New game…Identify Nauga’s Avatar


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 25, 2005
Wichita, KS
Display Name

Display name:
1. Who can identify it by name?
2. Who has used one?

(I can answer positively to the second.)
Spindle adapter for a 45…… not to be confused with.45;)

with the record player covered in psychedelic 3D printed vinyl….
I didn't know what it was called, but I've used one once or twice before. It made me appreciate cd players and mp3s at an entirely new level. :p
Reminds me of a Bop-It.

Pretty sure I still have a few floating around somewhere.
@MauleSkinner has lobbed me a nice easy pitch, but I like the adapter and promise to change it back soon :D

who is ready for crowds again.
1. Who can identify it by name?
2. Who has used one?

(I can answer positively to the second.)
It would help if you can post a copy for proper context in case he changes it sometime in the future.

The singles are a hipster icon these days, but does anyone recognize this related thing? I haven't seen one in years and no longer have equipment that can use one. I had to borrow this pic from eBay.

Yes, I’ve used them, but not for about 30 years. I’m pretty impressed that @SkyChaser has actually used one.

There was a record player in one of the sitting areas in the music building of the college I attended, and since I was a commuter that bummed rides from my dad and sister, I often spent time after classes studying there. I sorta figured out how to use the record player so I could have background music as I studied. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have ever used one!
The singles are a hipster icon these days, but does anyone recognize this related thing? I haven't seen one in years and no longer have equipment that can use one. I had to borrow this pic from eBay.

Hell yes. Had a couple back in the day. Lets you stack 45s on a record changer. I was always fascinated by how well they worked. Kind of miss the days when you could stack a few LPs on a spindle and just let them play while you... did... whatever.
The singles are a hipster icon these days, but does anyone recognize this related thing? I haven't seen one in years and no longer have equipment that can use one. I had to borrow this pic from eBay.

And has anyone used the term “tone arm” in recent history?
Unless of course that's not just a restyling of the symbol of Sicily...
I still have a turntable, but I haven't played anything on it in decades.
Looks like something that could be used in a movie involving badly written dialogue, a heavy bassline soundtrack, and three women interested discovering each other.
In retrospect, it’s astonishing how much money we all blew on expensive turntables to listen to poor quality, noisy, scratchy vinyl. High fidelity playback of a low fidelity medium.
You should see the ones I'm holding for special occasions.

I hope none of them are moving or flashing, or I might have to re-instate the block.


I like this one:)
New avatar. And of course all the old links point to the new (wong) one. New thread?
New avatar. And of course all the old links point to the new (wong) one. New thread?

Naw...he posted upthread, so his avatar changes there, you just gotta look for it! Keeps the riffraff out. ;)
This is by far my favorite post of this thread:

...for the time being. ;)

and his personality
My grandparents had a Zenith console TV with radio and record player…the shape of the Cobra Matic tone arm didn’t allow for adding weight. ;)