Over the top for left downwind

FWIW I will tell you what a British pilot would do....overfly the airfield at TPA+500' or 1000'. maintain that altitude in a left turn to position upwind on the East side of the runway (they call that the"dead side"), descend to TPA, join the crosswind leg....all turns to the left (for a left pattern)
You mean like this?
I'm sure our kamikaze-entry guys would bithch about that too.

The original poster was approaching from the East for Rwy 36
I thought the whole point of a mid-field crossover was to avoid glide slope traffic. Where the heck have I been?

You come crosswind at the end of the pattern, and I'm at your altitude after take off.

Cross over me mid field please. I'm in a STOL aircraft .... :rolleyes:
I agree....crossing midpoint seems safer....just thought I'd share how they do it over here....and woe betide any Johnny Foreigner who tries to do it a different way!