Why do so many threads seem to turn into ****ing matches?


Mar 7, 2013
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Simple question based on a simple observation.
We are pilots....

Pilots are Type A personalities..

It's is bound to happen....

Next question...:D

Plan and simple, hiding behind a computer its easy to be a dick. Try it in person and see what it would get you, punched in the face. Most would never say half the things they do face to face with someone.

I believe if everyone used their real names and address, most would not act like they do on the computer out of fear that someone just might knock on their door. I know there would be some people I would look up.

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Very true, people are much more abrupt compared to talking in person. I can assure you it happens elsewhere, I post on college/USA wrestling sites and you should see the type A pizzing matches :rofl: There is one site, the Ohio State forum, where they do require real names and that does seem to be more civil.
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Plan and simple, hiding behind a computer its easy to be a dick. Try it in person and see what it would get you, punched in the face. Most would never say half the things they do face to face with someone.

I believe if everyone used their real names and address, most would not act like they do on the computer out of fear that someone just might knock on their door. I know there would be some people I would look up.


Terrorist threats don't work either. ;)
Very true, people are much more abrupt compared to talking in person. I can assure you it happens elsewhere, I post on college/USA wrestling sites and you want see some type A pizzing matches, lol!

Agreed, it has nothing to do with being a pilot. Its about sitting comfortably in front of ones computer, at home, drinking your favorite beverage, that one feels very comfortable and secure. They then feel they can say anything to anyone. No one will ever know who said what.

Why I use my name. Everyone should have to use their real name on the internet. People will say, you want your name out there? I remember when everyone's name was in a book that was sent to every home throughout this country for free with ones address. But we worry about using our own names on a forum such as this. But this is another story.

Hiding behind a computer makes some feel ten foot tall and bullet proof.

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Very true, people are much more abrupt compared to talking in person. I can assure you it happens elsewhere, I post on college/USA wrestling sites and you should see the type A pizzing matches :rofl: There is one site, the Ohio State forum, where they do require real names and that does seem to be more civil.

A lot has to do with the written word versus the spoken word. Many times the choice of words causes misunderstandings, while if the same words are used in verbal communication the reactions of the receiver govern the next sentence.
Agreed, it has nothing to do with being a pilot. Its about sitting comfortably in front of ones computer, at home, drinking your favorite beverage, that one feels very comfortable and secure. They then feel they can say anything to anyone. No one will ever know who said what.

Why I use my name. Everyone should have to use their real name on the internet. People will say, you want your name out there? I remember when everyone's name was in a book that was sent to every home throughout this country for free with ones address. But we worry about using our own names on a forum such as this. But this is another story.

Hiding behind a computer makes some feel ten foot tall and bullet proof.

Your momma named you H.A.S 1600vw? :eek:
I don't see ****ing mactches but a lot of people who can't stand to be corrected or given advice. Don't know how many times I've seen people argue with those that have direct experience in the subject matter.

As far as names, I don't think that has anything to do with it. Some are professional pilots on here and prefer to remain anonymous. Unfortunately we live in a world where public posts can get you fired.
Cause......Chest beaters will beat. :lol:

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Your momma named you H.A.S 1600vw? :eek:

You bet she did. But she did not name me Tony and I had a federal Judge explain this to me in words I will never forget. Seven years in a federal penn. She used Tony for my SS card when I was born. At the age of 40 I get called into federal court for this.

After I explained my Mother did this the day I was born and now I am getting seven years in a federal penn. for it. He gave me a week to correct it.

But geico did your mom name you that. The day you give your real name I will give you mine. Even though if you follow my posts you already know it.


P.S. I told the federal judge I will use what ever name I want. He said no I will not, you see I still use Tony. I hate the name Harold.
I don't see ****ing mactches but a lot of people who can't stand to be corrected or given advice. Don't know how many times I've seen people argue with those that have direct experience in the subject matter.

As far as names, I don't think that has anything to do with it. Some are professional pilots on here and prefer to remain anonymous. Unfortunately we live in a world where public posts can get you fired.

This is part of it, but I can point to dozens of times the "experts" were flat out wrong here. :yes:
Not just pilots. You should see some of the hunting forums I visit. Makes POA seem tame.
It would not be like this if people had to use their real names. We should not be able to hide behind a screen name.

To Quote the late great George Carlin (well as much as you can quote him): "The amount of an a****le a person is is directly proportional to the distance they are away from you at the time you discover this flaw."

He had a great routine on how loudly you call someone an... If you are standing next to them, you mumble it under your breath, in your car with the windows up, you shout it, and if you see them on TV you yell it as loud as you can. The routine is on YouTube, I wasn't sure if it was ok to link to it here or not.
Whenever I've seen stats on the number of "lurkers" on a forum, I've been surprised.

Usually a very large number of forum members never post.

So that leaves the posters as an opinionated minority.

So I guess it's not surprising that conflict is commonplace.
Just fly the plane. Why worry about people's opinions?
I think it's a Pecking order thing.

Everyone wants to be an alpha dog.
Take away what truly determines that status by elimination physical presence (aka posting from many miles away) and you have removed the true evolutionary determining factor in who is the top dog.

Now there is no real threat of beyond demoted in the pack so everyone gets to be alpha.
Has nothing to do with Type A personalities are being a pilot. The internet makes you a dick

Now why don't one of you Type A pilots be a doll and run along and grab me my breakfast steak and my morning beer.

Edit: I don't mean you are a dick. Not calling the OP that. I was using the "Royal You". Is that a thing?
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Has nothing to do with Type A personalities being a pilot. The internet makes you a dick


I was making crawfish étouffée the other day but didn't have shells and fat to make the crawfish stock with. So a did a Google search for "crawfish stock substitute recipes" and ran across a recipe forum where someone asked the same question. The thread went something like.

OP: I'm making étouffée but don't have stock, what can I use to substitute?

Dick1: I've substituted chicken broth and it works well.

Dick2: no REAL cook would ever use chicken stock in a seafood recipe. You're an idiot.

Dick1: hey genius, since when is crawfish seafood? you're the f***ing idiot.

It seriously devolved that quickly and kept escalating from there.

BTW...low sodium chicken broth worked just fine. ;)
So is your real name H.A.S. or 1600vw?
Your sig says Tony, but I know a half dozen people named Tony, including my Grandfather.

A big part of the reason threads regress is because all we know about you is what you type. We can't see your facial expression or body language. My buddy on a bar stool may say something to me that I would laugh at, but if a stranger says in on an internet board, I assume they are serious and get a different response.

Agreed, it has nothing to do with being a pilot. Its about sitting comfortably in front of ones computer, at home, drinking your favorite beverage, that one feels very comfortable and secure. They then feel they can say anything to anyone. No one will ever know who said what.

Why I use my name. Everyone should have to use their real name on the internet. People will say, you want your name out there? I remember when everyone's name was in a book that was sent to every home throughout this country for free with ones address. But we worry about using our own names on a forum such as this. But this is another story.

Hiding behind a computer makes some feel ten foot tall and bullet proof.

If I ever say anything to you, pretend I am streaking as I say it.
That is the image I wish to portray with any advice or post I offer.
It would not be like this if people had to use their real names. We should not be able to hide behind a screen name.

Ironic coming from a guy who uses a screen name.

Some of the biggest ****ing matches here involve people who use their real names.

Real names doesn't stop it.
Ironic coming from a guy who uses a screen name.

Some of the biggest ****ing matches here involve people who use their real names.

Real names doesn't stop it.

Yep, worst arguments I've seen are from people using real names.

I actually look at it the opposite way. If I ever really got into it with someone on here I wouldn't hesitate to PM them my name and address if they felt the need to settle it face to face. Fortunately, it's never come to that. I'd also say if a poster on here got so wound up about another poster to want to do bodily harm, then maybe they need help controlling anger issues.
I really don't care if anyone here knows my name. I have posted my full name, address, n-number, my repair bills, you name it. My hesitancy in using a real full name on this forum is that it is so easily googled. I prefer my detractors have to at least do 2 minutes of work to get all that information.:)

It is disappointing that so many here just signup to start "S", many of whom have no real interest in aviation.
Why do you ask stupid questions? Are you some kind of idiot?!? :D :D :D
It would not be like this if people had to use their real names. We should not be able to hide behind a screen name.


You first! :D

The reality is that most people (including the hundreds of lurkers) can recognize an internet dick. So there really is no need to call them out they're just making fools of themselves even if they don't realize it. Best to just ignore. Or if you're feeling bored poke a little fun at them.
There is no ONE factor. Several contributors are mentioned in this thread:

1) Social anonymity - This is not just a name thing, it's a not looking someone in the face when you say it thing. It's depersonalization. If it's not (at some instinctual or emotional level) a person, you can be a bad as you want.
2) Written communication has no body/facial/tone clues. Leads to not catching a joke and making it personal. Smilies only help little and they can be used to excuse a real insult.
3) Good written communication skills are harder than they look. What is meant is not conveyed well-or maybe at all. Good writing takes time, effort and editing. And hey, this is an internet forum. Who's got time for that?
4) Changing a criticism of a thought, idea, story or piece of advice into a critiscim of the person. In Tim's cooking example above it'd be perfectly fine to say "Using chicken stock in seafood is a terrible idea." but "Only and idiot would use chicken stock in seafood." is not.
5) Deliberate trolling. Why some consider this entertainment is beyond me, but some do.
6) One very large contributor is people not reading and understanding what was written and then taking exception to some other perceived statement. In the thread on Goodyear brakes started by Tom-D many posters have called Tom out for fraud for taking money and refusing to sign off an inspection based on his decision of what's safe. But it was clear within a very few posts that he does;'take money first. In fact he stated that explicitly. But still the cries of fraud continue. And then get ugly and personal. To which he responded in kind (and he's not immune to this himself).
7) The determination to find THE CAUSE of things having to do with human behavior. Human behavior is rarely if ever ONE cause, even if its only one person involved, and never if more than one person is involved.

Anyway, a long discussion of contributing causes for the ugly internet.

Short people. Lots and lots of short people.