The patriot fans are like obama fans, they will never stop making up excuses for their team, instead of holding them to a legal standard.
It is a game, you really don't suck even if the football team you have a man crush on sucks.
The patriot fans are like obama fans, they will never stop making up excuses for their team, instead of holding them to a legal standard.

So are you not understanding the whole as the temperature falls the pressure decreases thing?
So are you not understanding the whole as the temperature falls the pressure decreases thing?

Understanding it just fine, just don't believe it given the patriots penchant for cheating.
If the so-called "deflated" footballs actually provided an advantage, it was strange in the 2nd half that the Patriots had the first nine passes caught, Gronk dropped one, then four more catches, then one incompletion on a deep pass to lafell. No fumbles in the 2nd half (unlike the 1st half).

In other words, the Patriots did better in the 2nd half with the replacement footballs than in the first half with the so-called deflated footballs. If the Patriots "cheated" then they really hoovered at it.

The inescapable conclusion here is that the Colts were trying to cheat by deflating the Patriot's footballs...

First half score: Pats 17, Colts 7, T Brady 1 TD, 1 Int
Second half score: Pats 29, Colts 0, T Brady 2 TD, 0 Int
Hows about the Patriots own up to the mistake. They blame others but never own up to it.
Heh. Belichek played the "science is hard" card at his last interview. That was so cute.
How about the NFL does away with the stupid rule that Brady and Manning spearheaded and furnish the balls themselves and the officiating team for the game inflates and checks the pressure on the field of play.

Let the babies all play with the same footballs.
The nfl response to cheating is pretty much in line with the nfl response to the wife beater video lies. Nothing to new here. Just more of the same ****
The nfl response to cheating is pretty much in line with the nfl response to the wife beater video lies. Nothing to new here. Just more of the same ****

Gotta prove cheating first, tough to prove something that didn't happen, you just hate us cause you ain't us......
Gotta prove cheating first, tough to prove something that didn't happen, you just hate us cause you ain't us......

Actually they don't. The nfl has long history of taking strong action and worrying about the facts later.

The only times they don't is when the commissioner is implicated, and the patriots do the cheating.
I am not a Pats fan, but I find it funny how everyone knows EXACTLY what happened and have already convicted them of cheating. When the only facts we have are this:

The Pats gave the balls to the referee for inspection.
Those balls were used in the game.
11 of 12 were under inflated when measured (at halftime I believe).

That's it. No one knows if the referee actually inspected the ball. No one knows what the chain of custody was after the inspection. I hope none of you are on a jury.

Man travels to Miami. There was a murder in Miami while man was there. Oh, that man must be Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Actually they don't. The nfl has long history of taking strong action and worrying about the facts later.

The only times they don't is when the commissioner is implicated, and the patriots do the cheating.

You are an idiot. You apparently forgot about a 500,000 fine and draft pics a few years ago levied against....oh yeah, the Patriots. Which did the same thing every other NFL team was doing at the time.
You are an idiot. You apparently forgot about a 500,000 fine and draft pics a few years ago levied against....oh yeah, the Patriots. Which did the same thing every other NFL team was doing at the time.

Nope. I didn't forget at all...

There is a WORLD of difference between a fine so small the owner gave more out than that in tips last year, and taking away their wins for cheating, which is actually protecting the integrity of the game.

The only time the league actually gets stirred up and does something is when either a player becomes too popular, and (gasp) wears something individual, or a you tube video embarrasses their asses.

As for idiot. go stuff yourself in a trunk full of fire ants and enjoy the show.
Nope. I didn't forget at all...

There is a WORLD of difference between a fine so small the owner gave more out than that in tips last year, and taking away their wins for cheating, which is actually protecting the integrity of the game.

The only time the league actually gets stirred up and does something is when either a player becomes too popular, and (gasp) wears something individual, or a you tube video embarrasses their asses.

As for idiot. go stuff yourself in a trunk full of fire ants and enjoy the show.

Apparently you did. I'm also pretty sure The Hoodie didn't tip $500,000 last year. I might be wrong, But I'm pretty sure he didn't. At 15% that means he would have had to spend roughly $3+MM on services. Even at 20% 2.5MM.

And why so much anger? Banned from the Spin Zone again?
Isn't Bill Nye just same random guy, too? ;) I've never met him.

Based on that interview with Bill Nye, he didn't address anything. All he said was rubbing won't reduce the pressure. Duh.

I'd go more with what I stated earlier in the thread, and I have no dog in the hunt. My team didn't even make the playoffs.
I lost a lot of respect for Bill Nye the "science" guy, so much for science. As to you, what I spelled out for you is easily researched and verified, I suggest you give it a try.

Meh. I had multiple years of chemistry and understand the ideal gas law. I also understand the assumptions on which it depends, and they are inconsistent with the assumptions in your math. Do some empirical testing and see if you get the same results.
Meh. I had multiple years of chemistry and understand the ideal gas law. I also understand the assumptions on which it depends, and they are inconsistent with the assumptions in your math. Do some empirical testing and see if you get the same results.

I have. When I played in a football league, I preferred fully inflated footballs, as I played QB and it was offense provide the balls. We carried a pump with us because when it got colder the ball would deflate. Especially since it was usually kept in the house at 70+ degrees. Also had to do the same thing with basketballs as fall came around.
It is so much FUN to watch patriot fans trying to justify cheating with everything, including the kitchen sink. Gotta love new england hypocrites.
Not from New England, not a Patriots fan. Try again.
Meh. I had multiple years of chemistry and understand the ideal gas law. I also understand the assumptions on which it depends, and they are inconsistent with the assumptions in your math. Do some empirical testing and see if you get the same results.

And which assumptions would those be?
And the dolphins still suck

You really need to deal with the reality of it all..

The Dolphins would have to IMPROVE to SUCK, and the JAGS and Bucs are worse.

Just sayin...

At least we have college football.
You really need to deal with the reality of it all..

The Dolphins would have to IMPROVE to SUCK, and the JAGS and Bucs are worse.

Just sayin...

At least we have college football.

The reality is that there is a simple explanation as to why it happened that involves no malfeasance, if you ignore that you are being dishonest. I think the NFL is loving that this story has been the lead in most newscasts, at least around here, for over a week, you can't buy that type of publicity. I don't think they did anything, and unless there is a video of someone altering the balls somewhere, then that is what the NFL investigation will tell us.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking there will be a romp in Arizona.
Just reported that they have video of the ball boy not going straight to the field from the officials room. As a Pats fan, I don't like to hear that.

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Just reported that they have video of the ball boy not going straight to the field from the officials room. As a Pats fan, I don't like to hear that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

They've got video every where there, it's going to get interesting if that is true.
Who's to say he didn't get paid off by a Colts or Ravens or [name team of your choice other than Patriots] employee or fan to tarnish the reputation of the Patriots?
The reality is that there is a simple explanation as to why it happened that involves no malfeasance, if you ignore that you are being dishonest. I think the NFL is loving that this story has been the lead in most newscasts, at least around here, for over a week, you can't buy that type of publicity. I don't think they did anything, and unless there is a video of someone altering the balls somewhere, then that is what the NFL investigation will tell us.

If that was the case someone would likely have provided that explanation by now.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking there will be a romp in Arizona.

Possibly, but irrelevant.
OK, the weather could have done it. but the colts balls went thru the same conditions, they were right.


Because the Patriots Cheat.
Nope. The Colts QB is on the record as preferring harder balls and it is within the rules to tune footballs using temperature. As long as they measure legal at inspection. You guys are sore losers, sad so much emotion over a dumb game you don't play.