Skyvector Feature Displays Approach Chart Changes


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 1, 2007
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Richard Palm
I just found out that Skyvector has a feature that lets you compare different versions of an approach chart to see what changed:

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Apparently that video is 6 years old. Did they make other changes recently?
Oops, you're right! I didn't find out about it until I saw it in an ad this week. :redface:

I have edited my post and the thread title accordingly.
I just found out that Skyvector has a feature that lets you compare different versions of an approach chart to see what changed:

That's cool. If you get a change where the change was just from an old Format to the new Format it would give you a good feel for seeing how the Equipment Required and Notes boxes relate.
Cool. I like the pink marks around what is changing. Oddly, I'm really even more confused about FAA cartography.
Take for example HEF ILS or LOC 16L

There are two changes (other than the dates) neither is of any consequence:

1. The old chart on the airport diagram showed a heading 161degrees 6.1NM from FAF. The new chart omits the distance.
2. The old chart listed the tower and the CD frequency. The new one lists the tower and the CD frequency and a CD frequency to use if the tower is closed which is the same as the one to use when the tower is open (no matter when you call you get Potomac Tracon anyhow).

On the RNAV 16L, The first used to say to RW16L (which I guess is somewhat redundant), but that one shows other fun and games. This one shows the approach has changed deleting an IAF and moving one if the fixes inwoard by .4 miles. The fix name didn't change and it's a stepdown, so if your GPS database ain't up to date you might descend earlier and if you're doing the "I checked it against the plate" argument for flying with an expired DB, you'd probably miss it.