Please help! I graciously ask for this community to consider me as a brother who is asking for help!

Tyrease Phillips

May 2, 2018
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Today I got the dreadful letter denying me medical. Even after I provided a current psych eval, current substance abuse eval and everything that was asked of me. They sent me a letter stating because of the use 10+ years ago that I don’t qualify and want me to do so much more for this dream. I don’t want to give up. This is worth fighting for. I have done so much to change my life around and believe in myself. A lot of people have told me to reach out to Dr. Chien. So I’m here asking for help. I believe that I’m worth it and will work so hard to show it. I will not be a worthless cause. Dr. Chien if your listening. I really need help as this is something I truly believe in and want to be apart of and will do everything asked of me. Please help. I’m graciously pleading for it.
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I am an Saudi prince and have many many rubles to share! Please email me your credit card number and I will refund money onto it!
I am an Saudi prince and have many many rubles to share! Please email me your credit card number and I will refund money onto it!
As I know that this might seem like a rouse. I am real as it gets and this hardship is as real as it gets. I have been required to get a HIMS psych eval. And getting some u.a which I don’t even know how to do. I might be looked at as a joke on here but to be honest this community is my only hope to becoming a pilot. Yes I made some choices in my past that are very questionable. I have turned it around invested in this dream to the point of I’m working at a part time job and still living in my car. As many on here know that I’m a real person. Like I said Dr. Chien I sent you a message and hope that you can at least give me some advice. Maybe this is not for me. Thank you
I might catch some lip for this, but that’s a good example of why making poor choices early in life, eventually come back to haunt you later on down the road in some way, shape or form.

I really don’t know what to tell you besides contacting someone like Bruce, but I wish you luck as you try to move forward.
I might catch some lip for this, but that’s a good example of why making poor choices early in life eventually come back to haunt you later on down the road in some way, shape or form.

I really don’t know what to tell you besides contacting someone like Bruce, but I wish you luck as you try to move forward.
Yes agreed. I wish today that I could take it all back. I cannot what I can do is live a better life and show to the world that I have grown up. And the fight is worth it. As for Dr. Chien I have reached out to him and hope that I can show I’m worth the every second someone can donate. Like I said before to this community. I apologizes whole heartedly that mistook the trust of so many citizens. For that I only get what I can get. And look at me asking the very people that I betrayed trust for help. Thank you for your honest feedback. I really need that in my life.
No not at all it should say 1000 as Dr. Chien cost that much. I need to change that.
No not at all it should say 1000 as Dr. Chien cost that much. I need to change that.

Errr, while I admire your drive, if $1000 to fix your medical is too much right outta the gate how you gonna afford the rest of the "dream"?...this process ain't cheap.

Meanwhile go look up flying Paramotors...either foot launch or trikes. No medical or license required to fly Ultralights under part 103!
Well let me start by saying this. I have emailed Dr. Chien for help. Yes I truly believed that I was going to get my medical I did everything by the book. Spent my last earnings I saved for the psych eval. And sent all paperwork about past history. I truly did not think I could get denied totally but could apply for the special issuance. The reason I could not even reach out to Dr. Chien was because of my limited funds. So I just manned up and spent my earnings when I could. About funding well I’m in college full-time Clover Park Technical College. I have funding for the program. So with that said I get it be very cautious. I’m not saying I want people to just support something they cannot even see. I’m just asking for those to believe that it’s possible for people to move forward and change their life around. Maybe I just reached for the wrong path. Thank you to this community for always giving me the uplifts it was taken very serious. I will not give up.
Unfortunately the FAA can be very heavy handed about past mistakes. I wish there was an easy answer, but there isn't. I don't recall from your other thread whether your interest in flying was for fun or for a profession, but if it's for fun, two options are still open to you, ultralights and gliders (including motorgliders). Both can be loads of fun, challenging, relatively inexpensive (well, except motorgliders), and require no medical. It could get you in the air while you get things together and save up to jump through the hoops the FAA requires (if you even want to do so), and the experience and basic airmanship you get flying ULs or gliders will be a huge advantage if you choose to continue into more sophisticated aircraft.
Thank you so much for the advice. As I am in college they don’t offer ultralights or gliders. It’s not just a hobby or profession it also my education that I’m pursuing. I’m getting my A.A in professional piloting. And as I have enrolled into piloting courses I have to get this done. Yes I will sacrifice myself to achieve this. Maybe I was wrong by asking for help. And as I thought about it. I wish that I now can take it back. As this is my dream and asking other to support that and don’t even know me from him on the bottom of their shoes is disrespectful. And I apologize. I will not give up. Thank you again for you advice and I will take it to heart.
Pretty sure he wants to go pro. Has some idea about a revolutionary service to his area that no one else provides.

To the OP I wish you well. Keep your chin up and keep working. The process you are undertaking will be challenging.
Hi Tyrease, you may want to redact the FAA notice you posted. (block out the case number, your name, address, etc.) It's a public forum and exposing this information is not going to help your case.

I know Dr. Chien may cost some money, but given the circumstances where you've gone through with the Airman's Medical, you likely have no choice but to finish the process by engaging someone like Dr. Chien (if not Dr. Chien himself) to help with providing the tests and statements as required. Had you not gone through the Airman's Medical, you could have earned a Sport Pilot's certificate. But that bell has been rung, and can't be un-rung.

Good luck - I truly do hope it works out for you somehow.
Thank you so much for the encouragement. As I have decided that I will not give up and show that dreams are very possible and worth the very second you must give to it. I’m grateful that I have people like you in my corner that can see past my down fall and give rise to a better today. I not only work for myself but also for people as yourself, because I want to give those the reinforcements that it’s ok to believe because people can grow up and become the very thing that they fought against. Thank you
So what in the hell did you put on your medical form???
That you were a crackhead 10 years ago but don't smoke it anymore?
The least you tell these people the better you are...
I might catch some lip for this, but that’s a good example of why making poor choices early in life, eventually come back to haunt you later on down the road in some way, shape or form.

I really don’t know what to tell you besides contacting someone like Bruce, but I wish you luck as you try to move forward.

I can't think of any reason why someone would give you lip for that, I tell my kids, now young adults that all the time. It's the truth and sometimes the truth hurts.
So what in the hell did you put on your medical form???
That you were a crackhead 10 years ago but don't smoke it anymore?
The least you tell these people the better you are...
No, My psych eval stated the truth. I used ten plus years ago. Could have I told them no I didn’t use well absolutely. But what good would I be to myself if I am just indulging in the same types of behaviors? That is lying and listening the truth to get what I believe I deserve the easy way. To some maybe that is ok. But coming from my background that is not ok with me anymore. I need to fight this good ol fight the positive and correct way so I can achieve it with the thought of I did it the right way. And be proud of that.
Tyrease, you seem like an intelligent young guy. I suggest instead of begging for money you work for it. Get another job (a job?) and put the money into a savings account. It will help you as a person and it will help with your evaluations telling the docs you are working extra to pay for this and it will help with your application having a story where you took initiative, grabbed the bull by the horns and solved your problem rather than begging from others. And you will have the satisfaction of fixing what you messed up yourself. I doubt it would take more than a year to save $10k if you are truly committed.
Looking forward to seeing what Dr. Bruce says, if he feels he can comment.
Tyrease, you seem like an intelligent young guy. I suggest instead of begging for money you work for it. Get another job (a job?) and put the money into a savings account. It will help you as a person and it will help with your evaluations telling the docs you are working extra to pay for this and it will help with your application having a story where you took initiative, grabbed the bull by the horns and solved your problem rather than begging from others. And you will have the satisfaction of fixing what you messed up yourself. I doubt it would take more than a year to save $10k if you are truly committed.
Oh yes, that I am I have a job now but can only work one day a week as my classes start the 24th of this month. I will after school starts try to get a job with the work program or find another job that will work around classes. I will get it done and as I said before. Maybe asking for help with all this was not something I should have done. I do work I did save up money and I will continue to do the same. I greatly appreciate this community and all uplifts. I do appreciate this community for telling me like it is. I need that and I’m so grateful. Thank you.
Looking forward to seeing what Dr. Bruce says, if he feels he can comment.
As I am, I have sent him a pm but no response yet. I do think I qualify for a special issuance but need a qualified opinion on that matter. But this quarter of school I have it to work it out.
Tyrease, even if you raise the money this may still take a long time. You might need to go with a back up plan (a good pilot always has alternatives) for a few years, pursue some other vocation, save money, then revisit flying later.
Hmm, you also got to consider what flight training would cost, I mean if you need gofundme for this, how were you going to pay for flight training?

Or, this is a pretty well thought out attempt at a long con.

Ether way

Tyrease, even if you raise the money this may still take a long time. You might need to go with a back up plan (a good pilot always has alternatives) for a few years, pursue some other vocation, save money, then revisit flying later.
Yes sir, I do have a back up plan but to put things off as I have always done will not get anything done. I believe today that having a road block only makes it a more sought out plan to have. I’m very happy that I can grow from this. No matter the reason or cause I now know that my past will always be in the foresight of others not because it’s readily available, but because I know that I live an honest life. Thank you for the advice and I will apply it.
Hmm, you also got to consider what flight training would cost, I mean if you need gofundme for this, how were you going to pay for flight training?

Or, this is a pretty well thought out attempt at a long con.

Ether way

Well as I have already stated. Funding for flight school has already been setup by my college and student loans. I have not started getting funds yet as I have not started school. I’ve saved up the last funds for the psych eval I just got but working and saving. But now this is way over my head as the program won’t get involved. So I turn to the very ones I know who could help. This community of people who have gone through some of this thank you very much.
Tyrease, you are in a pickle. I would not start a pilot program, putting yourself in debt, without a medical, that's foolish. You can't get this done is 10 days. Get the medical then start the program. Talk to the people at the college and tell them you want to delay starting until you straighten out the medical, they should accommodate you. You write like a well spoken man, you should be able get job that will allow you to financially support the tests you need in short time, I suggest you put a plan together and get it done. That's how most of the pilots here got their licenses, they worked hard for it, either through jobs or the military. I think if you planned out the finances and found a job you could have the payment part figured out quickly, then it would be just a matter of getting though the evals. Git it done. Oh, and it should go with out saying, but I'll say it anyway, if you are not a tee totaler now you need to become one immediately, no alcohol, no recreational drugs. A dui or a disorderly conduct legal issue now will end your dream for ever.
Tyrease, you are in a pickle. I would not start a pilot program, putting yourself in debt, without a medical, that's foolish. You can't get this done is 10 days. Get the medical then start the program. Talk to the people at the college and tell them you want to delay starting until you straighten out the medical, they should accommodate you. You write like a well spoken man, you should be able get job that will allow you to financially support the tests you need in short time, I suggest you put a plan together and get it done. That's how most of the pilots here got their licenses, they worked hard for it, either through jobs or the military. I think if you planned out the finances and found a job you could have the payment part figured out quickly, then it would be just a matter of getting though the evals. Git it done. Oh, and it should go with out saying, but I'll say it anyway, if you are not a tee totaler now you need to become one immediately, no alcohol, no recreational drugs. A dui or a disorderly conduct legal issue now will end your dream for ever.
Yes, I greatly appreciate this advice. I do not let me repeat do not take any mood altering drugs, do not drink no kinds of alcohol if anything not even the so called non alcoholic types, and proudly I don’t smoke any kind of tobacco products. As for saving up yes I got this I will work very hard to achieve this. I’m already saving this very moment. I know it will cost a lot. I have already had a donation and just want it known that I will be a success. I know this community really gives the best advice and wants people to succeed and for that I’m so grateful. I have this quarter to get everything going. In which I will I will keep everyone informed in progress. Thank you
What he means by a backup plan is an alternative to what you’re intending to do. You’ve mentioned several times about having funds and student loans lined up for flight school, but unless you have a valid medical, it would be in your best interest to not go any further, because you’ll simply be wasting your time. I would hate to see someone take out loans to pursue something that they wouldn’t be able to complete (without a medical).

Might want to think about putting everything on hold until this medical issue is sorted out, if it ever can be.
Yes I do understand that. About my medical being figured out. I got a second letter with the denial letter stating everything that I needed to do in order to get the special issuance. That is why I asked this community to help with being able to obtain Dr. Chien. I am able to get medical but have to jump through more hoops. As the letter says it is with regret they must denie me but this is what I must do to get the medical. I I’m the process of starting that. Tomorrow even though it’s saturday before I go to work I will go take a u.a as they asked for it. But I doing what it takes.
Okay, so my follow up question for you is, how are you getting loans when you’ve said that you’re homeless and live out of your car?

Anyhow, I’d be dog gone certain that I could get an SI before doing anything with a loan.
Well as far as loans? I have not started class yet. I start on the 24th of this month. Yes I am living in my car until maybe two more weeks. I had to save up money to get housing. But doing it the hard way. So you see I have been working I have been doing a lot of things trying to overcome the shadow that is always behind but more like in front of me. I take nothing for granted today and really was just so upset when I got the letter that I asked this community to help when I already knew what I truly wanted was just to be heard. I do have a plan and I do have strong will to work all this out. Even if I have to work and sleep less I will. I’ve live a life that say I was no good to the world now I must repay with always being denied the very things that would show I’m not the person who was a knock off no matter how many years ago it was. A lot of things that goes on behind the scene is not always that easy. But I will be transparent and not hide behind my persona that was a joke. Thank you and really have started applying all of this feedback to my life.
Well as far as loans? I have not started class yet. I start on the 24th of this month. Yes I am living in my car until maybe two more weeks. I had to save up money to get housing. But doing it the hard way. So you see I have been working I have been doing a lot of things trying to overcome the shadow that is always behind but more like in front of me. I take nothing for granted today and really was just so upset when I got the letter that I asked this community to help when I already knew what I truly wanted was just to be heard. I do have a plan and I do have strong will to work all this out. Even if I have to work and sleep less I will. I’ve live a life that say I was no good to the world now I must repay with always being denied the very things that would show I’m not the person who was a knock off no matter how many years ago it was. A lot of things that goes on behind the scene is not always that easy. But I will be transparent and not hide behind my persona that was a joke. Thank you and really have started applying all of this feedback to my life.
Excellent. Sounds like you’re on the right track.

My advice is to take a long view and not think that everything hinges on one decision or one opportunity. I had several obstacles to overcome, some self imposed and some were just the way things were. I got all my ratings by taking out small loans and paying each one off before I started on the next. Along the way, I got into some trouble that shut doors and jeopardized everything I’d worked for. I recently battled medical issues that had almost certainly ended my flying career but out of nowhere, was unexpectedly returned to flying status in the military and issued a Class 1.
Set a long term goal and work on a financial plan that makes it possible. I wouldn’t start flying until I was sure I had the funds to complete it, and I would
focus all my attention on the next step. Also, I suggest you expect any help you receive to be limited to advice and encouragement, not financial support. That’s a weak foundation that will lead to failure.
Best wishes, keep us posted on your progress.
The HIMS process will cost about $3-5K over several years. I believe it is 1, 3, or 5 years depending on how they view your prior addiction. Dr. Chien will cost about $300 and is definitely the best first investment, or some of the others like him if he doesn’t want to take your case.

As others have noted, becoming a professional pilot is a multi-year process. Keep up the good work and the long view in mind. This will take some time but will be an outstanding accomplishment.
My advice is to take a long view and not think that everything hinges on one decision or one opportunity. I had several obstacles to overcome, some self imposed and some were just the way things were. I got all my ratings by taking out small loans and paying each one off before I started on the next. Along the way, I got into some trouble that shut doors and jeopardized everything I’d worked for. I recently battled medical issues that had almost certainly ended my flying career but out of nowhere, was unexpectedly returned to flying status in the military and issued a Class 1.
Set a long term goal and work on a financial plan that makes it possible. I wouldn’t start flying until I was sure I had the funds to complete it, and I would
focus all my attention on the next step. Also, I suggest you expect any help you receive to be limited to advice and encouragement, not financial support. That’s a weak foundation that will lead to failure.
Best wishes, keep us posted on your progress.
As I do understand that my help is limited to just that. I do not depend on the finance to come from those who have worked hard to get where they are at. I to have plans and will work just as hard to get me in the right place. I know that this is all possible if I just keep doing what I know to do best and that is not to give up and to keep moving forward. It’s so easy to say forget it I’m done but to move on when you know moving is going to be a very daunting ideal is well worth it. I have made up that I will not give up and keep moving forward. It’s not just about flying it’s also about making myself trustworthy and this opportunity has done just that. I could have lied and lied about without a doubt got my medical. But the truth sometimes will hurt you but when you work for through that truth it’s all an honest days work. Thank you for the advice
The HIMS process will cost about $3-5K over several years. I believe it is 1, 3, or 5 years depending on how they view your prior addiction. Dr. Chien will cost about $300 and is definitely the best first investment, or some of the others like him if he doesn’t want to take your case.

As others have noted, becoming a professional pilot is a multi-year process. Keep up the good work and the long view in mind. This will take some time but will be an outstanding accomplishment.
Thank you so much as I almost have the cost for Dr. Chien I will need to work on the cost for the HIMS. That is my savings I’m trying to save for I didn’t know what that would cost. Thank you so much for that now I know where to start. Also if I may ask, so the years in the program you will not have any medical for that period until you complete the HIMS program correct?
Also if I may ask, so the years in the program you will not have any medical for that period until you complete the HIMS program correct?

That is correct, you will not have a medical until the HIMS program is successfully completed, a new medical application has been submitted, and a special issuance provided by the FAA. Thus you cannot solo a single engine land aircraft until that time. Likely minimum of 1.5 years from now and possible 5.5 years from now. All depends on the evaluation of your prior substance abuse issues.

FYI, the HIMS program will involve random drug screening, multiple psychiatric evaluations, and verified attendance multiple times per week at AA or the equivalent.

Keep the long run in view.
This may seem like empty advice...maybe it is; I’m sorry in advance.

$1000/45 days = $22/day. Hire on at an evening cleaning service for minimum wage. Work 3 hours at night, every night. Yeah, taxes may be withheld.

Detail cars. $60/car. 15 cars. Cash.

Mow lawns. $20 a yard. 50 mows.

Or some combination of the above. Bust your rump. You can do it.

That being said, I can’t imagine your life unless I’ve walked a mile in your shoes. I mean no disrespect sir. Same advice I would give to my loved ones.