Summit Point TFR?

Chip Sylverne

Final Approach
Jun 17, 2006
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Quit with the negative waves, man.
4 days, 3 miles up to and including 400ft?
WTF? Testing a new super secret race car?
Doesn't the Secret Service (or other law enforcement agencies) do diplomat/defensive driving training there? Could also be related to State of the Union Address?
Not at 400' agl

You must not be familiar with this series. :)

Swarm drones. Attack a target with a thousand micro drones. Maybe the secret service is practicing against those with micro EMP counter measures……….
Now....If I tell you....then I'd have to kill you. lol ;)

btw....are they having a race with a large public attendance? Kinda like a Baseball or football event?
I know the Joe Nall airport has a huge RC gathering each year with thousands of people, some flying 200 mph RC jet turbines - maybe it’s somebody similar.
I flew over it yesterday at 1500 agl, nobody was on the track. The TFR specifically mentions drones. I assumed it had something to do with the “State Department “.
Flying club buddy lives with hearing distance and said there was a lot of gunfire over there earlier.