Plane Names & Nose/Tail Art


Final Approach
Mar 4, 2020
Display Name

Display name:
Dale Andee
Just curious ... how many have named their airplane and have some nose or tail art on it?

I’ve thought about it but not really sure how to go about it. Is yours painted on or did you use vinyl?
I’ve thought about it but not really sure how to go about it. Is yours painted on or did you use vinyl?
The tail art and the N-number are vinyl, everything else is painted.

I actually got the name "Myunn" from a lady at Church. She's a lovely southern belle with quite an accent. Hearing the way she identified her stuff as "my-own" using her strong southern drawl made me tell her I was gonna name my plane after her. She asked if I was gonna name it Linda. I said "no" ...
Yup. And a changing panorama on the baggage door in the turtledeck.
nose art2.jpg

I say "changing panorama" because I replace it with something new every once in a while. Here's a close-up of the baggage door art in the above picture....
enemy ace.jpg
Ron Wanttaja
I'm still trying to think of a name and nose art. The two finalists are Desire Flyer, and The Zephyr.

Desire Flyer-Left 2 inch Cropped.gif Zephr2.jpg
I'm thinking of naming her "99 Problems" but I'm not sure what nose art to use for that.

"Oh, you could use a photo of my ex-wife/husband/boss/girlfriend/boyfriend/car/house, etc."

That was just too easy a target! Great tee-up, and we'll see who else responds!
I'm thinking of naming her "99 Problems" but I'm not sure what nose art to use for that.
A swirl of maintenance bills, hangar rent, angry wife, and your plane blasting off from that swirl like a homesick angel
One of my former student’s plane

I once thought of naming my old BC-12 "Taylor Slow" - a much sweeter girl.
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I'm thinking of naming her "99 Problems" but I'm not sure what nose art to use for that.
"Oh, you could use a photo of my ex-wife/husband/boss/girlfriend/boyfriend/car/house, etc."

That was just too easy a target! Great tee-up, and we'll see who else responds!
G-man beat me to it.

Heck, just blow up one of the generic women that come in ready made portrait frames. Put her on vinyl, voila!

Any woman'll do!

Charlie, pretending misogyny.

fly to the scene of the incident, or be recovered at the scene of the tragedy
If married, name it after your wife - should help keep her a fan of spending all of her money on an airplane...... :)
Mine used to be name Sabrina but after working on her for 5 years and her fighting me at every turn, I changed the name to Broom Hilda. No nose art but this rides on the hat rack.

One of my earlier airplanes was named "Girlfriend" and folks would stare at me a bit befuddled when I talked about getting high with her ...