Royal Wedding Alert


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Dec 1, 2014
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So, help me out here.

Some Prince from a country we fought a war with for our freedom is getting married. It's like front page news here. The guy isn't even first in line for the throne.

Meanwhile those One Percenters need to be decried at every turn.

I don't get it.
All the women citizens get to fantasize, "I wish I could be a Princess"
All the guy citizens get to fantasize, "I wish I could see her ***ed".
In this country, our heroes are the guys who play with a ball of some sort, or musicians or actors. Our ancestors thought it right to cast the important people, the people who actually contributed something to this country, in bronze and put them on a pedestal. Don't see that much anymore.

We got it bassackwards.
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So, help me out here.

Some Prince from a country we fought a war with for our freedom is getting married. It's like front page news here. The guy isn't even first in line for the throne.

Meanwhile those One Percenters need to be decried at every turn.

I don't get it.

But then you went and fought a war with them for their freedom. And brought back a bunch of their girls when you came home. Seems the Prince is just doing his part to even things up a bit? ;)
Anglophiles especially the royalty lovers are amongst the most disgusting Americans. I get pizzed every time I see an American president or other politician fawn over royalty of any kind.
Anglophiles especially the royalty lovers are amongst the most disgusting Americans. I get pizzed every time I see an American president or other politician fawn over royalty of any kind.

I don't see much difference. One Bush, then another Bush, serious consideration of a third Bush or maybe a second Clinton. Seems like it's heading the same way...all in the family.:rolleyes:
I don't see much difference. One Bush, then another Bush, serious consideration of a third Bush or maybe a second Clinton. Seems like it's heading the same way...all in the family.:rolleyes:

Odd read of history.

2nd and 6th President.
41st and 43rd President.

Doesn't seem to happen all that often.

So, without the false equivalency, play on.
Odd read of history.

2nd and 6th President.
41st and 43rd President.

Doesn't seem to happen all that often.

So, without the false equivalency, play on.

When the USA is nearing a thousand years from its founding let's see how things worked out. ;)
Who knows, Mar a Lago might be the New World's Buckingham Palace by then, gold bathroom fixtures and all. :D
I don't live by the ocean, can I just pour some tea in the Mississippi and call it good 'enuf?
In this country, our heroes are the guys who play with a ball of some sort, or musicians or actors. Our ancestors thought it right to cast the important people, the people who actually contributed something to this country, in bronze and put them on a pedestal. Don't see that much anymore.

We got it bassackwards.

We cast politicians and their warmongers in bronze as far as I can tell. I see nothing particularly useful about that. That’s just the same crap Caesar did.

When the USA is nearing a thousand years from its founding let's see how things worked out. ;)

It won’t make it. Not if history is any indicator.
Me either.

As eman said, it's a chick thing. I can remember when Charles and Diana got married. I was in my early 20's working at an A/E firm. All the girls, especially those in the interior design department, were completely ga ga over the entire thing. You would've though they were the ones marrying the man. A man who was very unattractive IMO.

I didn't get it then, I still don't.
Oh, it's important alright...

Not that I care about the Prince whatsoever, I just worry what's going to happen to Suits!
The last royal wedding coincided with a series of tornados here in Alabama. The power was out but I had a generator and was able to get the TV and cable up and running. All of my wife's friends (including 1 UK citizen) came over in their hats and watched the wedding. I called the local TV station and took a reporter up in my plane to see the damage.
As eman said, it's a chick thing. I can remember when Charles and Diana got married. I was in my early 20's working at an A/E firm. All the girls, especially those in the interior design department, were completely ga ga over the entire thing. You would've though they were the ones marrying the man. A man who was very unattractive IMO.

I didn't get it then, I still don't.

I remember Chuck and Di too; I was in college. I think what the OP is referring to, and definitely what I am referring to, is the fascination Americans have with the British royal family. My cousins tell me our grandmother (who I never knew) was fascinated by Elizabeth, and sat by the radio in the middle of a West Texas cotton farm for hours listening to the play-by-play of her coronation and wedding.
How's everyone's favorite sports team doing this season? ;)

and the entertainment industry
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How's everyone's favorite sports team doing this season? ;)

and the entertainment indusrty

Welllllll, I don't watch the NFL no mo so I don't know how my Packers are doing. And Bama got their tail whup Sat night. But thanks for asking....:(
Sooners are rolling. Thanks for bringing it up! :)

Good team w/ amazing Mayfield, who should get the Heisman (should've last year IMO). I think they can beat Clemson who I think will their final opponent for the National Championship. I hope Auburn gets a rematch w/Clemson though, and if so I think AU will beat them. So, could be OK vs AU in the final. We'll see what the pairings look like next I guess.
Good team w/ amazing Mayfield, who should get the Heisman (should've last year IMO). I think they can beat Clemson who I think will their final opponent for the National Championship. I hope Auburn gets a rematch w/Clemson though, and if so I think AU will beat them. So, could be OK vs AU in the final. We'll see what the pairings look like next I guess.

I think OU has a good shot, it just depends on which defense shows up. The offense is legit, and Baker (despite his PR gaffes) is possibly the greatest NCAA QB to play the game, statistically. I would love to play Auburn instead of Clemson. I think Wisky will get beat in their conference championship, so who knows what team sneaks into #4 spot. OU has to take care of business this weekend against TCU again. Man, I hate having to re-play games in the Big XII just because we "needed" a championship game despite being in a conference which plays a true round-robin schedule.
Been a crazy upset season so far, so should be interesting this weekend. Hey AU gotta play GA for the second time in the SEC Championship, so batter up man!

OK Threadjackers -- just don't foul with my Christmas Tree thread. I would like to see actual pictures of actual Christmas Trees there.
So, help me out here.

Some Prince from a country we fought a war with for our freedom is getting married. It's like front page news here. The guy isn't even first in line for the throne.

Meanwhile those One Percenters need to be decried at every turn.

I don't get it.

Come to think about it, I don't either.

What was the point again..??

I am wondering why a 60 buck trip to the cardiologist is costing me over 500 bucks....
I’m still wondering why a modern “democratic” nation still has royalty... fire their butts and tell them to go get jobs. LOL.

The queen was an ambulance driver and mechanic during the war. Pretty simple beginnings other than being born in the right family. (maybe she did cut the brake line on Princess Di's car)

Centuries ago, the king was King because he owned all the land, and the income came from the land. Over the generations, the king would hand out parcels of land to younger brothers, brothers-in-law, younger sons etc, making them dukes, so they could have their own independent income.

George III in the late 1700s wisely saw that this tradition could not continue. He made a deal with the government that he would sign over most of the Crown land (which included some of today's more affluent and commercial sectors of London) in return for an annual income (the Civil List) for himself and his descendants. The payments made via the Civil List over the last 200+ years is still overshadowed by the immense value of the property and land handed over to the government. So it would be very difficult to stop this payment to the Royal family.

The Royal family still has property and valuables in their own right, but are something like number 270 on the list of the United Kingdoms richest people.

"People all over the world are obsessed with the British royal family."

First line of this "news article" tells the story. This person is one of the obsessed.
I think they should allow the royals and English elite to change royalty they way they used to. With swords and pike poles, that would be interesting.
The queen was an ambulance driver and mechanic during the war. Pretty simple beginnings other than being born in the right family. (maybe she did cut the brake line on Princess Di's car)

Centuries ago, the king was King because he owned all the land, and the income came from the land. Over the generations, the king would hand out parcels of land to younger brothers, brothers-in-law, younger sons etc, making them dukes, so they could have their own independent income.

George III in the late 1700s wisely saw that this tradition could not continue. He made a deal with the government that he would sign over most of the Crown land (which included some of today's more affluent and commercial sectors of London) in return for an annual income (the Civil List) for himself and his descendants. The payments made via the Civil List over the last 200+ years is still overshadowed by the immense value of the property and land handed over to the government. So it would be very difficult to stop this payment to the Royal family.

The Royal family still has property and valuables in their own right, but are something like number 270 on the list of the United Kingdoms richest people.

Saying that they get to keep getting paid from land they acquired via birthright is kinda stupid, isn’t it? I wouldn’t make that deal with George.

“How about you don’t own anything and we don’t lop off your heads?” LOL.
It's outdated, for sure. But it is interesting to many people. I enjoyed The Crown and The King's Speech. What's kind of cool is that they don't have to pay taxes but they choose to.

Plus, I'd rather not make fun of their system. It's not like the U.S. is devoid of political oddities.
I find the traditions interesting.

Especially when the royal doctor came out declaring Di a virgin.

Which is why they got married.... no thingy without a ringy.... :rolleyes2::lol::lol: