Scraping the bottom of the TROLL barrel (RANT)


Cleared for Takeoff
Jul 7, 2006
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There have been some pretty interesting posts lately. But, really, ST!U. The fifth time someone new says, "ST!U", it may be a sign.

People speculate. That's what they do. If you don't like it, maybe you should crawl back under that rock you've been hiding under.

If you have one bazzillion posts, that doesn't make you smarter than other people. I know that you are sorry that you lost your medical, but POA should not be a therapeutic spleen release. Pilots look out for each other. If you don't like that, than tough @@@@!

I read stuff here that makes me a better pilot. I just get sick of a few holy rollers that insist that everyone is wrong but them. Name calling. Put downs. Threats. Serial snarkasm.

Even though you are not flying, you are still giving pilots a bad name.
Yeah it can get old, but you and I have been on this board long enough to know how things go. Try not to let it bother you, everybody is correct in their own mind. :)
Yeah it can get old, but you and I have been on this board long enough to know how things go. Try not to let it bother you, everybody is correct in their own mind. :)

Its the whole internet....compared to one of my motorcycle pages this place is pretty tame if you can believe that.
Yea I believe it, it's not just us pilots.
True. Ever been to the new fad called Fecesbook? Every idiot and their loudmouth cousin are on it. Add Tw@tter, SnatchChat, InstaFrame and all the other look-at-how-cool-I-am media and you get the idea.
Internet was invented for education and universities. Didn't last long.

Should I apologize for this comment too? I am sure somebody will choose to get offended by it.
True. Ever been to the new fad called Fecesbook? Every idiot and their loudmouth cousin are on it. Add Tw@tter, SnatchChat, InstaFrame and all the other look-at-how-cool-I-am media and you get the idea.
Internet was invented for education and universities. Didn't last long.

Should I apologize for this comment too? I am sure somebody will choose to get offended by it.
I rarely use Fecesbook anymore and InstaFrame is useful for following other pilots. Other than that I'm not big on social media. POA is my most used social media.
First rule of the internet. "peoples testicles increase in size in direct proportion to their perceived level of anonymity"
You hit the nail on the head with that. Correct!
I apologize for everything @eman1200 has said. I feel partly responsible for his corruption. Although the boobie thing is @mscard88 's doing, not mine.

That said, eman, who is going to walk you through the dark side of the morning? When you're drunk and all alone? It ain't me.
I apologize from the bottom of my dumb old heart.

The Cirrus Jet is still uglier'n a bag of smashed arseholes.
I apologize for being semi-normal, if I am, which I may or not be, except on Tuesdays or during the waxing (or is it the waning) of the moon.

OTOH, I blame the internet for anything bad or good and I wish Al Gore hadn't invented it but since he did (or didn't) we're stuck with it.

At least I've not been contacted by a Nigerian Prince's Solicitor lately to send my bank info so I can collect a Gazzilion $$$$ and buy a Vision Jet.

no need to apologize, Sac, I was corrupted long before PoA came around.
I apologize for being semi-normal, if I am, which I may or not be, except on Tuesdays or during the waxing (or is it the waning) of the moon.

Judy: I know I'm different, but from now on I'm going to try and be the same.
Howard: The same as what?
Judy: The same as people who aren't different.

-- Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal, What's Up Doc?, 1972​
And since my father always urged me not to grow up a dumbazz, I managed to grow up a smartazz.
Mission accomplished, dad! (waving toward the sky - no, he ain't a pilot)
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