TSA at it's best

As expected and predictable, "all protocols were followed".
After 45 minutes, the mother and daughter were given two options: either don't fly, or lose the Depend. The women chose the latter.

The TSA said in a statement to Fox News that at "no instance" would an officer ask a passenger to remove an adult diaper. The TSA would not disclose further information about this particular passenger, but said all protocols were followed.

“While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner," the statement read. "We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure.”

Wait, what?

“While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner," the statement read. "We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure.”

Not to put it too callously, but, bull**** sister.
One more instance of the government letting the servants know just who's in charge.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
I didn't think it was possible for me to be more disgusted with this organization. But sure enough they did it. Wonder what they'll do to top this one?
I didn't think it was possible for me to be more disgusted with this organization. But sure enough they did it. Wonder what they'll do to top this one?

I shudder to think what possible screw-up could trump this complete cluster flop.
This is the second or third story I've heard this week of the TSA overstepping bounds. Including one of them requiring an actual strip search - requiring passenger to remove blouse and pants.
This makes me so mad. I mean, I wish I could put into words how upset this makes me. They just need to start profiling, because it FREAKING WORKS. Not searching 95 year old women with weeks to live. FREAKING SERIOUSLY?
This is exactly we want and is exactly what we deserve. We, the people, have allowed a great concept of government to become completely bastardized by a bunch power hungry idiots, called Republicans and Democrats.

It has now reached the point, through our own apathy, gullibility, and stupidity, that we no longer have any control over them whatsoever, while they have complete control over us.

They feed us babbling idiots to vote for, and they prove almost weekly, if not daily, just how ridiculous their purported "leadership" actually is. Weiner is just one example. Most of these people are indeed complete idiots.

The next election, we will again be expected to pick the best idiot out of the funny farm to be our leader. We will do exactly that, and we will well deserve whatever we get.

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This is exactly we want and is exactly what we deserve. We, the people, have allowed a great concept of government to become completely bastardized by a bunch power hungry idiots, called Republicans and Democrats.

It has now reached the point, through our own apathy and stupidity, that we no longer have any control over them whatsoever, while they have complete control over us.

They feed us babbling idiots to vote for, and they prove almost weekly, if not daily, just how ridiculous their purported "leadership" actually is. Weiner is just one example. Most of these people are indeed complete idiots.

The next election, we will again be expected to pick the best idiot out of the funny farm to be our leader. We will do exactly that, and we will well deserve whatever we get.

Yes. But with one qualification - the "we" you mention really only refers to the majority of people. There are still plenty of educated and intelligent people - unfortunately, those are in the minority. Depressing :(
Just an FYI... the bill in Texas is in serious trouble - especially if the compromise language is adopted.


IF the compromise is not tacked on, the original language goes through, and the bill is passed, it will be a significant first step. If the bill is compromised, it will be a defeat even if it passes. If you see this early Monday morning, call 'em up and ask them to go pass the bill as originally written.

In essence, the original bill, as written, allows the TSA to continue the searches, IF they can establish probable cause.

The big problem is that we demand perfection in our society and hold our leaders accountable if they do not stop all security threats. This creates these stupid TSA zero tolerance issues.

****es me off that a dying woman had to be exposed to such an awful experience. Samething for little kids to have to go through this too. But we know the bad guys will use old people and little kids to cause harm: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/27/world/asia/27afghanistan.html?_r=2&src=tptw is about a recent bombing using an 8 year old as an unwitting suicide bomber.

Until we recognize that poop will happen and that we have to accept a certain amount of risk and that our leaders will not be able to stop every threat from harming us, then the TSA is here to stay.
OK, I am going to be the devil's advocate. The reporting in this story was very one-sided. I know from experience that reporters will pick and choose facts that will get their stories the greatest exposure.
And how many of you believe that terrorists would be above using a sick old woman to strap a bomb to? Or a child for that matter. If they are smart enough to mastermind the 9/11 attacks, or th attack on the USS Cole, or any of the other attacks, then they are smart enough to choose a weapon that has the greatest chance of escaping detection.

That said, I too hate the paranoid and excessive restrictions on our freedoms. Personally, I would rather eliminate the TSA, quit the foreign nation building in Arab countries and if anyone attacks us, then turn our military loose with all its resources on anyone and everyone from wherever the attack originated.
Once you allow a bunch of idiots, lead by the biggest idiot of all, Janet Napolitano, to determine all Americans are henceforth, under her thumb, you get this and more. TSA has become the biggest joke in the world, and in the eyes of the world, we are the bigger idiots for allowing this type of outrageous destruction of freedom to take place, without a revolt.

Osama certainly won this round. Janet must be so proud.
I bet if you interviewed random pax, you'd find more than a few that would say something like, "I feel safer if they inspect everybody." or "But what if she was trying to hide something in there?"

As long as those attitudes persist, we will continue to be subjects.
Are those searches in private rooms under surveillance, or is it a completely private private affair where anything that happens in there is your word against theirs?
And how many of you believe that terrorists would be above using a sick old woman to strap a bomb to? Or a child for that matter. If they are smart enough to mastermind the 9/11 attacks, or th attack on the USS Cole, or any of the other attacks, then they are smart enough to choose a weapon that has the greatest chance of escaping detection.

I think this answers the question about whether terrorists would use someone in a wheelchair to deliver a bomb.

I think this answers the question about whether terrorists would use someone in a wheelchair to deliver a bomb.


That was a typical male suicide bomber that just happened to be in a wheelchair.

If an otherwise able looking durka durka rolls up in a wheelchair then yeah, the TSA or any civilian/private counterpart has every right to be suspicious.

But that wasn't the case here. This was a 95 year old woman. Never, in the recorded history of the world, has a 95 year old woman blown herself up. 95 year old women just don't care enough about political causes to do that.

IMO the TSAs behavior in this case was inexcusable.
OK, I am going to be the devil's advocate. The reporting in this story was very one-sided. I know from experience that reporters will pick and choose facts that will get their stories the greatest exposure.

Hence my previous: "There has to be more to the story. TSA could possibly be this messed up, right?"

And how many of you believe that terrorists would be above using a sick old woman to strap a bomb to? Or a child for that matter. If they are smart enough to mastermind the 9/11 attacks, or th attack on the USS Cole, or any of the other attacks, then they are smart enough to choose a weapon that has the greatest chance of escaping detection.

Of course the terrorists will try to make use of anyone and anything.

How many people think they can protect against all possible attack vectors?

How many people think it's reasonable to require someone to remove their Depends? (who wants to use that pax's seat on the next flight?) How many people have the security background and access to intel to assess if the TSA procedures in this case amount to an appropriate response to the risk?
In essence, the original bill, as written, allows the TSA to continue the searches, IF they can establish probable cause.


This is amusing. It literally doesn't matter what Texas puts in the law. It's irrelevant because it's unconstitutional.

So much for dedication to the founding principles of 'Murca. Yeehaw, tell you what!
That was a typical male suicide bomber that just happened to be in a wheelchair.

If an otherwise able looking durka durka rolls up in a wheelchair then yeah, the TSA or any civilian/private counterpart has every right to be suspicious.

But that wasn't the case here. This was a 95 year old woman. Never, in the recorded history of the world, has a 95 year old woman blown herself up. 95 year old women just don't care enough about political causes to do that.

IMO the TSAs behavior in this case was inexcusable.

It's hardly confined to young men.

If the 95 year old leukemia sufferer had her house blown up by the TSA, I could see her doing something like this. :rolleyes:

Clearly, everyone always acts exactly as their stereotype requires them to. It's a standard and predictable facet of humanity.
How many people have the security background and access to intel to assess if the TSA procedures in this case amount to an appropriate response to the risk?

Unfortunately, DHS established its own categories of clearances and as far as I can tell, they have no relation to DOE or DOD categories. I seriously doubt that the gate screeners (or even the supervisors) have anything other than a drivers' license background check (if that at all, but I have no factual information because it's all classified under DHS rules).

Back when I was working on DOD programs every single person and that included the janitorial staff, had rigorous backgrounds including fingerprints as well as mandatory drug and lie detector tests and random after getting the job. Not to mention the 6-8 month investigation including neighbors you've never met much less know their name!

Do you really think the TSA airport staff undergoes the same process? I would consider the staffing as responsible and the procedures as credible if this were true.

I consider TSA front-line staff in the same category as generic telephone tech support - they read out of a cookbook and if the question/answer isn't in the book, they're clueless. And as long as they adhere to the cookbook, they'll always be defended and they'll always have a job.

On the other hand, I really wonder about people who apply for these types of jobs. I would work the midnight shift stocking at the local non-union grocery store before I'd work as a TSA screener. I'd happily work trash collecting and picking up dog poop at the local parks - at least there you improve the surroundings and people appreciate your efforts.
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This is amusing. It literally doesn't matter what Texas puts in the law. It's irrelevant because it's unconstitutional.

So much for dedication to the founding principles of 'Murca. Yeehaw, tell you what!

If there are undesirable results from adhering to what lawyers tells us is constitutional, then let's use the established process to change the constitution.
Unfortunately, DHS established its own categories of clearances and as far as I can tell, they have no relation to DOE or DOD categories. I seriously doubt that the gate screeners (or even the supervisors) have anything other than a drivers' license background check (if that at all, but I have no factual information because it's all classified under DHS rules).

Back when I was working on DOD programs every single person and that included the janitorial staff, had rigorous backgrounds including fingerprints as well as mandatory drug and lie detector tests and random after getting the job. Not to mention the 6-8 month investigation including neighbors you've never met much less know their name!

Do you really think the TSA airport staff undergoes the same process? I would consider the staffing as responsible and the procedures as credible if this were true.

I consider TSA front-line staff in the same category as generic telephone tech support - they read out of a cookbook and if the question/answer isn't in the book, they're clueless. And as long as they adhere to the cookbook, they'll always be defended and they'll always have a job.


To clarify, I did not mean to imply in anyway whatsoever that the TSA drones have any idea of what they are doing (and certainly I doubt that more than a few of the drones could actually get a clearance.)
Clearly, everyone always acts exactly as their stereotype requires them to. It's a standard and predictable facet of humanity.

It's about statistics and common sense.

Statistics and common sense say that a 95 year old woman that poops her pants isn't going to blow up an airliner.

So what if there was one cranky, politically active old broad that blew herself up in the middle east. Is that supposed to be something for us to look up to as a statistically significant holy grail? That we can pick out 100% of cranky old broads?

The statisical fact is that it is young dudes that blow themselves up and in some cases force women to blow themselves up.

The other statistical fact is that if one sets 100% detection as a goal one will fail 100% of the time. That's an excuse to spend endlessly beyond the point of zero ROI.
I know, right? Pilots are all rich buttholes who play with their silly little toys!

I was at Thermal airport as few years back with my flight instructor, we went into the FBO where he once again attempted to get something through my thick scull. The place was very well appointed and attended. They had a bowl of cookies and free popcorn.

Anyway, a Citation or some such thing pulled up out front and four casually but expensively dressed young ladies came in for what reason I have no recollection. Within just a few minutes they had totally trashed the place, popcorn all over the floor, they would take one bite out of a cookie and either toss it on the floor, furniture, or back in the bowl. They would open a magazine or paper, and again, just drop it wherever they stood.

These young thirty somethings seemed completely oblivious to what they were doing. It seemed like they were simply used to others taking care of their messes for them. I looked at the lady at the counter, she wasn't even bothering to look at what was taking place, like she was used to it.

After trashing the place, they climbed back into the Citation and left, one of them was the pilot.

I had never in my life seen such an example of spoiled wealthy brats, and I probably will never see it again, I hope.

The wealthy can indeed be complete jerks.
