Chicago Sectional


Cleared for Takeoff
May 31, 2005
Oak Harbor
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1964 Chicago Sectional, a little change since I started flying.
That is really cool. Wish I could have started flying back then!

Without a 'chute? And no GPS? No syn-vis? No NEXRAD? No TIS? No Foreflight? In an aluminum airplane? Oh the horrors! :eek:;)
Without a 'chute? And no GPS? No syn-vis? No NEXRAD? No TIS? No Foreflight? In an aluminum airplane? Oh the horrors! :eek:;)
Ha ha, that's one of the reasons I like have an old school instructor. Takes the GPS away from me quite a bit and makes me rely on the needles, (And it's only a Garmin 430 at that), never seen synthetic vision in person, and though I have WingX Pro, the Ipad usually stays at home unless I'm putting around on an afternoon VFR trip. I like knowing the old school way of doing things even though I'm from a younger generation. Technology is great and all, definitely has it's benefits, but in a lot of ways, makes us lazier and less skilled. Plus the old school stuff is a lot cooler in my opinion!
Without a 'chute? And no GPS? No syn-vis? No NEXRAD? No TIS? No Foreflight? In an aluminum airplane? Oh the horrors! :eek:;)
It was a 7AC rag bag champ I started in at York Township 1964.
Started flying in May of 1964, got my PPL, high performance, and multi-engine seaplane ratings the day after my birthday in May, 1965 (my birthday is on a Federal Holiday, couldn't schedule it that day). The next day I did my taildragger. Most of the time I flew with gas station road-maps. I know I must have had some sectionals, but I barely remember them. If I needed to go someplace the road-map worked fine.
Started flying in 1958. Sectionals then were so less cluttered. Urban sprawl was minimal and landmarks stood out more prominently. Muck easier to navigate using dead reckoning.
Those were the days... none of the airspace we currently deal with and...

Meigs was still there! :rockon:

I would gladly trade some or all of the modern technology and conveniences that we as pilots have to roll the clock back to simpler times.
I started in 1968 at Joliet, I was 15, I still remember landing at Elgi, Mitchell, Hinsdale and more that are now gone, I also remember when Dupage was really busy and you would be tenth in line for takeoff and trying to land was impossible sometimes there was so much traffic, now I drive by there occasionally and it is dead most days, people still have airplanes but not a lot are flying anymore, sad to see. Yes those were the days and I am glad I got to live them.
Here's Los Angeles when I started learning to fly in the 1960s.


The new format double-sided charts first came out about the time I got my PPL. I still have a 1st edition:

I had a friend that learned to fly somewhere near Chicago in a J3 in the lat 1950's. He was a student, soloing on a cross country, and he got lost over Illinois west of Chicago. So he sees a farmer on his tractor in a field and he LANDS. Farmer comes over and asks him whats up. Guy is embarrassed so he says "If a guy was to buy a pair of shoes around here, where would he go?". Farmer gets it and says "well, Kirkland (or whatever) is right over there and Kingston is down the highway another 5 miles. My friend thanks him, hops back in the J3 and takes off, finding his way back ok now.
True story!
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Nice! Yup, good ole Meigs is still on the map. Times have surely changed. Thanks for sharing!
That is where I did my first solo, 1964, in Champ N82915. Herb Miller was my CFI. He and his brother Emil owned the airport. I worked summers and weekend there pumping gas, washing plane, and other stuff in trade for flight time. The Chamnp went for $10/hour wet,and the CFI was $5.

Thats awesome! If only it was still that way today. Working 8 hours at the FBO today might only give you .3 of hobbs time.:goofy: