Unicom Frequency at a towered field


Super Administrator
Management Council Member
PoA Supporter
Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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What is it used for?
You can get IFR Clearances if the UNICOM station has an agreement with ATC and you can open and close flight plans including cancelling IFR.

EDIT: Disregard, threads about 'at towered field'
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You can get IFR Clearances if the UNICOM station has an agreement with ATC and you can open and close flight plans including cancelling IFR.
Wow I didn’t know that. So it’s essentially the person at the FBO giving you an IFR clearance?
Wow I didn’t know that. So it’s essentially the person at the FBO giving you an IFR clearance?
Yeah. They will preface the clearance with "ATC clears" The controller giving the clearance to the dude at UNICOM has to say the same thing to him. It's the same when getting a clearance from a FSS. I don't know of any UNICOMS off hand that do this. There probably aren't very many what with cell phones, more RCO's and "national git yerself a clearance numbers" nowdays.

Edit: Sheesh, it just hit me the Title of the thread was at 'towered field.'
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Communication with FBOs if they don’t have their own designated company frequency.
That’s what I was thinking it was used for, but since most FBO’s have their own frequency, I was curious what the broad Unicom freq listed under towered fields was for.
Thanks friends!
At my home field, one of the fuel services is 122.95, and the other is 122.85.