Mechanics' Humor?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 1, 2007
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Richard Palm
Should have a sharp pencil added to the picture.
I always know that somewhere in some shop I've chosen to work on one of many mechanical contraptions I own, including the airplane, there's still some guy saying to himself, "Righty tighty, leftie loosey!" ... to remember.
Rule of mechanical replication: "Take something apart and put it back together enough times and you'll have sufficient parts to construct an entire new unit"
In a time long ago, in a land far far away, there was a A&P who removed an engine for over haul, after about a week of the owner calling about the cost of overhaul, the A&P placed every bad really bad part he had saved for previous failures in the owners hangar, and waited for the call.
There are always parts left over...I don't know why.
I have enough leftover AN hardware and rivets to build a second plane. When you're making small orders from Aircraft Spruce and you need that AN3-10A bolt, you order four of them because they're cheap. Pretty soon...hardware explosion. :)
I have enough leftover AN hardware and rivets to build a second plane. When you're making small orders from Aircraft Spruce and you need that AN3-10A bolt, you order four of them because they're cheap. Pretty soon...hardware explosion. :)
Yup....that's how you build up stock. :yes: