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    • brien23
      Names assigned for waypoints, intersections, Air Traffic Control (ATC) coordination, and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) fixes not...
      • Kkp6D.png
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Runup area to runway priority?.
      You can always just get in line and should the tower clear you by mistake VFR takeoff that was a IFR release, it's now ATC problem to...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread Seattle Avionics.
      Lifetime Just ask the American indian, Treaties will last "as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the river flows" sometimes the...
    • brien23
      Cheap fixer upper Cessna 172 bad paint bad interior high time engine and old radio 13,000hr TTAF don't seem to last long on...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread I cant find a hangar..
      10 to 15 years sitting on the ramp paint and interior suffer, if you have new avionics theft or other damage could cost more or about...
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to flyingron's post in the thread VOR with Like Like.
      You don't need the A&P as long as you are the owner-pilot. Slide in avionics with the exception of DME, transponders, and DMEs are a...
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to bbchien's post in the thread DPE wait times...? with Like Like.
      We are out of everything. AMEs DPEs DMEs FAA medical officers Qualified ASIs at the FSDO. A&P-IAs A&Ps I've never seen it this bad and...
    • brien23
      If you take the lens off and the flash tube is black at one end of the tube it's time to replace the bulb also it is hard on the power...
    • brien23
      It's been over a year since pilots are doing things to the FBO rental aircraft that they think is right. Someone pulled the vent tube on...
    • brien23
      brien23 replied to the thread F35 down.
      F-35A cost around $89.2 million, F-35B reportedly cost $115.5 million.
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to TCABM's post in the thread Improper Sale of an Airplane? with Like Like.
      Whose trouble is it? If you can successfully make a profit in the aircraft flipping business, you should be the employer, not the employee.
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to luvflyin's post in the thread Improper Sale of an Airplane? with Like Like.
      What do you and your partner do for a living? Is your employer worried about some kind of legal jeopardy? Or is it about some moral issue?
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to Clip4's post in the thread Improper Sale of an Airplane? with Like Like.
      The big problem I see is the heir and the buyer just stating they wanted nothing to do with the airplane. There should have been...
    • brien23
      brien23 reacted to morleyz's post in the thread Improper Sale of an Airplane? with Like Like.
      I'm not sure why your former employer is up in arms about the transaction unless the 2013 buyer was taking legal action. My only...
    • brien23
      Now is the time to learn not after the endorsement you need to be able to land with crosswind and wheel landings or like others find out...
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