Winds Aloft Today

The commercial guys running from Milwaukee to Dallas/Houston must be loving it. The SWA drivers going from Houston to Denver not so much, lol.
Gonna have a honking tailwind today coming from FL, and tomorrow will have a slight tailwind going west to Colorado. Amazing.
Was supposed to have an IFR lesson yesterday, but the CFII called it off in the afternoon. Lesson was suppose to start at 4:30, but he said he was up already that day and was motion sick. Now, if this 500 hour CFII Commercial pilot was having a time of it, you'd have to just mercy push me out of the plane.
Nice to be going the right direction. Was 360 knots (414 mph) across the ground in my little SE prop job, coming into the terminal last night. Rare site. I almost always find a headwind in both directions777E86C9-4DA7-4E85-B3C7-43A830C85897.jpeg ;-)