someone in Houston look at this plane

That's 8 miles from me. I could drop by.

If Katamarino isn't able to be the boots on the ground guy, I know of a good and knowledgeable fellow in NW Houston who might be willing to scope it out.
It was pretty rough but the engine ran nicely. I'm no expert, but sent a bunch more photos for Bryan to ponder.
Have you given FletchAir a call? Also, where is the "buy it now" button?
Bryan, a huge :yeahthat: on getting FletchAir on your team for the pre-buy and any major repairs.

Also, don't forget Kathy Wells on the DFW board can provide info and advice on the Grummans.
500 hours left on that engine, that would allow 4-5 years to work on an engine fund.
Steam gauges are cheap.
For that money you can buy something a lot nicer. Going from a Cirrus to this is like going from a mansion in Hollywood to a run down trailer park. Look at the picture with the tach. It is freaking rusty! What do you think the engine looks like if the instruments are rusting out? This may be a good bird for Mike to part out in his junk yard.
For that money you can buy something a lot nicer. Going from a Cirrus to this is like going from a mansion in Hollywood to a run down trailer park. Look at the picture with the tach. It is freaking rusty! What do you think the engine looks like if the instruments are rusting out? This may be a good bird for Mike to part out in his junk yard.

Based on pics alone, this looks to be a perfect candidate to become a $80k airplane that's worth $40k...
$20k to the engine very likely very soon (unless you get lucky, but odds are against you), a few k here and there, and suddenly we have a 50-55k plane that has a fresh engine, but complete junk panel, ratty paint and aged interior. Then it's worth 30...
Obviously FL got its grip of the plane, based on what the tach looks like. I don't want to know what some internal parts look like, if a TACH looks like that...
But! How cool is that vintage HSI! :)
So did anyone notice all the hail dents in the wing???? What are you thinking? I am thinking it is not worth the gas money to fly over and look at it.
I think Mike needs to buy it and put it on top of the junk yard office.
At this price, I assume it is problematic beyond just engine time but some money saved up front might offer improvements. anyway, anyone familiar with this field ever see this plane? Or possibly if you are near by could take a peek in and see if it is something to run away from?

Well,, if you are thinking about that ragged old plane for 27K,,,
you may just look at this ragged old plane for 19K...
Just a counter thought...

GRUMMAN CHEETAH AA5A 1975 • $19,000 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • TT 4613, TSMOH 264, 150HP, VFR, TKM MX11 COM, NARCO AT150 Trsp, Long range tanks, Century 1 AP, new windshield, 4 Pl intercom, electric pre-heater, full wheel pants, split cowl, tow bar and cover incl., based 1V6, telephone 719-269-8093. Leave message, if no answer. • Contact Thomas Schilf, Owner - located Canon City, CO USA • Telephone: 7192698093 • Posted September 19, 2016 • Show all Ads posted by this AdvertiserRecommend This Ad to a FriendEmail AdvertiserSave to WatchlistReport This AdView Larger Pictures


Well,, if you are thinking about that ragged old plane for 27K,,,
you may just look at this ragged old plane for 19K...
Just a counter thought...

GRUMMAN CHEETAH AA5A 1975 • $19,000 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • TT 4613, TSMOH 264, 150HP, VFR, TKM MX11 COM, NARCO AT150 Trsp, Long range tanks, Century 1 AP, new windshield, 4 Pl intercom, electric pre-heater, full wheel pants, split cowl, tow bar and cover incl., based 1V6, telephone 719-269-8093. Leave message, if no answer. • Contact Thomas Schilf, Owner - located Canon City, CO USA • Telephone: 7192698093 • Posted September 19, 2016 • Show all Ads posted by this AdvertiserRecommend This Ad to a FriendEmail AdvertiserSave to WatchlistReport This AdView Larger Pictures


His computer will only pick up 2 sites. POA and Craigslist :)
Pretty crusty airplane. It looks like a lot of the airplanes that were tied out around Baltimore during my years there. There's always a better airplane out there. When you find it you'll be happy you didn't have this one.

It's funny how I start out with a buyer looking at an old rundown PA46-310P. Once they digest all of the pain and money to get it up to the standards they're buying a decent later Meridian or Jet-prop. It's easy to get up-side down in an airplane.
While the B models are worth a fair bit more than the A's. I would dare say that price is very reasonable for an AA5B. Replacing wing panels on a Grumman is a tad more difficult than just drilling out rivets on the other spam cans. The biggest problem with the hail damage is it makes doing a paint job useless unless you replace the dented skins. Suddenly you are in way over your head price wise.

I suspect you will get many years of life out of the engine as usually the top end is what promotes an overhaul which has recently been done. Need to find out what cylinders he used and if they were Chromed. Not much else to go wrong on the Grummans and parts are pretty reasonable and readily available for AA5's. If it's something you want to have to just fly and sell later on I think it's a good investment. If your thoughts are to fix it up with a new paint job, I would suggest looking for a cleaner starting point.
The cylinders were all chrome, apparently.
@Grum.Man don't you have a grum fo sale? why don't you send the 6er some info?
Is 6PC following Grumman Gang yet? - AA5's for sale come up there pretty regularly.
Is 6PC following Grumman Gang yet? - AA5's for sale come up there pretty regularly.
I signed up fort that site and I just don't get it. You get emailed snippets of conversations daily. I posted and in a year, nobody saw it. It is a whole nothet ball of wax. Maybe I don't have the phone on the coupler correctly or something
I signed up fort that site and I just don't get it. You get emailed snippets of conversations daily. I posted and in a year, nobody saw it. It is a whole nothet ball of wax. Maybe I don't have the phone on the coupler correctly or something
It is an archaic system in today's world. I am on the list but just delete most of the messages without reading them. I think the software pools the messages until a certain time or quantity has been reached then releases a bunch at a time.
I signed up fort that site and I just don't get it. You get emailed snippets of conversations daily. I posted and in a year, nobody saw it. It is a whole nothet ball of wax. Maybe I don't have the phone on the coupler correctly or something

That be cause you're conditioned to the instant responses on POA. :D
no free lunch. Tigers have cult pricing around them (and I don't do cult prices). These "buys" seldom work out, especially with any kind of turn key expectation. Cheetahs may fit your acquisition budget better but with a family of 4 you're way underpowered on them (I sold a warrior for an Arrow, a 40HP increase, precisely for that reason and I only have a toddler).

If you just want something fun just get a 2 seater RV-4 and leave the kids behind. Otherwise you'd be better off just getting a six banger cessna/piper fixed gear spam can and shove the kids and wife with ya. Having access to a -22 though, I don't think that downgrade will fare well to your own airplane. Nothing wrong with any of them, but if I flew my wife around at 165 knots in a automotive style interior and then shoved her in our Arrow, she'd be like "wtf happened, is this thing safe?" I don't think they'll share your enthusiasm for an airplane downgrade, cathartic as it may be for you to own on your own means. Like I said, at that point you're better off going 2-seater and getting a funner airplane for the same relative dollar.

Good luck to ya.
Good job guys!!! Looks like we have got him fully discouraged from buying this plane.

Once again, Pilots Opposing Aircraftownership (POA) has struck again.

Should we now start suggesting a Bonanza to him, since that is what he will really want later?
Nice airplanes, but awful cheap for a good one, even with dated radios. IIRC, there was some issue with delamination on spar or wing with certain years, and the way to check if it was affected was to look at the color of the glue. Might want to do some looking into that.

Fletchair is a great Grumman resource, and I think Grumman Gang has a site too.
Perhaps this was answered in another thread somewhere and I apologize in advance that I haven't read every syllable in the POA forum because I have a life, but Brian, Byron, Bryan, take your pick - why do you want another airplane?
Looks nice.

Except, you are now getting into C182 and Bonanza pricing.

Call the Cheetah guy in Washington and ask him if he will consider $30k. If he says yes, see if you can get someone local to put eyes on it.
You aren't getting much of a 182 for 37k. Yes you are into older Bonanza money even at 172 prices but you are playing with fire in maintenance cost. And for the love of god don't try to talk someone down before you have even seen the airplane
Again, if I lived in TX, and was looking for an AA5, I'd call Fletchair and let David know you're looking. He knows the fleet better than anyone and may know of available planes not listed elsewhere.
Perhaps this was answered in another thread somewhere and I apologize in advance that I haven't read every syllable in the POA forum because I have a life, but Brian, Byron, Bryan, take your pick - why do you want another airplane?

This would be his first. The Cirrus is a 'family asset'
You aren't getting much of a 182 for 37k. Yes you are into older Bonanza money even at 172 prices but you are playing with fire in maintenance cost. And for the love of god don't try to talk someone down before you have even seen the airplane

If his budget is closer to the $27k of the first plane, and thinks he might raise it to $30k, there is NOTHING wrong with asking someone if they might consider what he is able/willing to offer.

There is NO VALUE to him pretending to be interested at a higher price than he has allocated, going thru the expense/charade of having people look at the plane, do a pre-buy, etc.... and then offering the $30k.

What is the worst that happens if he asks him to consider $30k?

  1. "Yes, I will take $30k in a heartbeat"!
  2. "Hmmm.... no to $30k, but I might be willing to meet you half-way...."
  3. "Damnit, I posted $37k, I will not sell for less than $37k, GFY, and we will never be best friends. Click".
Any of those seem traumatic to you???
Perhaps this was answered in another thread somewhere and I apologize in advance that I haven't read every syllable in the POA forum because I have a life, but Brian, Byron, Bryan, take your pick - why do you want another airplane?

Dad and I shared a plane. It was great. I could split costs and sleep well at night.
Then Dad upgraded to the SR22. Now I still split costs as though it were on the prior plane and it it barely a drop in the bucket.

Dad doesn't really care that much but I have trouble not keeping up my portion of the expenses.

That is the major overriding factor but there are 2 others.
1. I am a selfish control freak and I want my own plane with my name on the title and my face engraved on the only key.
It is just a goal. I have a goal of owning my own plane. Cost effectiveness is not important in this goal. None of my hobbies have been profitable.

2. The Cirrus is a fantastic machine that really just blows me away with all that it does. It does not really fit my mission though.
I am looking for something that will allow me to poke around in grass fields and throw easter eggs out at church picnics, and take pictures and do pattern work.
However, it also needs to have the ability to carry me, the wife and kids on little 2-3 hour hops.

Honestly a 172 would probably be perfect. But I like wings on bottom and easy egress (sorry Cherokee pilots).
The go to response would be "Get a 2 seater and use the Cirrus for family trips"

I suspect Dad will probably fly a couple more years and then decide when he retires that he is done.
He is not passionate about aviation, Just about using the plane to get to work and XC trips.

I am planning for the Cirrus to not be an option in the next couple years. I don't want to be trying to sell a 2 seater at that point so I can buy a 4 seater. I need ~800+ lbs useful load. I don't care about instruments. Comfort is more important than speed. The 4 of us currently weigh 410 lbs
So a Grumman, Musketeer, Sundowner, (maybe a socata Rallye. Those look cool) fit the bill.
Thank you sir for answering (in great detail) a question that was none of my business to begin with. I couldn't fathom having two planes, which is why I asked.

<----one of those Cherokee pilots where there is NO known graceful way of exiting the aircraft.
Budget: mid to high 30s gets me a plane and enough in the kitty to cover: "#@##$#$@#$!!!!! Seriously!!!!!"