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    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Annual Inspection Paperwork.
      Ever since one of the annuals I did, the owner lost all the log books of his aircraft I have been taking digital pictures of all the...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread So I bought a C182 - what now?.
      Great, hope it's a good one and works out for you they are great planes and people love them and keep them for a long time.
    • brien23
      Congratulations you bought into a aircraft that has been in continuous production longer than any other aircraft in history. A bit of...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Helicopter Parts.
      I believe time life on a Robinson in hours and years is the major factor over all other factors for price.
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Helicopter Parts.
      Buying a helicopter is buying time life parts and that sets value of the helicopter so would that also be the value of scrapping a...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread touch up paint in spray can.
      If you paint a antenna and Polane is out of your price range, a good grade of urethane marine paint will probably work just fine. Just...
    • brien23
      brien23 posted the thread Helicopter Parts in Maintenance Bay.
      Are old helicopters worth more in parts than flying airworthy ones. Helicopter market is very small and old ones even smaller and hard...
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to Shepherd's post in the thread Age 75+ Insurance with Like Like.
      This is my current plan: My wife says she will divorce me if I buy another plane. Oh well. I put everything I own in various trusts, and...
    • brien23
      Cessna wear limit on the flap tracks if the track wear exceeds the manufacture limit can the 100hr or Annual be signed off as airworthy...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Worst place to be a Pilot.
      Oh great next someone is going to tell me WWF is fake.
    • brien23
      After 60+ years not much has changed, pilots are still dead from the same mistakes made then and now. Flight training books got bigger...
    • brien23
      Milton is probably going to cost insurance loss and rates to all of us to go up again, as if it was not high now.
      • FLA.jpg
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Indy air sales.
      What exactly is wrong with the engine, just using oil or oil filter full of metal and no oil pressure?
    • brien23
      How many of you get into an unfamilar plane with a new pilot friend and begin looking over the systems and observing all you can while...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread A&P or avionics shop?.
      Takes 2-4 years to become a avionics technician or A&P technician. Avionics technician has an average salary a little higher than the...
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