the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

We need to start a new section called “FAA Rules for Pedantrics”. You could sign up to either 1) participate earnestly or 2) participate anonymously as a troll stirring the pot, citing rules you just made up, obscure logic, and the always popular “I heard from an FAA official”.
And, when all else fails, cite the ever popular 91.13
It's been snowing steadily all weekend. :(
Waiting for it to stop before I plow the driveway.

Tomorrow forecast high is 53 just in time to go back to work.:mad:
Where exactly is this place of snow?
I always enjoy when someone has lurked for years and then interjects on a 7 page thread about flight procedures.

What causes old airlines to have that distinctive smell?
What causes old airlines to have that distinctive smell?

I'm sure I don't want to know...

on second thought... I'm quite sure I don't want to know.
Every time I open the cockpit door the smell seems to be what I imagine would be similar to your uncle's 1974 Oldsmobile 98 that's been sitting in the sun for 35 years. Mix in a box of oil cans and old rags laying in the rear floor. Add a liberal dose of the smell of old, sun cooked cracked vinyl and badly faded red velour carpet that's never been cleaned.
"We are fully cleaning and disinfecting the aircraft between each flight for your comfort and safety..."

Ahh the sweet sweet lies of Marketing. Lol
I accidentally washed my hands with mouthwash at an FBO. Now they are minty fresh. I don’t think it was the first time I’ve done that.
If Jerry Wagner married Martha Lunkin and they got a Raptor, backtaxied on the runway to get to the resataurant and left a negative tip and he became a jokester and started thinking about stuff, how long would the thread be?
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure we could log PIC time for reading it.
I have the day off. to recover.
what are you recovering?
Tarmac, Apron, Ramp. It's not where you store tar, I'm not cooking, there's no incline. We need a better description.
My darling bought a puzzle at the Salvation Army when she dropped off some donations. She'll be MIA until the puzzle is done, except for periodic requests for help with the puzzle "cause it's fun."

Last month she created a waterproof "take a puzzle, share a puzzle" box for the neighborhood and primed it with 3 or 4 puzzles. After 2 days, the 2:00am garbage team (not only men on our team) tossed it away despite the signs.
I was just thinking...I like pizza.
I get to do my first [aviation] oil change today.
It was my second lesson. The nice person in the tower asked "what are your intentions?" My evil snarky side wanted to say "Get my private and retire". My CFI clicked the mic button before I could even complete my thought with "Full Stop". I've since learned by observing others to keep Snarky at a strict minimum. It seems tower / ATC don't respond well / at all to snarky - even as funny if I think the other person might get a good laugh.
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Think I’ll have me some ice cream.
I thought it was called Napoleon. Must have been a French invention of putting three flavors together I reasoned.
MLB extra nonsense of starting extra innings with a runner on second base is stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid

(too subtle?)
starting extra innings with a runner on second base

Is this a real thing? For real for real? Like seriously?? If so then this is as you stated - stupid^32
MLB has a lot of stupid lately

Futurama Blernsball anyone ?

  • The ball is attached to the field by an elastic tether, though powerful hits have been known to break it. A billboard just beyond the reach of the tether triggers an "automatic win," called a "grand slam blern," if the ball enters a small hole in the center of the billboard. Previous balls have been known to escape from Earth's atmosphere.
  • Blernsball is similar to baseball in that there is a pitcher who throws the ball for a player to hit across the field to get a "home run".
  • If enough balls go into a small hole in the center of the field, third ball lock, a pinball-style Multiball, is initiated. At this time dozens of balls are shot at high speeds into the field, (via hidden pitching machines that come out of the field) causing frenetic action.
    • At the time of the Multiball, the batter mounts a type of Tron-esque motorcycle and drifts over the bases, which; subsequently flash twice and explode. This may be the jazzed up version of a home run.

Blernsball annotations.
  • Relief pitchers are conveyed from the bullpen to the pitcher's mound by means of a giant tarantula.
  • Traditions of the game include aluminium bats and the 7th inning grope, which seems to be the jazzed up version of the 7th inning stretch.
  • Steroid injections are mandatory.