Do you actually pronounce the second "a" in "caramel?"

Car-mel, or care-a-mel?

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Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
I've always spelled it Carmel. Never mind that it's a city of which Clint Eastwood used to be mayor, but the candy stuff is technically spelled "caramel" even though most people spell it the other way. But in any case, in ANY CASE, I can't even imagine pronouncing it "care-a-mel." It's "car-mel." To do such is akin to pronouncing a certain fish with reddish flesh commonly eaten by bears in the Pacific Northwest as "sal-man."

I don't know, what do you think? I lost about six hours of sleep over this today at work.
I have always pronounced it in three syllables, but not like any of your choices. More like ca-ra-mel.
Most of the folks I grew up around said "car-mel", and only the TV commercials said "care-uh-mel".

I usually just say, "Twix" because that's the best use of the stuff ever found on the planet...

... behind those three layer cookie things from Holland that have cookie, caramel, and cookie and are circular so you can rest them on top of a coffee cup and melt the caramel a little before eating them.
Cutting a piece of caramel in half is harder than cutting a donut in half but it can be done...
If it's a topping on ice cream it is pronounced car mel.
If it's a chewy candy wrapped in plastic it is pronounced ca ra mel.

At least that's how I say it.
Car-mel for me.

What about Pecan?
Pe-can or Pe-con?
I think it depends on the brand....and the taste. :D
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Car-Mul is how I say it.
Great, so now we have to try to get a box of candy across the country. :)

I suggest a stop at the Kopper Kettle in Ft Smith, AR. Best chocolate I've had. Makes Sees taste like a off brand hollow Easter bunny from last year.
Every time I see the word I think of "creme caramel" (aka flan) spoken with a French accent.
If it's candy it's car-a-mel.
If it's a city in California, the "l" is silent, as in Car-meh, to show your utter disregard and contempt.
I say CAR-um-el. Of course, it does amuse me that people talk about Car-a-mel Church (town near here in Virginia, spelled the same way as the one in California). I got used to in living in Westminster, CO which the locals all pronounce West-Min-is-ter. Of course they also pronounce the town of Buena Vista as Byoona-Vista.