Sun N Fun TERPS (approach and departure) forums


Jan 12, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
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I finally was able to get on the Sun N Fun seminar schedule, and will presenting two seminars this year on TERPS (approach and departure procedure) design issues.

Approach Procedures on Thursday at 10 AM in CFAA-15
Departure Procedures on Friday at 9 AM in CFAA-15

(Note that as of right now, they made some misspellings in the schedule (TREPS and Producure) that I'm trying to get fixed. If you search the schedule for "Russ" they are the only things that come up.)

I planned to cover the very basics of approach and departure procedure design (since we only have 50 minutes each), BUT I'm also looking for any topic suggestions, questions and such that you might have that I could also discuss. I'm going to try my best to cram as much in as I can!

I finally was able to get on the Sun N Fun seminar schedule, and will presenting two seminars this year on TERPS (approach and departure procedure) design issues.

Approach Procedures on Thursday at 10 AM in CFAA-15
Departure Procedures on Friday at 9 AM in CFAA-15

(Note that as of right now, they made some misspellings in the schedule (TREPS and Producure) that I'm trying to get fixed. If you search the schedule for "Russ" they are the only things that come up.)

I planned to cover the very basics of approach and departure procedure design (since we only have 50 minutes each), BUT I'm also looking for any topic suggestions, questions and such that you might have that I could also discuss. I'm going to try my best to cram as much in as I can!


Hope you record it and make it available someday. NA at night and why could be a good subject. A pic of how much airspace on the Non Holding side of a holding pattern is protected might be informative. So many refer to as the protected and unprotected side, which is a misnomer. A diagram of the primary and secondary obstacle clearance areas would tell a story. Have fun.
Hope you record it and make it available someday. NA at night and why could be a good subject. A pic of how much airspace on the Non Holding side of a holding pattern is protected might be informative. So many refer to as the protected and unprotected side, which is a misnomer. A diagram of the primary and secondary obstacle clearance areas would tell a story. Have fun.

I like those ideas. Thanks!
If you’re here at SNF, come on by one or both of the seminars! Thursday at 10 and a Friday at 9, both in CFAA-15!