Southeast PoA [Post-Post Xmas Burgers] - GMU [2020]


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Display name:
Brian Flynn
Try this again.

The Post-Post Xmas / 1 month Christmas Anniversary Burger at GMU


Location: Greenville Downtown Airport [KGMU]
Place: Runway Café

Date: January 25, 2020
Backup Date: Feb 1, 2020
Time: Noon until....

Group Photo Dec 16th, 2017

@Dave Theisen
@Bill Watson
@Radar Contact
@Lance F
@Bill Jennings
@Matthew K

I got there today. :D I have an Angel Flight mission lined up for Jan 25, so I’m out.
Hmm, strangely enough, I didn’t check that time against the club and there are no planes available due to a club trip.

if anyone coming from Raleigh, I can be a passenger. Have a plane for Feb 1
Assuming I get my electrical system squared away, I'm in.
My EAA Chapter's meeting is that I'm out. Fingers crossed for good weather for you guys!
I'm starting to think Mother Nature is taunting those without an IR. This is the current forecast for Jan 25, which is quite similar to the one a few weeks ago on Jan 4 and the original date of Dec 14.

Greenville - weather forecast Jan 25.jpg
Weather as of now doesn't look too bad! Let's hope things stay this way.
I’d love to, but my plane is still in the avionics shop getting the panel upgraded. Maybe next time.
Just got my alternator install completed, but heavy rain forecast for Friday. I operate from grass so that may keep me grounded on Saturday.
So still on? Weather looking pretty good around the Atlanta are to Greenville.
If the grass isn't a swamp on Saturday, I can make it. But that's a long shot at this point.
Still showing IFR past 1pm locally, hoping the next TAF cycle shows improvement.
00z TAFs and discussion are still not very optimistic, but going to keep watch and see what the morning brings.
It’s looking like overcast and low freezing levels here in southern Ohio. I’m gonna say I won’t be flying in.
Unfortunately, the weather is going to make me miss it as well.
Airmet for icing and cloud bases too low, kept us local. Sorry guys, maybe we’ll get it one of these days!
I was trying to take my dad to BQ1 and decided not to push it with marginal VFR potential ice in the clouds ruling out IFR. The weather into GMU ended up being so nice we headed that way instead. We got there just before 2:00. Sounds like I may have just missed you @BrianNC.
I was trying to take my dad to BQ1 and decided not to push it with marginal VFR potential ice in the clouds ruling out IFR. The weather into GMU ended up being so nice we headed that way instead. We got there just before 2:00. Sounds like I may have just missed you @BrianNC.

We got there about 2:30.
Well...... how did it go???? Pics?????


That's it. :D

That is a busy restaurant. Lots of families and outside too on the playground. And seemed like a very active airport as far as people activity all around.