to a FAA meeting that is investigating me (that is what they are doing). Their goal is to violate you and they suspect there may be cause to do so. If it wasn’t, they’d invest their time in a different direction.

So..time to turn the jokes off and speak with a relevant aviation attorney to determine how much You must coorperate and what your next course of action is. I recommend you don’t make a habit out of helping someone investigate you.

Do not go speak to the FAA without speaking to a lawyer that knows this area of law. Do not show them anything more than you legally have to show them. Do take this seriously, even if the post wasn’t. They will go over anything you show them with a fine tooth comb, and their intent isn’t to be friends.

Cases like this are why you don’t find me making a fool out of myself on uncontrolled airspace. That group will cost pilots their jobs and/or certificates given due time.
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Ok, I'm going to confess...it was me. I reported you @SixPapaCharlie ... I had to. You were taking away all my students: You accepted cash, and I only teach for sexual favors.

Oh, and just in case any morons from the FAA read this:


(The part about me teaching for sexual favors is a joke. The part where I call FAA morons, not a joke)
Yes, I agree take Jesse's advice, one never knows, you don't want to proceed without counsel. Are you an AOPA legal services member?
Is the FAA required to investigate all complaints? I don't know the answer but perhaps the guy knows it is sarcasm but is required to follow up on the complaint. What concerns me is if he wasn't looking for blood could he not have handled it over the phone. Reviewing the log books and such seem like overkill perhaps a lawyer makes sense in this case you would hate to lose your cert over nonsense.

Seems to me the call should have gone like this...

FAA Dude: Mr. 6PC we have a complaint can you tell me about this.

6PC: Yeah well it's Facebook and I was being sarcastic I thought that would be obvious but apparently it wasn't.

FAA Dude: That is what I thought but it's my job to follow up on these things. Trust me I have better things to do.

6PC: Wow I never would have thought someone would take that seriously that was the intent of the smiley face. I am sorry if someone took it differently I will refrain from this type of post in the future thanks for bringing it to my attention. Sorry to waste your time.

FAA Dude: No problem Mr. 6PC fly safe thanks for your cooperation.

6PC: Before you go I have a few people I would like to report if you have the time. (Lists half of POA)

Sarcasm is the highest form of humor and there are a lot of people that don't get it. I have taken to to adding [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] if I think I am dealing with people who are clueless.
Maybe all of POA can testify on your behalf and state that 99% of what you post on the internet is complete and total sarcasm.

Seems to me this wouldn’t work and someone at the FAA may not be happy with you mixing up fun and sarcastic videos & comments with flying. Hope everything goes well, I’d say to give them as little info as legally possible.

Plus all the cool YT guys have got reported. Stevo1kinevo, Trent Palmer. I think anytime you have an audience of millions someone will be upset with something. It’s a shame that with the FAA it seems to be guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.
Not a lawyer and agree with the comments that you might need one. Given the very specific point they have brought up - Facebook post, I'd suggest not trying to say you are well known jokester. i.e. don't bring up your videos etc. "Yes sir, I posted in FB, it was a joke, I don't instruct, someone missed the joke. Sorry, I'll be more careful going forward." Don't give any information not asked for.
Why do they want my logbooks? What currency requirements are there for facebook posts?
I could see if they saw a video of me flying through a cloud or something but this is NOT aviation related at all.

One comment to answer this and then my usual advice - shut up about it online and get professional advice. It may work out without it, but the risk decreases with it.

The FAA will regularly do some logbook review in almost any investigation. In this case, the are probably looking for evidence of having given instruction and perhaps a bit of fishing for other compensatory violations. Or simply to help confirm they do not exist.
Show them this and explain that you are a licensed professional. That way they at least cannot claim that you were practicing sarcasm without the appropriate certification.


Wow, all I have to say is wow. Truth be told, this is a prime reason why I really try to avoid social media as much as possible. Some goober that I don’t even know exists, gets a wild hair up their anus and stirs up legal conflict for absolutely nothing. Whoever reported that has to be retarded to actually think you of all people were serious!

Sorry Bryan !
FAA - they're not happy until you're not happy.

Someone mentioned PBOR - it does not apply to an investigation and doesn't kick in until an action is taken. Then an appeal may be filed which must be conducted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. At that point the anonymous source would pretty much have to come forward or else the case would fall apart, but this won't go that far.

Mere fear of retaliation should not be a factor in what is essentially a 'swatting' case. Nobody who has read more than 2 of Bryan's posts or who has more than 2 minutes of experience in aviation could believe he was serious. The very idea of someone advertising services this way is ridiculous to start with.

Someone out there is a sad, sad little man.
Wow....that sucks. :confused:

Just tell em you spell your name with a "Y" and that wasn't you......
You need to consult with Dr Bruce. He’s the bestest. Immediately contact him. Here his link, send him an email.


Oh wait, this sounds more like a legal deal.


Here’s a pretty good lawyer, in Dallas too. Call him!

Wow, all I have to say is wow. Truth be told, this is a prime reason why I really try to avoid social media as much as possible. Some goober that I don’t even know exists, gets a wild hair up their anus and stirs up legal conflict for absolutely nothing. Whoever reported that has to be retarded to actually think you of all people were serious!

Sorry Bryan !

These are my sentiments too Bryan. Sheesh.
Sad, pathetic, jealous person who wasted a whole bunch of people’s time with this bs. It’ll all be over soon though and although the lawyers on here clearly know better than I do but I can’t imagine you’d have to lawyer up for this. This is some snowflake quoting a Facebook post, not a law suit.
1. I always find it hard to understand, but there ARE people who are stupid enough to post messages about doing illegal things in public forums. It's hard to imagine, but it's true. Hence the investigation; no one at the FAA knows whether you're kidding, or an imbecile.

2. There are smart, competent, reasonable people working in all branches of our government. Then there is the other 99% of them.
1. I always find it hard to understand, but there ARE people who are stupid enough to post messages about doing illegal things in public forums......

Don’t forget the stupid people who believe anything they see posted on the internet.
Bryan, take Jesse's advice. BTDT.
Yes, I agree take Jesse's advice, one never knows, you don't want to proceed without counsel. Are you an AOPA legal services member?
doubt this thread will benefit op, or other easy to find stuff out there on social
Send him a link to the videos and simply tell them you are a joker that uses idiocracy as a foundation. Should be pretty obvious that’s your schtick.........

How much you wanna bet the snitch was some CFI who has a holier than thou persona?