Private Pilot letting a unlicensed person fly

I've tried to make this point many times. If the Inspector believes this he needs to put it in writing on a FAA letterhead and sign it, or have an email from his email address.

"I was told" doesn't hold water.
Not sure I have ever seen this done, is this standard practice for a inspector to put it in writing on FAA letterhead and sign it if you ask for it.
Not sure I have ever seen this done, is this standard practice for a inspector to put it in writing on FAA letterhead and sign it if you ask for it.

Sure you can ask for it. In this instance he's advising you on something contrary to regulation. Ask for a clarification and supporting documentation, in writing.

There is nothing verbal in the FAA.
Not sure I have ever seen this done, is this standard practice for a inspector to put it in writing on FAA letterhead and sign it if you ask for it.

If the FSDO Inspector's opinion is well considered and in line with the regulations, why wouldn't he put it in writing?

As for me (in no way related to the FAA except as a certificate holder), I tend to take a lot more care in insuring that I'm correct when I reduce something to writing and sign my name to while I might give you an off-the-cuff answer about something you ask, if you then ask for it in writing, I'm going to go make sure what I gave you off the top of my head was correct before signing off.
Did you miss the post about Seattle FSDO view that it is not legal.

If it isn't in writing, it didn't happen. And if it didn't come from the Chief Council, it holds no weight.

IOW, it is one inspector's opinion. And based solely on the content of this thread, it is hearsay and carries ABSOLUTELY no weight.