Norte-Dame Cathedral, not good

Link won’t work on an apple product unless you download the apple new app...:loco:
Apparently the fire is related to some sort of construction going on with the cathedral and I wish I could take credit for this comment in one of the news articles, but I can't:

Reporter: "Sir. You saw the construction underway. Did you think they could be this careless?"

Quasimodo: "I had a hunch."
The dome has collapsed.
Horrible! Completely unexpected. My wife and I visited the cathedral briefly during our 10 year wedding anniversary trip. Unfortunately, even if it is rebuilt, it will/can never be the same.
Apparently the fire is related to some sort of construction going on with the cathedral and I wish I could take credit for this comment in one of the news articles, but I can't:

Reporter: "Sir. You saw the construction underway. Did you think they could be this careless?"

Quasimodo: "I had a hunch."
Waaay too soon....
Seems a bit early to start blaming the construction contractor on it unless they said, "we were welding and it caught fire." I'm surprised they didn't have safeguards in place on something as historically-significant as this cathedral. Either way, the Hunchback is going to need call his Farmer's insurance agent.
Seems a bit early to start blaming the construction contractor on it unless they said, "we were welding and it caught fire." I'm surprised they didn't have safeguards in place on something as historically-significant as this cathedral. Either way, the Hunchback is going to need call his Farmer's insurance agent.

"We know a thing or two because we've....oh, we haven't seen that."
That just so totally sucks. :(

Took almost 200 years to build and gone in less than a day.
My wife and kids all with links to Paris are of my favorite places if you have to be in Paris...sad day.
My mother in law is there now..... Hopefully some pics to follow.
So sad. My wife and I visited a few years ago and stood for hours gazing in awe at that building. It was literally breathtaking. The world is a lesser place without it.

I can’t imagine what could be done to rebuild, but if they need money I’d donate.
So sad. My wife and I visited a few years ago and stood for hours gazing in awe at that building. It was literally breathtaking. The world is a lesser place without it.

I can’t imagine what could be done to rebuild, but if they need money I’d donate.
As long as the stone structure stands I'm pretty sure they can rebuild it. It will be another entry into the history book of the cathedral.
Hope for the future. It won't be the same, it will become something new.
As long as the stone structure stands I'm pretty sure they can rebuild it. It will be another entry into the history book of the cathedral.
So long as they have the data plate.

All joking aside, it withstood so much until now.
I was there less than two weeks ago.
From the pictures later in the day, it looks like the interior of the church is fairly well maintained. The arched ceiling is made from stone and most of that, save for one larger hole, is maintained. For the most part, it burned the wooden roof off the top.

Many churches took similar damage during WW2 and were rebuilt after the war. I fully anticipate that Notre Dame will be rebuilt in the years to come.
So I hear this morning that the fire is out. Those fire bombers must really have worked.

I got a friend who flies the 747 Global Super Tanker bomber. I was going to photoshop it over the cathedral but decided it would be tacky.
So sad. My wife and I visited a few years ago and stood for hours gazing in awe at that building. It was literally breathtaking. The world is a lesser place without it.

I can’t imagine what could be done to rebuild, but if they need money I’d donate.

A fund to rebuild is already underway and in less than 24 hrs pledges of donations are over 300 million Euro's
So sad. My wife and I visited a few years ago and stood for hours gazing in awe at that building. It was literally breathtaking. The world is a lesser place without it.

I can’t imagine what could be done to rebuild, but if they need money I’d donate.

Several reputable charities are accepting contributions for rebuilding the Cathedral. This one, "The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception," is U.S.-based, which may (or may not) be important for tax purposes.

Oh, based on da title, I tought it was da Our Lady of da Norte Catedral, up dere on da Iron Range.
2 Frenchmen have already pledged around $300M. Now that's love of your country.
I'm still wondering why such a valuable structure wouldn't have more protection in place. Don't take this wrong, I'm not second-guessing or pointing fingers...just wondering.
2 Frenchmen have already pledged around $300M. Now that's love of your country.
Or love of that cathedral, or the Catholic church. But it's really just ... gone, even if rebuilt.
This cathedral doesn't belong to the Catholic church. They just have rights to use it. It belongs to France.
Ron - when you were there a few weeks ago, was the wood "screen" (I don't know what else to call it) still around the altar area? When I was there several years ago there was a wood screen or wall around the altar area that was carved with scenes from the Bible. I have read that the altar survived, but if they are speaking about the alter proper, it's stone. They may have removed the wood "screen" around the altar area before the construction work, as it appears the construction was above that area.