Re-skin 182 flap

If you sent out a part for repair and it was returned to you with major repair documents, who is responsible for an associated 337 that came with that part? (Hint: The outside repair facility didn't install the part on the airplane).
The major repair would have been to the part (or appliance) not the airplane.
Also from AC 43.9-1F:
The person who performs or supervises a major repair or major alteration must prepare Form 337. The form is executed at least in duplicate and is used to record major repairs and major alterations made to an aircraft, airframe, powerplant, propeller, appliance, or a component part thereof.
You guys do know that you've just been "Rick Rolled," right? Or I guess more aptly put...

...Tom Rolled.
If you sent out a part for repair and it was returned to you with major repair documents, who is responsible for an associated 337 that came with that part? (Hint: The outside repair facility didn't install the part on the airplane).
your much closer than Glenn, the repair facility does not know what to place in block 2, nor do they know who will return the aircraft to service.
The A&P-IA who signs block 7 must be the one who sends the copy to OKC.
You guys do know that you've just been "Rick Rolled," right? Or I guess more aptly put...

...Tom Rolled.
Consider it a lesson, for those not as smart as you.