This week on POA. Episode 2

Holy *****! That was hilarious!

If you get REALLY bored, you can do a multi-part miniseries on proper patterns at uncontrolled fields, with voice over recitation of the FARs in question. :-D

Awesome work 6PC. That made me seriously laugh!


Can sub-plots in the miniseries involve IAP transitions and DME arc guidance?
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Damn! That's what I get for not checking in daily (or more often). That was outstanding. But, I've never met Tim. :D
So here is how corporate American 3rd grade works. And for the record, I have had a lot of jobs so I know this is not abnormal.

Wed we got a box representing a shipping container and a bunch of crap that we have to pack.

Winner is the team whose box has the best container design and most meticulous adherence to the international shipping regs. It also has to pass a shake test.

Items we had to pack included

  • Cigarette lighter
  • Can of potted meat
  • Cheetos
  • bottle of Scope
  • 2 batteries
  • box of crayons
  • Light bulbs
  • 3 Christmas tree bulbs
  • some other nonsense I cannot recall

The contents had to be packed in such a way as to prevent a fuel source being next to an ignition source and HazMat (lighter) cannot be closer than 8.5 feet from consumables which in our scale container is 2.7 inches

They shake the box to simulate transport on a truck, train, and vessel

Based on the packing, style, and survivability, the winner gets. Well, they get an email stating that their team won.

This is what corporate America is doing. 30+ 6 figure employees at a publicly held company, 465 million dollars in debt acting like kids and all getting bonuses this quarter because we are losing less money than last year at this time.

This is why the terrorists hate us.

That was yesterday. Today I worked from home which means in addition to writing "as the propeller turns" (love that title), I got 5 vessels built in our system that as I type this are in Dutch Harbor, San Juan, and Honolulu working.

Had I been in the office, I would have been having chair races around some sort of paper mache(sp) pylons decorated earlier in the week.

At any rate, my family benefits greatly from this system but like every system, it is flawed beyond repair. So even though I screw off on here a lot, I went up to the office at 9PM to get some paper work I need for tomorrow. Working from home may get a bad rap but the people at the office were having a dance off while the people at home were doing some work.

So what you're saying is that the whole "private enterprise is more efficient than government" thing is a bunch of crap?

I've seen too much crap in large organizations - Gov't included - to believe any of it. SMALL businesses are efficient. The bigger they get, the more waste there is.
I liked the exchange about Grummans between me and EdFred. Classic........


All is right with the world.
So what you're saying is that the whole "private enterprise is more efficient than government" thing is a bunch of crap?

I've seen too much crap in large organizations - Gov't included - to believe any of it. SMALL businesses are efficient. The bigger they get, the more waste there is.

Having started in a small business and acquired by a Fortune 500, I can attest to that. The red tape, the bureaucracy, and the waste are enormous.
ROFL. Somehow I missed this one when it was originally posted. Cracks me up that I'm just standing there noting that death is about to occur, just watching from the hangar.

Picturing just standing there with Matthew, leaning on the pickup truck tailgate watching the show begin.

My favorite exchange:

DenverPilot: I heard him say "come with me and I will show you it can be done safely."

Matthew: Mile High Club?

DenverPilot: I wouldn't rule that out but I think he is going to slip with flaps in the 172.

Matthew: That's too bad. I really liked those guys.
Yeah. I'm imagining that in cowboy hats. Maybe chewing on some straw. Haha.

(I never understood that cowboy or farmer stereotypical chewing on straw thing. Tried it once, too. No appeal at all. Haha.)

"They fixin' ta die, y'think?"
