Turboprop Vertical Landing

Not a crash, but definitely an honorable mention. The plane appears to hover in place over the runway at the end of the video.
FYI: search "crosswind landings europe" on youtube and you'll see that's SOP in some locales. Have a friend who works in the EU and flies into places like that all the time. He says flying in the US is too boring. I think he's nuts.
I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed by the wind or the runway having rolling hills!
FYI: search "crosswind landings europe" on youtube and you'll see that's SOP in some locales. Have a friend who works in the EU and flies into places like that all the time. He says flying in the US is too boring. I think he's nuts.

“Rudder! Ten dollah! I see you outta rudder, I got good rudder for you!”
Anyone can land in calm winds.

It is the cross winds that make landings fun.!!

Straight, flat and paved runways are just too boring, even in strong crosswinds. Now make the runway out of gravel, hilly, curved and covered with snow and ice and the fun begins.!!
It looks like there is barely any rudder movement whatsoever but lots of flailing about with the elevator and aileron.
I think they kick it into a crab once, then deal with turbulence keeping the wings level while climbing. Interesting to see the spoilers being used.
The plane appears to hover in place over the runway at the end of the video.
That's an illusion from the telephoto lens. It distorts depth perseption.

Interesting to see the spoilers being used.
Roll-control spoilers. They are activated by control wheel movement. The logic for when they are used may change based on factors such as airspeed and flap position. The pilots can tell when they are being deployed. You put in roll inputs and the flight control logic figures out which control surfaces to use and how much of each.