The Great Monkey Race: Progress Thread

can it be?!?!? will the monkey finally leave Arkansas? tune in tomorrow, same monkey time, same monkey channel.........
brian];1992443 said:
That would be cool to see. We have several small WWII airfields with museums. Tuskegee is on my list of places to see .. Definitely post the hours please...

By the way, the bog (aka taxiway in front of the hangar) finally drained, but too late in the day to make it to Mississippi... Drat. Downside of hangaring on grass...

When I did get the old bo in the air it was smooth and cool ... Excellent flying weather.

The nice, air conditioned FBO at 06A is open 0730-1630 every day. Museum hours are shown below. Had a nice joy flight this afternoon.

Wow, I can't upload a picture. . . . The Museum is open 0900-1630 Monday through Saturday.

Bring it on over. I can handle him. :eek:
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The nice, air conditioned FBO at 06A is open 0730-1630 every day. Museum hours are shown below. Had a nice joy flight this afternoon.

PICS/VIDS!!!!!! C'MON, Hank, would love to see the C in action!
PICS/VIDS!!!!!! C'MON, Hank, would love to see the C in action!

No Go Pro, and a lack of good mounts for the camcorder. I do have one landing video on vimeo, search for "landing KHTW" and ignore the Asian girl band hits . . . . :D
No Go Pro, and a lack of good mounts for the camcorder. I do have one landing video on vimeo, search for "landing KHTW" and ignore the Asian girl band hits . . . . :D

I read Asian girl and couldn't get any further.
The nice, air conditioned FBO at 06A is open 0730-1630 every day. Museum hours are shown below. Had a nice joy flight this afternoon.

Wow, I can't upload a picture. . . . The Museum is open 0900-1630 Monday through Saturday.

Bring it on over. I can handle him. :eek:

Hank, I'll bring it over first chance I get and during museum hours. A few of us have been wanting to to there so this will work our perfectly.
Hank, I'll bring it over first chance I get and during museum hours. A few of us have been wanting to to there so this will work our perfectly.

Cool! Let me know and I'll meet you there. May even spring for lunch if the FBO doesn't have hot dogs that day.
Yay! Next stop, the ATL?? That will be within striking distance of Eman!

Don't forget to fill out the log.
No Go Pro, and a lack of good mounts for the camcorder. I do have one landing video on vimeo, search for "landing KHTW" and ignore the Asian girl band hits . . . . :D

Found it. Holy crap do those trees look close to the tires.
Found it. Holy crap do those trees look close to the tires.

Field elevation is 567 msl. The trees start by the road, below the field. I'm usually between 650-700 msl (650 is absolute minimum). Note that they are continuing to grow; this was ~2009. :yikes:

It's where I got my license and was based for 7 years. Home sweet home!
The Monkey is now in Mississippi.

Sorry I couldn't stay. Kinda glad I'm back already. Starting to build some bases. Would not have been too bad if the plane and I were instrument rated alread. But there might be a little ice in them there clouds later today.

Come back this way again and will figure out something, it was good to meet you!

Next stop is Tuskegee in AL. I might already have plans for this coming weekend. If those fall through the monkey will head to AL then. If not I'll get it the following weekend or make a stop before work during the week. It shouldn't stay here long, I'm scared for what it might do!
C'mon out! I'll be annealing the plane this weekend,should be there just about all the time. I'll check here periodically.
Time to update the map!

It's neat to see this silly exercise resulting in POAers meeting one another.
C'mon out! I'll be annealing the plane this weekend,should be there just about all the time. I'll check here periodically.

This is not going to end well, but I'd love to watch it (from a safe distance).
Come back this way again and will figure out something, it was good to meet you!

Next stop is Tuskegee in AL. I might already have plans for this coming weekend. If those fall through the monkey will head to AL then. If not I'll get it the following weekend or make a stop before work during the week. It shouldn't stay here long, I'm scared for what it might do!

simtech, have you survived Day 1?
This is not going to end well, but I'd love to watch it (from a safe distance).

Dad blasted spell changer! Guess it doesn't appreciate "annualing" as a verb. You should see what it suggested this time! Must not have hD any pilots writing the iOS.

It also adds random "?" in front of words. I'm shocked that some people depend on these things for navigation.
Dad blasted spell changer! Guess it doesn't appreciate "annualing" as a verb. You should see what it suggested this time! Must not have hD any pilots writing the iOS.

It also adds random "?" in front of words. I'm shocked that some people depend on these things for navigation.

I figured it was more likely spell-check than a typo or poor spelling skills.
Okay who taught this monkey how to fly? I turned my back for 5 minutes and I find him getting all top gun on me. Even was showing off his formation flying skills. It was hard to get him away but Ive finally wrestled him back into the cage. whew...sneaky little bugger!
So The Monkey is partying in Mississippi. Hope he doesn't get too bored after you drop him off here in Alabama.
Well... after bringing the monkey to work and him deciding to fly some simulators without telling me, I feel he has worn out his welcome. So the plan is to fly the monkey this weekend to Hank in AL. Plan is for Saturday but weather may be an issue in which case will push it off to Sunday. Regardless he needs to get out of MS before he does something Ill regret!
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are y'all going to meet at that museum u were talking about?

hank, what's your range....I think u mentioned atlanta-ish?
are y'all going to meet at that museum u were talking about?

hank, what's your range....I think u mentioned atlanta-ish?

If Saturday yes my wife and will be going to the museum and Hank if he wants to. If Sunday....nope they are closed unfortunately.