Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

Perhaps that's part of the problem - you seem to be making some sort of connection between your career and this message board. The creation of PoA predates me, but as I understand it the purpose was to bring people together that were enthusiastic about GA, and fly-ins were central to that. Sure we have folks that are here just to ask/answer questions about owning, 61.51, aviation careers, etc...but the social aspect was part of PoA's DNA since its inception. I've been to Rough River a few times, and the best thing about it (IMO) is that you get a bunch of people from all different backgrounds and experiences coming together to a random spot in Kentucky, and we always manage to have a fantastic time. Nobody cares what you do in real life, what airplane you own (or don't - I'm always driving in or bumming a ride!), whether you're introverted or extroverted, or whether you drink - we just have fun in a cool location and BS about airplanes. Even the wives have a good time!

At my first fly-in, one of the guys I got along with most was OkieFlyer. That dude is country through and through, and I've been a big city boy my whole life. I'm a Longhorn, and he's a stinkin' Sooner. But by the end of that three days I would have given him the shirt off my back, and I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual. There's something about aviation that generates those sort of connections, and I think that's pretty cool.
Your shirt wouldn’t fit Andrew. :)
Ignored users? None on my list. :D
They never do regardless of PoA or any other group I'm a member of.

I made a fly-in lunch to Williamsburg VA but I suppose I should see if something could be set up in New England now the snow is almost gone. ;)
I'm within striking distance of Gaston's, but I always assumed that a jillion planes converging on what seems to be a pretty small patch of grass would be more commotion than I would want to deal with. I avoid pancake fly-ins and poker runs for similar reasons.

But then my introverted self also learned during the pandemic lockdowns that with a solid internet connection and the advent of Amazon, Instacart, and DoorDash, I could probably manage to live out the rest of my days under house arrest without feeling too deprived.
I'm within striking distance of Gaston's, but I always assumed that a jillion planes converging on what seems to be a pretty small patch of grass would be more commotion than I would want to deal with. I avoid pancake fly-ins and poker runs for similar reasons.

But then my introverted self also learned during the pandemic lockdowns that with a solid internet connection and the advent of Amazon, Instacart, and DoorDash, I could probably manage to live out the rest of my days under house arrest without feeling too deprived.
Most of these fly-ins are 10 to 15 planes.
It won't be any more congested than any other untowered traffic pattern. Probably last because everybody's coming from different directions and arriving throughout the day.

That rough river I think we had an arrival about once every 3 hours or so
If one were to apply a weighted algorithm where would the geographic center of the PoA population be, I wonder.
If one were to apply a weighted algorithm where would the geographic center of the PoA population be, I wonder.
That would be a cool data point to look at, wonder how we could do it?
That would be a cool data point to look at, wonder how we could do it?
Management can pull all the IPs from registered members that have logged in over the past x months, run it through an IP locator that provides lat/lon and from there just calc the average.
Management can pull all the IPs from registered members that have logged in over the past x months, run it through an IP locator that provides lat/lon and from there just calc the average.
That wouldn't necessarily indicate where people live though. For example, my ISP thinks I'm in Sioux Falls, SD. And I access the site on the road on my phone. I'm no database guru, but I think a voluntary box on our profile with a (hidden) zip code entry could maybe do the trick.
I'm within striking distance of Gaston's, but I always assumed that a jillion planes converging on what seems to be a pretty small patch of grass would be more commotion than I would want to deal with. I avoid pancake fly-ins and poker runs for similar reasons.

But then my introverted self also learned during the pandemic lockdowns that with a solid internet connection and the advent of Amazon, Instacart, and DoorDash, I could probably manage to live out the rest of my days under house arrest without feeling too deprived.
Gaston’s was a great time, plenty of parking space. We had a number of visitors to the field (non PoA). Nothing too big, you’ll have the opportunity to say hi to almost everyone during your visit.
That wouldn't necessarily indicate where people live though. For example, my ISP thinks I'm in Sioux Falls, SD. And I access the site on the road on my phone. I'm no database guru, but I think a voluntary box on our profile with a (hidden) zip code entry could maybe do the trick.
As long as people don't lie. With the IP tracking, just get the most logged IP address from each member.
I love this group, and I would LOVE to attend a fly in. One big factor that is a detractor (although time/availability/other things may contribute) is the lack of specifics on the fly-in thread. I looked at the RR24 thread and had no idea what airport it was at. I was able to find it by going back to the RR23 page, but I feel like I shouldn’t have to do that. I have no idea where Gaston’s is. I’d love to meet the East Coast Lunch Crew.

More details on the opening post of the thread would be helpful even if it’s in an edit. I understand that details may need worked out through the first week or so to nail down dates, but a post like this would be helpful:

Rough River 25
Where: 2I3 Rough River State Park
When: June 32, 2025 (I used a nonsensical date so people didn’t think this was actually the day of the fly-in)
Who’s invited? You are!
What to expect: meet fellow POA’ers, swap stories, check out airplanes, and have some Food!
I love this group, and I would LOVE to attend a fly in. One big factor that is a detractor (although time/availability/other things may contribute) is the lack of specifics on the fly-in thread. I looked at the RR24 thread and had no idea what airport it was at. I was able to find it by going back to the RR23 page, but I feel like I shouldn’t have to do that. I have no idea where Gaston’s is. I’d love to meet the East Coast Lunch Crew.

More details on the opening post of the thread would be helpful even if it’s in an edit. I understand that details may need worked out through the first week or so to nail down dates, but a post like this would be helpful:

Rough River 25
Where: 2I3 Rough River State Park
When: June 32, 2025 (I used a nonsensical date so people didn’t think this was actually the day of the fly-in)
Who’s invited? You are!
What to expect: meet fellow POA’ers, swap stories, check out airplanes, and have some Food!

All those details are buried deeep in the THREAD TITLE ITSLEF. Crazy, I know.
I have no idea where Gaston’s is.
If only there were some way to access information like that with a few keypresses. Like maybe on the internet. I wonder if someone might one day come up with a tool where you could type in a word and see what the Internet has to say about it?

In the meantime, you can rely on the kindness of strangers. Until you meet them at a fly-in, and can punch them in the gut for being so sarcastic. There's your motivation to attend! (Though now that I think about it, it makes me even less likely to attend...)

All those details are buried deeep in the THREAD TITLE ITSLEF. Crazy, I know.

You really should make these things more obvious. I mean, I know you're just trying to prevent me from showing up, but one day I may surprise you, so you may as well make it easier on everyone else.
You really should make these things more obvious. I mean, I know you're just trying to prevent me from showing up, but one day I may surprise you, so you may as well make it easier on everyone else.

I mean at this point, @RyanB has made more RR's than you. at least twice as many, if my math is right.
The one thing that still amazes me about the RR fly-in, more than the fact that I have driven to the last two from (very) South Carolina, is that the fly-in's chief organizer (Eman) seems to fly in every year from Oakland...:eek2:

That is dedication my friends.
As long as people don't lie. With the IP tracking, just get the most logged IP address from each member.
I'm at a Panera in Lexington, KY and my IP address says I'm in Charlotte, NC because I routinely use a VPN when I'm out using WiFi in a public place.
I'm at a Panera in Lexington, KY and my IP address says I'm in Charlotte, NC because I routinely use a VPN when I'm out using WiFi in a public place.
I would consider that lying about your location. :D
I've never been personally invited, but never felt uninvited quite the opposite actually. Tough to say you feel uninvited when the thread says we are going to xxxx on this date and time who's in...
In fact if all the fun stuff didn't happen during my busiest times of the year we would be there so you could make fun of me in person for flying a high wing. :cool:
Yeah, but she was dumb because she turned it off midflight. You pull that breaker before engine start!!!

Wiring up a new ADSB-Out box in the RV year or so ago, it is actually pinned-out so you can include a switch to turn off ADSB-out identification. No more breaker pulling, just flip the switch!
Wiring up a new ADSB-Out box in the RV year or so ago, it is actually pinned-out so you can include a switch to turn off ADSB-out identification. No more breaker pulling, just flip the switch!
Yeah, but that's not available on all ADSB transponders. I was in need of a new transponder when I went ADS-B, so two birds and one non-anonymous stone. (L-3 Lynx)
To be honest, I've never been to one because in my ignorance I didn't realize all the posts for Gastons, Rough River, etc over the years were POA fly-ins. Just never paid any attention to non-Osh/SnF event posts. Gonna have to re-think that strategy.
Ok, so now I officially feel stupid. I clicked on the thread and promptly ignored the title for the body of the thread… the forest for the trees or something like that…

lol I can't tell you how many posts I've read like 5% of the actual words then commented on it.